By Juan Montoya
At one time, whatever Da Mayor Tony Martinez wanted, Tony got.
City manager Charlie Cabler would wince when yet another invoice from some gentrified consulting firm would land with a thud on his desk to be paid "as per Mayor Martinez."
Since Martinez knew that Cabler had a $35,000 cap on expenditures without going through the city commission, he went to the well repeatedly, to the chagrin of good-soldier Charlie.
This started early in his first term when he invited a snake-oil salesman to be the exclusive vendor of publicity banners to be draped on PUB light posts and fixtures. It seem that salesman had convinced Martinez that Brownsville had been chosen – from hundreds of cities around the country – to be the recipient of the company's presence here.

After a while, local businesses began the trek to city hall to complain about the strong-arm tactics trying to get them to buy the deluxe package. It got to the point where the charm wore thin and he was sent packing.
This didn't stop Tony. He soon hooked up with all other kinds of outfits who promised to turn Brownsville into an Austin-by-the-Rio Grande and the invoices kept piling up on Cabler's desk who dutifully paid them. It wasn't his money after all.
The examples abound. He leaned on the city administration to fork out cash dipping into the $3,060,000 settlement the city received from AEP Texas, a statewide utility. He had the administration (Cabler) pay $25,000 for the the movement of the historic Stillman House from the King Ranch to the lot next to the Cueto Building. Later, he had the city pay an additional $14,000 to move it to the Linear Park.
With the assistance and abetting of commissioner Rose Gowen and her gopher Ramiro Gonzalez, he contended the expenditures were for separate purposes, therefore putting them under the $35,000 cap.
Later, commissioners found out that Martinez had authorized – on his own – something called the Brownsville Downtown Revitalization Information Office and that was originally planned to be Martinez's downtown office. As blogger Jim Barton (and late wife Nena) wrote, a lease was signed by the city to run from October 8, 2013 to October 7, 2014 at $500.00 per month. And an $3,505.91 was paid out for materials to refurbish the office that didn't include the cost of city's labor force.
That didn't go over very well with the other commissioners who put a stop to the pilferage of the AEP Settlement money. But the damage had been done.

So it is any wonder that at last night's meeting of the city commission everyone was skeptical that the 44 acres "donation" to the city from an outfit called University Park LTD. did not carry any strings attached? Ostensibly, it was to be donated for a park since the Parks and Rec administrator Damaris McGlone placed it on the agenda.
But once questioned, McGlone admitted she had not seen a copy of the deed. In fact, neither had anyone except for Martinez. He swore that there were no restrictions on the land and asked the commissioners to take it as an article of faith. He fended off suggestions by commissioners, notably Jessica Tetreau, that the item be tabled until everyone had a chance to make sure there were no strings attached. Besides, there was the fact that the land sat on a Tax Reinvestment Zone (TRZ) and no one could explain whether it would have any ramifications.
He ignored her and the item sailed though.
How different with commissioner Ricardo Longoria's item to limit participation of individuals to one city board. In the previous meeting, Martinez had objected to the item, because it had no effective date, and it was tabled.

