Atkinson said O'Bell had previously asked her for the campaign contribution request letter so he could show to potential contributors. She said she sent him one about a month ago under her letter head. Then, about a week later, he asked for another and she sent him another.
That's when it hit the fan.
Instead of keeping the letter confidential, as he had the last one, O'Bell somehow managed to have copies made and distributed into cyberspace. Now, just about every blogger and Facebook subscriber can get a copy.

She states: "While we have made significant progress towards several of our initial goals, unfortunately we have struggled to form a board majority that would commit to prioritizing the academic needs of our students and the professional support of our staff above unplanned initiatives and 'pet projects.'"
Are $7 million in district funds to pay for artificial turn and a $1.4 million scoreboard for Sams Stadium some of those (Joe Rodriguez's) "unplanned initiatives and pet projects?" Will the voters, as Rodriguez wants, vote for him to "keep up the momentum?" Atkinson, obviously, doesn't think so.

That reference to "form a board majority" with different priorities set off charges from various candidates in the BISD election who say Atkinson is attempting to lead a majority to control the district. It is no secret that she posted in her Facebook page that she is supporting Drue Brown in the crowded Position 1 race and Priscie Roca-Tipton in the Place 4 contest.
She said she made no endorsement in the Place 2 race between incumbent Carlos Elizondo, Erasmo Castro and Otis Powers, her brother-in-law.
Other candidates in Place 1 include Caty Presas-Garcia, Jose Valdez, Mark Anthony Cortez, and Timmy Ramirez.
Position 4, now held by Rodriguez, include candidates Randy Gonzalez, Roca Tipton, and Jorge Valdez.
The letter, apparently, has made its way to the supporters of Atkinson's candidates and some have questioned if funds gathered through her solicitation for her campaign can be funneled to other candidates. Apparently, it is perfectly legal as past readings of campaign expenditure reports shows that among the expenditures from contributions are included donations to other political campaigns.
Will the brouhaha created by the release of the letter by O'Bell become a campaign issue that will determine the election outcome in the election? Somehow, we seriously doubt it. After all, voters will ultimately decide whether they want to stick the course or to elect someone who wants the district to go in another direction.
Mexicans at play.
Pinche Ruben Blue Bell!! Always trying to take the seats of female elected officials. Where is Eddie Lucio lll in this???
Its ok the dumb voters of this corrupted county are to dumb to figure anything out. This is a warning at its best and an attempted recreation of the tres malos(Rdz,Lopez and Elizondo but now it will be the tresmalas. Ackinson, Tipton and brown.
How can an employee of a state representative be involved in shaming a school board member and candidates to those seats? The same district he works to secure state funds for in Austin? Shame on you Ruben O’bell! He should be reprimanded by the state rep if not fired!
Joe must go. Our votes are for Randy.
Where can we send checks?
I'll send if it means....there will be an actual investigation in to the purchasing violations.
I'll send if it means...the money trail will be followed and people end up in orange jumpsuits.
Sylvia Atkinson and Ruben O'Bell are political actors trying to display their power. They are politicians (Ruben O'Bell carries water for Eddie "The Turd") and are sparing to demonstrate their power....much like a dog pisses on a tree to mark his territory. Neither can be trusted. Eddie Lucio III is looking to expand his territory in hopes of filling his father's seat in the TX Senate. He can't be trusted. Sylvia is trying to upset Coach Joe's apple cart on the BISD Board of Trustees....and she can't be trusted. Politicians are always on the take and these two are just trying to get into your wallet.
Sad situation,How sad!
Ruben O"Bell needs to be fired.
Vote for Randy, Caty and Erasmo!!!
The rest are a bunch of worthless spineless candidates....
(Joe must go. Our votes are for Randy.)
Put him in a coffin with a hole in it. So he can breathe until he dies.
What does Ruben think he is, he looks like Uncle Fester, Gross, what an embarrassment for the state of Texas, se La Pela.. all day long and collecting a check.
Just by looking at Ruben he looks corrupt and lazy. He hasn’t changed. Es transa ese VATO.
Folks. Are you serious? Don't you know what all this means? You idiots!
Randy Caty and Erasmo???
Hell NO!!! They are worthless! Anyone, but these three.
Eddie, III - your employees are being disloyal and letting you down. I thought you went on record with your Dad that you were totally in support of what Dr. Zendejas was doing for the district? Que paso? I guess you were just out to get votes? "Do you know what your employees are doing?" Are you contributing to the "cause," too? Watch your account!!!
