It is March 2013.
The Brownsville Independent School District board of trustees then sent out Requests for Quotes (RFQ) to hire a new legal advisor for the district.
Among those who answered the BISD's RFQ is one Baltazar Salazar from Houston. In his cover letter, he plays the education and local card to the hilt.
"As a former classroom teacher and a product of the BISD, it is my distinct privilege to submit my proposal..."
After listing his background and qualifications, his narrative goes on to say – among other things – that he has "litigated on both sides of construction defect and insurance coverage cases for educational institutions..."
In the next citation, he listed his work on behalf of the BISD in the federal lawsuit brought against the Royal Surplus Lines Insurance Company dealing with the company's refusal to pay for the mold damage in both schools.
To make the long story short, the district was not able to collect on the insurance to pay claims against it by students at teachers at the schools mainly as a result of Salazar's feeble defense of the district.
Federal Judge Andrew Hanen minced no words about his view of BISD's legal representation at the very top of the June 2, 2005 order and memorandum granting the insurance carrier its motion for summary judgments.
"Before this Court are three motions for summary judgment filed by the plaintiff, Royal Surplus Lines Insurance Company (“Royal” or “Plaintiff”). Each will be discussed in greater detail below but, suffice it to say, each seeks a judgment that Royal is not liable to the defendant, Brownsville Independent School District (“BISD”), for damages suffered by BISD due to the presence of mold at two of its schools: Bruce Aiken Elementary School (“Aiken”) and Raul Besteiro Middle School(“Besteiro”).

Continued Hanen:
"Following that discussion in which the Court practically set out for BISD the form in which its responses should be filed, pointed out the need for a better response on one motion, and pointed out the need for some kind of response on the other two, BISD filed nothing!
Royal filed a supplemental summary judgment motion containing numerous affidavits which establish the competence of and/or authenticated many of the exhibits it had attached to its prior motions. Even after this was filed, BISD filed nothing.
The old adage comes to mind that you can lead a horse to water, tell him to take a drink, give him extra time to drink, but you still cannot make him drink. This Court cannot make a non-movant file a complete response (or any response for that matter) to a summary judgment motion, but it can grant the motions."
Despite warnings by the Court and a direct order setting a deadline, BISD has not filed a response to two of the three motions. Also, despite warnings from the Court, including an admonition to supplement its sole response, and the issuance of a firm deadline, the one response filed was not supplemented to provide the Court with any competent summary judgment evidence that raises an issue of material fact. That being the case, the Court hereby GRANTS all three of Royal’s summary judgment motions."
In his narrative about having "represented the Port of Brownsville in potential environmental claims for asbestos landfills, above-ground storage tanks, underground storage tanks, soil contamination and water contamination," he listed then-Port Chairman Mario Villarreal as his character reference.That was news to Villarreal who denied that Salazar had been the port's attorney.
"He didn't do anything," Villarreal said when notified of the claims in Salazar's RFQ.
In fact, Villarreal filed a complaint against Salazar for failing to produce any results for which he hired the attorney even after he had taken a partial $3,500 payment promising to expunge the record of one of his relatives. Since the kid had served his sentence and then his probation, expungement, Villarreal found out, was not possible.
After two years, at least seven letters and 30 to 40 emails, Salazar failed to respond to any of them and had not informed Villarreal on the status of the case.
We have documented how Salazar failed to expunge three arrests and at least one felony conviction for theft ( a crime of moral turpitude) at the time that the board majority hired him as counsel. The conviction, he asserted, had been "set aside" after he served his seven years of probation in lieu of three years in prison and paid restitution to the victims.
However, even after a local court granted him the motion for expunction, an appeals court sided with the Texas Department of Public Safety and reversed the order.
That alone, according to the BISD's policy would have been enough to terminate his employment with the district. The policy states that: "a school district may terminate a contract with a person or business entity if the district determines that the person or business entity failed to give notice as required...or misrepresented the conduct resulting in the conviction..."
And yet, this didn't stop the board then - and the current one now - from hiring him over more qualified firms with decades of experience in education and have hiked his salary up to the current $280,000 with two more years to go. Will a new board out up with the likes of "Balty?"