But Martinez ruled, despite the contract legal counsel's assertion that it was legal to move forward, that it would be illegal and that there might be "trouble" if they passed it.
So what if the city had paid a select group of attorneys over $150,000 since Mark Sossi was let go one year ago last August? It wasn't Tony's money, after all.
Now, who decides the legality of the meeting, the lawyer hired by the city? "We don't need no stinking lawyer," Martinez seemed to say.
Once again, the item was delayed until the next meeting.
Ditto for the selection of the city attorney. Martinez objected that not all the four finalists had been interviewed by him and suggested a delay until the next meeting. Grudgingly, the commission agreed and closed off the application period to give him time to interview all them.
But it is becoming obvious that Da Mayor – with only commissioner Ben Neece and Rose Gowen – is now the head of an obstructionist minority on the board and he does not like, no sir, not one bit.
It is doubtful, as one of the commissioner stated, that the commission will delay all the important matters before the city until next May's election when Emperor Martinez might be able to ram through his candidates to form a majority again. Until then, he will use all his wiles to get his way, the lack of a legal counsel or city manager notwithstanding.
Tony (the black Magic Man) has heard about the DA Luis Saenz growing some balls
, and he is scared that the DA Luis Saenz will charge him and the Jackass Jason Hilts as well as Gilbert Salinas with the Columbian fraud scam, and he will go and meet Bubba with the scumbag Oliveria
All this means is Ben Neece was lying on Facebook. Not only was it unprofessional but apparently a half-truth at it's finest.
"Toothy" Tony Martinez and "Doofy" Ben Neece have no fucking business making decisions without adult supervision.
Tony Martinez has made history. As the worst mayor in the HISTORY of Brownsville.
I don't understand how the Mayor keeps yelling "that's illegal---that's illegal"
but he's ok with a commissioner who LIVES in the property of someone who sells to the city...and votes and discusses issues dealing with that same property owner (his landlord).
Dear THAT looks ILLEGAL.
Also...bullying commissioners and threatening them because you don't like their vote and you are in POWER...well that sounds like a form of oppression.
Ha! Tony isn't losing control. He did not any self control since he became mayor and has done whatever he pleases to inflate his pockets and those of his friends. Then, they blame Mr. Gonzalez for Tony's atrocities. Get this guy out of office and make him pay back all the money he "invested" on things that do not benefit Brownsville - like the Fine Arts Valentin Building. He needs to pave the Brownsville streets and make shelters for bus patrons.
Shame on you Tony! Ask your son when you pray tonight to see what he thinks of what you are doing and have done. Did you ever confess to him?
juan i always thought the city manager has a spending cap of up to $50k so $35k is little potatoesas i have seen in other smaller cities they can s[ent up to $50K, so check out the city charter,
Tony Martinez was convinced to run for Mayor in order to help his comadre, Queen Julieta Garcia, who was fighting for her professional life against the University of Texas System. Tony Martinez joined her fight and used tax payers money to buy property to "give" to UT System on behalf of Queen Julieta in her attempt to "attract" UT by showing her how influential she was. But, the money in Hidalgo County and the progress in that area was more attractive to UT System. Tony Martinez, as mayor, was carrying water for Queen Julieta and her flock of Brownsville sheep. After the demise of UTB, Brownsville was left with millions of dollars of useless property....that UT System didn't want. Tony and the "friends of Julieta" turned on TSC and attempted to destroy our community college. Tony Martinez cannot make a decision and so now half the city senior management positions are held by "interim" ass kissers who will do Tony's bidding. Tony Martinez is the worst mayor in the city's history. He is arrogant, lacks any leadership or management abilities and during his tenure the city has become the least progressive city in the RGV.
Looking back over the last seven years, this city would have been much better off with Kaptain "Boob" Sanchez as mayor than Da Mayor Tony Martinez. At least Kaptain "Boob" has a pair.
The Jackasason Hilts has won the bragging rights, for who has conned Brownsville for so long. He started with Titan the the Amigoland mall whitewash, then the Aircraft company. Then there was SpaceX, and the steal company, finally letting him take Tony Martinez for some Black magic on the GBIC dime, while he collected $1.000.00 a week for 15 years from the BEDC credit card. Yes and he is protected so you can't do a thing about it. Give Gilbert Salinas immunity and get them all.
Tony has never had control of this city. Julieta got him into this and then abandoned him. He hasn't been able to handle the job without her and her minions.
Pura pinche rata de dos patas. Van a la escuela de Derecho para trabajar chueco.
Tony Martinez has to get the right attorney for the City and GIBC to cover all his theft of expenses with Charlie Cabler with city misuse of funds. Then the money spent on the Black Magic in Columbia. Don't worry about the Jackass Jason Hilts, as he knows the door is closing, so he is taking singing lessons from Gilbert Salinas, he knows that Lazoya will do nothing as he is scared to lose his job.
Next week it will all be forgotten and it will be business as usual, Gilbert Salinas will be given a contract for five years at a million dollars a year,Hilts will still go to Columbia for his black magic with Tony Martinez for him to watch. Only in Brownsville.
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