By Juan Montoya
No one thought that Carlos Elizondo would have the chutzpah to run for reelection for the board of the Brownsville Independent School District in November.
And there were already inklings that Luci Longoria, who filed for a spot on the Position 2 board ballot to "hacerle esquina" a her former board colleague Katy Presas-Garcia, would withdraw within the eight-day period after filing. Longoria has said she will continue supporting Press-Garcia in her race for Position 1.
Yet, even with 11 counts on two indictments charging him with theft, abuse of fiduciary duty, and of breaching the security of emergency system city computers, Elizondo filed for reelection. Already, even his colleagues on the BISD board recoiled when Cesar Lopez, the BISD president, said he was stepping down as board president and, by protocol, Elizondo was next in line fof the board's top spot.
Cooler heads prevailed and Lopez was talked into not resigning because no one at the district wanted to bear the onus of having an indicted defendant represent the district as president.
Well, apparently Mark Anthony Cortez, the son of JP 2-1 Linda Salazar, is not letting reports that on at least four times his mommy refused to recuse herself from sitting on cases involving him, and handing out dismissals and token fines ($20).
In one case which is still pending in her court, she has sat on a petition by a collections company to make Mark fork over the more than $2,300 debt he owned to Walmart through a credit card. That case landed on Linda Salazar's desk last April and remains there, even after the company sought a default judgment when Cortez failed to answer their petition in court.
Now we hear that the company's attorneys have been informed of the relationship between the defendant and the judge on the case.
And while Linda introduced Mark to her Facebook followers , her other son, Ruben Cortez, is running for reelection on the State Board Of Education (SBOE) against City of Brownsville IT Specialist Tad Hasse. Cortez served previously as a board member at BISD.
These type of activities involving relatives by a judicial officer goes against every precept of fairness and impartiality. In fact, judicial canons are quite specific on the practice. The specific prohibition against this is embedded in the Texas Constitution.
Sec. 11. DISQUALIFICATION OF JUDGES; EXCHANGE OF DISTRICTS; HOLDING COURT FOR OTHER JUDGES. No judge shall sit in any case wherein the judge may be interested, or where either of the parties may be connected with the judge, either by affinity or consanguinity, within such a degree as may be prescribed by law, or when the judge shall have been counsel in the case.
Texas Code of Judicial Conduct

In each case, the docket sheet notes that the cases were dismissed by the state (Cameron County District Attorney's Office), and once at Salazar's discretion after Cortez appeared to have complied with the law and replaced his expired license/registration on his car. She charged him a token $20 for court costs and that was it. That's her signature on the bottom.
In Case 2011-FTR-008037, Mark Anthony was charged with having an unrestrained child in his car and on a companion case 2011-FTR-00838, was charged himself for not wearing a safety belt. Both, as the docket sheet notes, were dismissed on a motion by the state. Salazar also signed off on them. We seriously doubt that the state attorneys realized the defendant was Salazar's son.
In yet another case, 2017-FTR-00468, he was charged with displaying the expired license sticker and got off with the $20 fine for court costs.
And there is that other case pending in Salazar's court involving Mark Anthony (2018-FDC-00525), this one involving an unpaid $2,335.61 since February 7, 2017 on a Walmart credit card. That account was sold to Midland Funding who then sued for collection. That lawsuit ended at Linda's court since April 2018 and remains pending.
And this mother-son duo expects the BISD voters to turn blind eye to this unethical behavior and place Anthony in a policy-making position when it is clear that following policy means nothing to either one?
If Mark is in the race as a "ghost candidate" to take away votes from the already too large field for position 1, then by all means he should pull his name out. Was this done as a "desquite" to steal votes from others? Filling for a position to get rid of someone is the sole purpose for running. The children are the priority and all other benefits should be pushed aside. If he has so much trouble with the law, why would be want him on board when we are so eager to get rid of another?
Linda Salazar is the new Aurora de la Garza of county politics. She has no qualms about misusing her position and authority to protect her "babies" from abiding by the laws the rest of us must conform to. She is focused on herself, her income and taking advantage of our system of fairness. Linda Salazar and her family are leaches on society and greedy for our tax dollars. Salazar and her entire klan should be removed from office (voters can do that) and if not, they will continue to rape, ravage and pillage our system to their own personal benefit.
Well it’s the people’s fault that she is in that position. Vote her out simple as that.
The majority voters of Brownsville aren't educated enough to know better. It is clear that Linda Salazar has violated the canon of ethics. But yet not even the Cameron county DA or any one else in authority filed a complaint? Linda is another Rene Oliver's their abuse of their trusted position y les vale Madre.Linda needs to see what's going on and what has happen to the corrupt DEMOCRATIC party other elected officials that are now doing time or have done time in prison. It's really not the party's falt its the character that has been elected. And inspire of your information posted on Cortez will still garnish votes. Brownsville voters demand corruption. Puro pendejos aqui
Just plain Gross. What is worse people that can do something turn a blind eye sickening.
Its fine what Linda does, Judge David Sanchez supported and campaigned for his brother Dumb Dan and also for that republican in a democrat suit Cordova. So did anything happen to him? Nope, business as usual in Cameron County. So let her be!!
This young man is not fit to be on a PTA committee much less on a school board. I cannot imagine him being a role model for our school kids with such a questionable character. The board is already full of unfit members. Thanks for the info Juan.
They must be so proud of each other.
This candidates need to embrace the WHITE HORSE, if they expect to win !
Cascos is a republican remember just like trump!!!
Bring the WHITE HORSE, whoever he is, we need new blood.
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