Only then-board members Caty Presas-Garcia and Luci Longoria voted against Salazar. In the last election, Salazar was the main mover (and hidden hand) behind a PAC set up for her defeat.
Will he be allowed to contribute enough campaign cash or form a PAC now to elect members who will keep his gravy train rolling?
Baltazar is Brown. Settles it for me.
Agree with @12:45 PM
Trump wants my birth certificate? I want Salazar to stay right where he is. Fuck it. Time to play the Race Card, bro.
Why and how is this thief even considered to hold employment for BISD?
He and his BITCH sister LIZ VERA need to be in jail!
What a great role model for his kids and the kids of BISD.
If citizens go out and "VOTE" for the BISD Baltazar Salazar Piece of Shit Rata will not have a contract.
Enough is Enough Ass Hole Rata Salazar has got to go!!!
Hope some of the Board Members who are on the Ballot will have the Balls to Get Rid of the Thieve.....
Current Board Members more then likely owe the Ass Hole Favors... How in the Hell is this guy under contract? I'm a Tax Payer and I sure do hope the new Board will see through the abuse of power....
Balta es un pendejo hecho hacer. La que lo cuida es la bruja Atkinson. Se tapan con la misma colcha.
Go out and VOTE to end this guy corruption as well as the others that need to be flushed down the toilet.
VOTE Cat Presas Garcia, Otis Powers and P. Tipton they should help finish the job of firing Salazar ass.
Keep it up Montoya, keep it up Gavito, keep it up Marin, keep it Hernandez, you guys are really looking like people who can be trusted,NOT!!!!!
Hey post August 30 at 5:21 pm sounds like Caty Presas, LOL!
Post August 30, 2018 at 11:32 P.M
I'm a citizen who's sick and tired of the Bullshit Abuse in Brownsville
I'm here only for 4-5 months out of the year and I looked up the
name of Caty as you mentioned it looks like that woman has more
balls then the idiots sitting on the school board now .. I'm from
the East Coast and the bullshit here would'nt be allowed where
I come from .. So put your name on the post like real
men and woman do.. You must be an idiot or just someone
who doesn't give a shit about tax dollars .. I'm putting my
name so you know who wrote the post ..
Thank you
Timothy Anderson from Annapolis Maryland
Find "The White Horse/Stallion" BISD candidates need his support.
The Culture of Corruption in Annapolis
April 7, 2017 Jeffrey Peters
Today, prosecutors with the U. S. attorney’s office filed an affidavit alleging State Senator Nathaniel Oaks (D – Baltimore City, 41) accepted money in return for helping a developer obtain and fund (through a state bond bill) development projects. The developer was an informant with the FBI, and the original meetings were arranged in September of 2015 after the FBI was notified of possible criminal activity.
Police: 1 Baltimore County officer out, 1 suspended, Oaks sentenced to 42 months in prison, Editorial Advisory Board: No end in sight, 2 Baltimore detectives convicted of racketeering, robbery, Hogan warns that a ‘culture of corruption’ could be taking root in Annapolis.
Stay away from annapolis Maryland
And they're ALL WHITE!!!!
To: August 31, 2018 at 1:01 PM
I'm from the East Coast and the bullshit here would'nt be allowed where
I come from.
#23, Maryland
Public Corruption: 22
Racketeering & Extortion: 20
Fraud Rank: 28
Forgery & Counterfeiting: 37
Embezzlement: 15
Recent Scandal: Ten Maryland residents were implicated in a far-reaching, $35 million mortgage, mail and wire fraud scheme that operated from 2004 to 2007. All plead guilty in May 2009. The conspirators in the fraud ran Metropolitan Money Store, which promised to help homeowners who were in too much debt and at risk of losing their homes to foreclosure. But, instead of help, MMS asked the owners to transfer the titles of their homes for a year to third parties—straw buyers the company had concocted. The company used the properties to get additional mortgages and loans, leveraged fees for services they didn't perform and transferred money from escrow accounts into personal accounts.
Go back to annapolis Maryland you might start a trend that most of us law abiding citizens would not like or just keep quiet.
Juan you need to go set up a blog over at annapolis Maryland. Looks like they need some help.
