Friday, September 14, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: The potholes and pieces of asphalt littering the roadway on 13th Street before it intersects with Roosevelt Street in downtown Brownsville indicates that the patch-up job performed by City of Brownsville Public Works crews is money thrown down the drain.

While our city leaders and visionaries dream up schemes such as bike and hike trials to make the city be like Austin or San Antonio, the basic infrastructure like drainage, bus shelters and other necessities of urban life have been ignored in favor of the "sexy" projects.

We become inured to the facts that when we get even a moderate thunderstorm we can expect certain areas of the city – such as Four Corners, 13th Street, Villa Verde (McDavitt), parts of West Brownsville, and even downtown –  to become lakes until the waters subside and drain off into the drainage.

You can close off downtown for three hours, ride bicycles in your fluorescent Spandex outfits, spend a fortune in municipal funds to do it, but at the end of the feel-good orgy, if it rains, you have to drive home through a flooded city.

The city crews will come around again and patch the asphalt, clean the ditches, and then wait for the next rain to do it all over again.

To the credit of commissioner Rose Gowen and her acolytes, the hike and bike trails are constructed of first-rate materials and won't flood while the rest of us do. For Public Works crews, a good rain means job security. For the city taxpayers, the potholes an broken pieces of asphalt mean more money going down the drain.)


Anonymous said...

No problem on the bike trails, they are in good condition no potholes anywhere, good for you Rose Gowan.

Anonymous said...

Low cost speed bumps.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work Rose Gowan, you have done nothing for Brownsville and continue to mess up the public
SATAN is worrying that you will over pass his or her evilness for the top job.

Anonymous said...

Keep voting for the same elected officials and you will continue to see the same problems for years to come. Top priority are bile trails and lanes and of course, I'll-attended Cyclovias that drain the buget on overtime and screw up the real priorities which are providing basic municipal services instead of misusing the budget for pet projects. Lets get with the program and boot these so called leaders out.

Anonymous said...

These assholes want you taxpayers to be passed off about the streets just watch before some of these idiots terms expire they will go out for bonds in the millions sticking it to us again.Its there golden parachute before they get out fken dirt bags.

Anonymous said...

How about our new $20 million scoreboard!

Anonymous said...

Public Works: Crony with no professional education and not an engineer.
Finance: All cronys. Not a CPA in sight, never has, never will.
Planning: Not an urban planning degree in sight.
Auditor: Crony. Was a nurse or something, not a auditor or accountant.

Any questions?

Diego lee rot said...

I’m so poor I can barley afford air to put in my stolen bikes tires

Anonymous said...

While the upper valley cities grow and are progressive, Brownsville continues to reap the destruction of Mayor Tony Martinez and his administration. Brownsville will soon be the "eyesore" of the RGV. Even Mercedes is growing faster than Brownsville in terms of investment and new jobs. We can only blame the leaderless administration of Tony Martinez. It will take years to recover from the Tony Martinez era.

Anonymous said...

You keep her in office, or is it because she is related to the Zavelletars your vote will count.

Anonymous said...

Dominos Pizza has a road repair program to protect pizzas. If all Brownsville people petition Dominos to protect their pizzas, maybe we can get our roads fixed. Just an idea.

Anonymous said...

If you take out a DOMINOS pizza and it gets damaged DOMINOES pizza company will repair the pot hole.

Anonymous said...

The taco joints should band together and do the same as Domino's pizza, or maybe that idiot de la rosa and his mariscos since he cares so much about employment...