Ruben you did your civic duty, as a vendor I do not want to be pressured into "donating" money to a Board member , I would feel strong armed into supporting monetarily candidates that lack moral and ethic VALUES, Atkinson is just carrying out a VENDETA and I understand because Rat-Riguez is no better, he also is a Vindictive person looking to further enrich himself at the expense of the children at BISD. I thing I will do is VOTE and put in people that actually care.
so here is my POINT, why would people get upset with Joe for sharing a letter, if there is NOTHING to hide don't get pissed off, it just shows your ignorance. FYI
Eddie “jack o lantern teeth” Lucio Sr. And Eddie “Munster” Lucio lll deserve to be exposed for the shit like this they do. They run politicians against local women candidates because they are weak fools! When munster runs in his fathers seat, the school board should endorse his opponent... of better yet BE HIS OPPONENT. Sylvia, give these pigs hell!!!!!!!! We are with you!
@ September 13, 2018 at 1:04 PM - If you're going to call people dumb, you probably shouldn't sound dumb yourself when you're butchering the fuck out of the English language. Learn the difference between "to" and "too."
And to the idiot who said, "Folks. Are you serious? Don't you know what all this means? You idiots!" Please, enlighten us. What does all this mean?
I was pleased Drue Brown filed as a candidate for BISD, but now that Atkinson is pushing for her candidacy to gain control of the Board, I have to investigate and if true, rethink on my support for True. I hope she is not naive to let Atkinson manipulate her to get control of the Board. Atkinson is toxic..
Drue is a very smart woman. She will make her own decisions.
She's NOT a politician. She's NOT a vendor. What she is -is a very successful educator. She was a solid teacher, solid administrator and solid source of support for students, teachers and leaders.
She was also a fantastic PIO who build relationships with local industry and business leaders.
I don't know why she's running...but I know why she is NOT..she is NOT running to be anyone's puppet.
She is one of the finest educators. She was in our district when it was growing and people were begging to come to our schools. She will be the one to bring a little trust back in to the system.
The district is losing kids, credibility and trust EVERY day. They build turf, buy fancy lights and scoreboards.....yet still lose record number kids.
They shuffle students in high schools to give the appearance of "raised" scores. In reality they just dumped them at BAC and Lincoln....
Meanwhile IDEA builds schools and enrolls students
BISD destroyed cluster families.....IDEA builds relationships
Drue is the Best Choice in that race.....and the community knows it.
JUan, you know, who the "WHITE HORSE" is. He will a difference , Help us get to him. Help Us.
You're missing, your're plan. Look for the "WHITE HORSE"...
If you've met one Atkinson, you've met them ALL! Damn rats only looking out for themselves.
Let's not be haste maybe the Atkinson slate of candidates is what the school district needs. Come on people you guys don't like the fact that Atkinson has created a great team with "Otis Powers, Drue Brown and Prisci Tipton). Don't be jealous!!!
Drue is no one’s puppet! She speaks her mind and never lets anyone push her around! She’s in it for the right reasons. The uninformed twist it around to make her look bad. Finally we have someone without an agenda running because she truly cares! Go Drue! You got my vote!
You need to find "THE WHITE HORSE"! Find him...
More fucktard "white horse" comments. Fucking pendejos.
Rumor has it that it is DA Luis Saenz, it seems like he has grown some balls, this donkey may turn out to be the White Horse. Strange things happen in Brownsville.
To post “September 14, 2018 at 5:06 AM”, is that you Ms. Dalia Aguilar? Sure sounds like you!
The "WHITE HORSE" work's behind the scene's, he is not known (He doesn't want to be known) and you can't find him but, he has plenty of influence and many business associate's. He care's about his community and want's the best for Brownsville ISD. The "WHITE HORSE" is good for all of us, Let,s find him !
What ever happened with Charlie Atkinson double dipping at the Sports park, paying for the field three times. All forgotten now. Only in Brownsville.
Find the White Horse ! Please, Please! We need a WHITE HORSE, Now!
Where can we find The White Horse? Where do we look for him? We can't find him. We are running a Senate Race, we need to find the WHITE HORSE. Help us,Please. Thank you
YAY ! White Horse, Yay !
You say you can't find the white horse, and you end your pointless nonsense with "let's find him." Pues, quien chingados te entiende?
OK White Horse, We are with you..Let's gallop !
GIBC is paying two hundred dollars for Donkey and a bucket of whitewash that they thought was the white horse.
Don't forget that the Lone Ranger had a white horse, and he was Mrs Tonto.
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