Thursday, September 27, 2018


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

It has now been confirmed that it was local attorney Bruce Tharpe who called the Immigration and Customs Enforcement to report the husband of one of his female clients after he was faring badly in family court.

The couple were before the court to determine the amount of child support and visitation rights. By all accounts, the father had been making every effort to live up to his responsibilities and the court was sympathetic in allowing him visitation to his offspring.

And, in the evidence that was presented to the court and the conditions the little girl was living in with her mother and the obvious affection between father and daughter, the court was leaning toward siding with the father.

Attorney Liz Valdez Garza was representing the father and Tharpe was representing the woman.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Tharpe called I.C.E. to report the man. According to various sources, the ICE agents arrived at the courthouse and asked security for the suspect and waited for about two hours until the hearing was over and he emerged from the courthouse.

Now Valdez-Garza, who first thought it was Tharpe's client who had called ICE to report her former husband, says that the ICE agent has told her that his supervisor had specifically ordered him to seek out Tharpe when he got to the courthouse.

"Everybody is upset," she wrote. Apparently, the suspect was not wanted for any crime and it was only a civil hearing on a family matter.

As news of Tharpe's vindictive move becomes known, will other fathers who may be in a similar situation become wary of appearing in family (or in any other courts) if they think the opposing attorneys will sic immigration authorities on them if they show up? People blame the federal government for separating immigrant families, but is what Tharpe did any different?

What if they happen to be witnesses in criminal cases and the lawyers for the criminal know they are undocumented? Will the crime victims have to forgo justice if the undocumented witnesses are arrested and detained?

We have mentioned in a past post that Tharpe was a professional wrestler in the past, even getting to be the president of a fledgling wrestling association. Does that mean that he believes in the no-hold-barred approach to the law as well?


Anonymous said...

He is another scumbag that fits the shoes of the scumbag Rene Oliveria. He should be deposed and checked if he is romantically involved with his client, report him to the law society for an investigation. This scumbag should be struck off for his actions and be suspended immediately, Black ball him, and keep his name in lights.

Anonymous said...

He is such an asshole that thinks he is above the law.

Anonymous said...

The scumbag Rene Oliveria thought that when he was cuffed and taken in jail, now he is lying his head off to stay out of jail, there he was crying in his Merlo my girlfriend has left me and gone back to the Shrimp man. Both these excuses for men, one only knows Muff Diving, and the other scumbag knows how to scream and faking wrestling, he could not make it in the ring, so he became a snitch for some Pussy.

Anonymous said...

Boycott this bum who is a snitch for Ice, remember he is a has been failure fake wrestler, now he is a scumbag lawyer. Give him a wide berth.

Anonymous said...

Should file a complaint with the state bar. Isn't his wife "the Mexican clown" from Mexico too? Maybe his client should be charged for harboring an illegal immigrant.

Anonymous said...

He's now in the right profession...

Anonymous said...

Brownsville has enough scumbag clowns as it is, without adding a snitch fake wrestler clown. His motto is, if I am not winning I will report you to the authorities, then I will win, I have the border patrol on speed dial. I will show the cartel who is the boss. My court moto is come to court and lose or I will use my speed dial.

Anonymous said...

Thorpe is a wannabe lawyer who can only get domestic cases as he is still a stupid clown, that is nothing like the scumbag Rene Oliveria. Yes Oliveria is a scumbag lawyer who defends his client for payment in sex, but he still would not call the law as he would need them in the future. Wannabe Thorpe yes you are The King Scumbag of Brownsville

george lopez said...


Anonymous said...

What a bum this asshole is, just wait until he needs to have people to come to court as a witness, then he will see who help him.

Anonymous said...

Traffic signs in dallas read "Stupids South".

Anonymous said...

Thorpe has been challenged by the new scumbag Jessica, will Thorpe retaliate and use his speed dial.

Anonymous said...

Don't laugh he is enough of a scumbag to be the next city attorney, and I will say yes if the price is right.

Anonymous said...

Rofiano payaso