Juan look beneath the smoke and mirrors, if Gilbert Salinas was given an incentive for his new company start up, by the BEDC or GBIC. Is this another Charles Cabler scam or a hush payment for the Jackass Jason Hilts cover up. Is this another payment cover up to shut up his part in the Columbian cover up for Tony the Tiger Martinez,
Juan smells very fishy to me. Another Hilts cover up, giving Salinas a grant to start his own business with a grant from GBIC and the BEDC, that is just a legal pay of. Surely there is a conflict of interest giving such an incentive while still employed by employed by GBIC or by the BEDC. Another scam in the making.
Anonymous Sept 1.2018 4:43 p.m
MARYLAND has had it's issues just like Texas,
Brownsville and Cameron County.. In this
part of the U.S. Local Elected Officials get
arrested prosecuted and remove from office..
It seems you have a serious infestation of
continued corruption and don't seem to clean
your corruption it continues .. In Maryland
we stand up complain and we report abusive
behavior from dirty politics or abusise ass holes ..
I served my country and defended the rights of all
citizens in a country that was founded by
Great Leaders !! Not make believe people
who call themselves " Leaders" .. I respect leaders
who stand up and take the bull by the horn.
Annapolis , Maryland is much better then
you think ...
Mr. Anderson
"It seems you have a serious infestation of
continued corruption and don't seem to clean
your corruption it continues .. In Maryland
we stand up complain and we report abusive
behavior from dirty politics or abusise ass holes .."
For your limited information this news article is dated Sept 3rd, 2018:
By now there have been so many cases of political corruption in Maryland, you can understand why the sentencing judge in the Nat Oaks case took a minute Tuesday to determine if there was something unique about it.
I don’t think it’s a stretch to say Maryland has one of the richest histories of political corruption in the country. I mean, the place is practically a petri dish for it. We’ve had politicians who became crooks and crooks who became politicians.
This is from "The Baltimore Sun"
In Maryland, the SPLC says hate groups — from white supremacists to anti-LGBTQ, anti-Muslim and black separatist organizations — are active. The SLPC website has an interactive map showing the location of hate groups state by state.
Racist Groups are active in Maryland and their ideology
National Socialist Movement, statewide in Maryland, Neo-Nazi
Be Active Front USA, statewide in Maryland, racist/skinhead
Crew 38, statewide in Maryland racist/skinhead
Southern National Congress, Maryland, neo-Confederate
Heritage and Destiny, headquarters in Silver Spring, white nationalist
Council of Conservative Citizens, Silver Spring, white nationalist
East Coast Knights Of The True Invisible Empire, Annapolis, Ku Klux Klan
The Daily Stormer, Baltimore, neo-Nazi
Maryland State Skinheads, headquarters in Baltimore, racist/skinhead
Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge, headquarters in Baltimore, black
Jamaat al-Muslimeen, headquarters in Baltimore, general hate
Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ, Baltimore, black separatist
Barnes Review/Foundation for Economic Liberty, Inc., headquarters in Upper Marlboro, Holocaust denial
Nation of Islam, Baltimore, black separatists
Confederate White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, headquarters in Rosedale
Label 56, headquarters in Nottingham, hate music
League of the South, Clements, neo-Confederate
Refugee Resettlement Watch, headquarters in Fairplay, anti-Muslim
They even have a hate music group- CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!!!!
In Brownsville they have a special class called political and corruption studies, sometimes they have to take second classes for the double dipping scumbags.
Looking back on Maryland's political season so far, the only players busier than the governor, legislators, Annapolis staffers, party operatives and political geeks like me were, unfortunately, prosecutors.
This session of the Maryland General Assembly began and ended with high profile indictments for various alleged political crimes. Among this latest spate of accused pay-to-players: former Prince George's County delegates William Campos and Michael Vaughn; Baltimore Sen. Nathaniel Oaks; and former Baltimore delegate-designee and current mayoral aide Gary Brown.
Commenter at September 2, 2018 at 5:15 PM posted-
"Annapolis , Maryland is much better then
you think ..."
Look for the "White Horse" !!! He is the key to all of us.
We are with the WHITE HORSE...Go WHITE HORSE !!!
The WHITE HORSE, Where is he?
WHITE HORSE, Help us,whoever you are,just help us..Please,Please. Por Favor..Juan, you know who the White Horse is, talk to him.
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