Letters to the Editor
Brownsville Herald

U.S. President Donald Trump is not the Beast or the Anti-Christ, but he could be the last Trump, as prophesied in the Bible.
In the Bible, 1 Corinthians 15:52 says that in a moment, “in the twinkling of an eye,” a trumpet will sound and we true Christians saved by faith and His grace would be lifted up, and then Christ returns.
In the book of Daniel, chapter 8, we read of a stubborn goat king of the west that brings great catastrophe to the whole world. This could be President Donald J. Trump (Donald means ruler or king).
The prophesy of the beast in the Bible could be the armored limousine the president rides. This Bible prophesy also says that the number of the Beast is 666; we find that several people in the White House equal this number.
There also is a great computer in the White House named the Beast.
Now let us say that if a dictator in this White House talks and walks and acts like a beast, and if people there and around the world say this man is mentally unstable and unfit for the office because he tweets of nuclear war and having a bigger nuclear button that of North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, he could be the weird Beast of this Bible prophesy that brings fear of fire and fury.
May God Almighty save the world from this great catastrophe.

U.S. President Donald Trump is not the Beast or the Anti-Christ, but he could be the last Trump, as prophesied in the Bible.
In the Bible, 1 Corinthians 15:52 says that in a moment, “in the twinkling of an eye,” a trumpet will sound and we true Christians saved by faith and His grace would be lifted up, and then Christ returns.
In the book of Daniel, chapter 8, we read of a stubborn goat king of the west that brings great catastrophe to the whole world. This could be President Donald J. Trump (Donald means ruler or king).
The prophesy of the beast in the Bible could be the armored limousine the president rides. This Bible prophesy also says that the number of the Beast is 666; we find that several people in the White House equal this number.
There also is a great computer in the White House named the Beast.
Now let us say that if a dictator in this White House talks and walks and acts like a beast, and if people there and around the world say this man is mentally unstable and unfit for the office because he tweets of nuclear war and having a bigger nuclear button that of North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, he could be the weird Beast of this Bible prophesy that brings fear of fire and fury.
May God Almighty save the world from this great catastrophe.
this is special..like short bus special
Slow news Monday's.. dont you hate that?!
His son-in-law Jared Kushner bought building on 666 5th Ave. Maybe he is true power behind the beast.
But the Reverend, will save us, of course, with a modic cooperation $$$$ to the church.
Who cares what this chango says? smh
Jerry kicked your Brown ass on BISD filings, Montoya. Gringo Wins!
Puff puff pass
You got it wrong Juan! Trump is going to safe us from the evil beast Obama and his followers!
"...we find that several people in the White House equal this number."
What the hell does that even mean? Christ, this senile old man is nuttier than a fruitcake.
Love the preachers words. The most intelligent man in town.
Diego, what circles do you run around with if you think Resendez is the most intelligent man in town. If he were a real peacher, he would not be so negative with his comments and superstitious beliefs. It makes me wonder what book he has mistaken for the Good Book. God will forgive if he and you repent!
From the bottom up he ranks number 2.
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