Thursday, September 27, 2018


By Juan Montoya

In what has become a predictable dirge from Erasmo Castro, one of the Position 2 candidates for the board of the Brownsville Independent School District, he is charging that one of his opponents, former trustee Herman Otis Powers, threatened him with  bodily harm during a recent forum.

Powers, of course, denies it, saying that after Castro made numerous insinuations of him influence-peddling and back-dating contracts of BISD employees he had had enough and told Castro that "if he wanted to take the gloves off, we could."

This is not the first time that Castro has yelled "wolf" at other politicians.

Not that long ago, after he made public comments accusing the City of Brownsville Budget and Oversight Committee members of openly violating the Texas Open Meetings Act, he filed a complaint with the Brownsville Police Dept. saying that commissioner Ben Neece had confronted him in the hallway and that "I fear for my life and well being. 

I fear for official retaliation by Commissioner Ben Neece using the powers of his elected position and the resources of the City of Brownsville.

I ask for protection from local law enforcement."

That petered out into nothing, but elicited the predictable sympathy from his small cadre of Cheezme worshipers.

Now, as he seeks to disavow comments he posted in his Facebook page comparing BISD school girls and boys to "whores," hood rats" and "ghetto wercos and wercas," he is again diverting attention by an alleged threat from one of his political opponents. (Click on graphic to enlarge.)

"He just threatened me! He just threatened me on live videotape!" Castro yelled into the microphone during the forum held by B.E.S.T., an acronym for Brownsville Educators Stand Together, a teacher's union group.

Believe it or not, Alberto Alegria's Texas Valley Educator's Association endorsed him over Powers and Carlos Elizondo.

Go figure.

This is despite Castro's disdain for the union's endorsement of Caty Presas-Garcia over him the last time he ran for the BISD board. At that time he posted (again on his Facebook page) that the union's endorsement wasn't worth much. (See graphic. Click to enlarge)

Those who have seen the YouTube version of the forum cannot detect the alleged murderous threat.

Hopefully, with just a little over a month before the Nov. 6 election, Castro will survive these life-threatening confrontations in one piece to stay alive until after the voting.


Anonymous said...

i hear that Jason could be participating in a TV ad!!!! I guess stay tuned!!!!

Anonymous said...

Erasmo is a big bully he was getting on Powers face it was a set up. What a coincidence someone was there to record this!
I'm voting for Powers!
Erasmo shouldn't be allow around students!

Anonymous said...

Eat a donut and calm the fuck down E.C.

Anonymous said...

You are a hypocrite Juan. You are in the Herald's payroll, Da Mayor's Payroll and you will lick Gowen's boots when you see her become Mayor

Anonymous said...

Maybe Erasmo didn't run in 2012 for anything?

Anonymous said...

I'm 100% agree with that EC shouldn't be allowed around students and any BISD bldgs

Anonymous said...

I sure hope he has filled out a volunteer form with BISD. Cause he is constantly in and out of school taking pictures of our students and not to mention looks like a pervert. He has ran for practically everything and doesn’t get the hint that they just want him for his gossip. He loves to leach off of people. He is the biggest attention whore!

Anonymous said...

Please don't let Rose Gowan become Mayor, she will close off down town for motor vehicles, and
rent bicycles with three wheels for the elderly. Then all the bike trails will have rest shelters, with kiosks every mile, with patrol cops driving up and down for safety.

Anonymous said...

Folk's be aware of the "WHITE HORSE", he can change the dynamic's of this election !!

Anonymous said...

To 11:29, in what way is Juan a hypocrite? If it wasn't for Juan who has been informing us of what goes on behind the scenes at the city, county and BISD since the 1980"s, our voices would never be heard. Juan has been the eyes and ears of the silent majority. So instead of making late night rants, you need to give credit where credit is due. Keep up the good work Juan.

Anonymous said...

You can clearly hear powers say, “You’re dead,” twice.

Anonymous said...

Erasmo is the biggest prostitute in Brownsville, he is not running to win, just to split the votes. Otis will win this election.

Anonymous said...

We are with the White Horse !Yay, White Horse, el Caballo Blanco, orale

Anonymous said...

Watch for the WHITE HORSE !

CC Taxpayer said...

Sad situation when a convicted felon can run for an office? Sadder, that the same convicted felon can be such a pussy!

Anonymous said...

Ok, let me get this straight. Someone threatens you, you speak up for yourself, let it be known to others, and you're called a pussy ? So just because you're an adult , it is ok to be insulted and mistreated? These bullies never outgrew their school days antics.

Anonymous said...

The WHITE HORSE knows who is going to win the BISD elections.

Anonymous said...

Adelante Caballo Blanco, Estamos contigo, Go White Horse, change the dynamic's of this election. You are the talk of the town more so than the candidates themselves. With all these scandel's, we need a White Horse, donde estas?

Anonymous said...

Nosotros estamos con El Caballo Blanco, echele ganas Caballo, para adelente, vamos para adelente, la politica aqui en Cameron County no vale madre, nececitamos el Caballo Blanco. Arriba El Caballo Blanco.

Anonymous said...

Where worms come out of the woodwork to run for office...
