Saturday, August 4, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: Those of us who have been lucky enough to have relatives among the natives of Central Michigan enjoy their annual Pow-Wow where the communities come together from throughout Michigan and surrounding states and Canada to enjoy the fellowship and celebrate their traditions.

There is competition among the natives including the traditional dancers, jingle-dress dancers and the dances which honor veterans, families, and even the children. The tribe owns the Isabella Reservation in Mt. Pleasant, Mich., the same place, coincidentally, where Central Michigan University is located.

(It's a little known fact, but some local people attended CMU. District Court Judge Migdalia Lopez is among them. District Judge Arturo Nelson attended the University of Michigan down the road in Ann Arbor in eastern Michigan near Detroit.)

A relative wrote: "Hi! Long time since I’ve seen you last. And, here are photos from powwow. They were in full regalia.
The Veterans (warriors) are honored. The oldest vet (in blue), George Martin, Korean War, ushers in the rest of the vets. They are accompanied by the male and female lead dancers.

There is a touching ceremony if one of the dancers' eagle feathers falls in the dance area. Everything stops and a group of veterans must hold a ceremony by burning tobacco and saying a prayer in the four cardinal points for the fallen warrior before the dance continues. Among the veterans honored are included those who fought in Wounded Knee and Pine Ridge.

It’s a family affair."


Anonymous said...

You are claiming native American heritage? What do you think they would think of your opposition to a plastic bag ban?

Anonymous said...

Wounded Knee was in 1890, 128 years ago. Not likely a veteran of that conflict is still attending the Pow Wow.

Anonymous said...

You gotta beep a gunk a chucha
Honk konk konk
You gotta each you puna
Each ya bop a luba
Each yall bump a kechonk
Ease sum konk
Ya, ride

but I tell you this man
I Tell you this man I don't know what's gonna happen man
but I wanna have my kicks before the whole shit house goes up in flames. All right, all right.. the doors

Anonymous said...

What's with you and Michigan? Why don't you do a feature on our local native Americans in the Sabal Palm area who are in our community, our schools, and our relatives. Let us learn about them.
