"The temperature was almost 100 degrees and with the humidity it felt like 108 or 110, and this grandmother and her little girl were waiting for the approaching bus," they wrote. "When you think of the millions the city has spent on real-estate speculation downtown and those nonsensical bike and hike trails, you wonder where the elected officials' priorities lie."
They have a point. Just one road over (off Paredes Line Road) a deluxe bike and hike trail is offered well-heeled bikers who can take a leisurely cruise around town and enjoy the ride. If they get tired, attractive rest shelters have been installed by the city for them to take a break.
If it's after dark, the city has implemented a glow stone trail project with a budget of $90,000 from department funds so they can't lose their way.
On the other hand, many times BUS riders have to wait under the baking sun or in rain or cold. And we have posted here before that the bus shelters procured by the BUS contractors lie unassembled in their bus barns.

Shame, indeed.)
Again? You rag on the city about this every other day. Go out build them yourself, cocksucker! They're just for Mexicans, dude!
Bola de pinche pendejos e pendejas. And y’all thought san bene was the only one that has them. And in their own little world they think they are doing good and will save the world.
This is what happens when your elect individuals like we have on our present City Commisdion, especially the Mayor, Tony Martinez, so Self-indulgent and.Conniving !!!
I need more shelters on my hike and bike trails, before I vote for bus shelters, cried Ross (ride your bike) Cowen. The people can carry umbrellas where the cycling people can't. Bikes before busses.
Those shelters are being installed ,mostly on the north side of town. Saw some on Alton Gloor road.
Shut the fuck up Marrano del Monte!
Until low information dimocRATAS stop electing dimocRATAS MAMONES we will remain the poorest city in the COUNTRY in a state that is the 12th largest economy IN THE WORLD.
We don't need bus shelters for ILLEGAL ALIENS lets export them back to their SHIT HOLE countries.
We don't need THIRD WOLRLD bike lanes for these illegals, few lefty idiots that uses them. Stop wasting our hard earn tax dollars on this utterly STUPID project.
Not sure how many cities you have investigated, but most towns don't have bus stop shelters at all stops. I used the bus for many years in the D.C. and never had a shelter anywhere along the route.
Shelters are being installed in the wrong places, like hike and bike trails. Let's take care of the most needed instead of doing pet projects that serves no purpose whatsoever. City commissioners, get to work and start doing you jobs and take care of the most needed. Put a stop to this crazy thinking that bike lines are a priority, they are not, same goes to Cyclovias. What a waste of tax payers monies.
Even san bene has bus shelters!
To Pendejos at: August 19, 2018 at 8:02 PM and August 19, 2018 at 8:06 PM
There is no sun up north that's why everybody is white pendejo. As far as democrates the city council is composed of ALL REPUBLICANS conceal as democrats...otro pendejo.
Welcome to Brownsville where the city's priority is to build useless bike lines, bike trails and not roads. Where they spend tens of thousands on ill attended Cylovias, where providing bus shelters for the most needed is put on the back burner. Keep electing the same leaders and we will have the same for years to come.
I will give 10 free Muff dives for every bus shelter built in Brownsville up until the end of 2018. I will be to busy with GBIC and Jason Hilts, looking for a new supplier of Black Magic for the Mayor to look at with Gilbert Salinas. Sorry offer ends in December. The scumbag Black Mamba Rene Oliveria.
Fire that new guy making 230,000 a year and built the shelters.
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