Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Image result for man at a  grill

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

If ever there was a fairy tale told the Brownsville Independent School District it – next to the one that says that the district will recoup the $1.4 million for the new Sams Stadium scoreboard in four years through advertising – it was that Position 4 incumbent Joe Rodriguez made $11,900 in one single barbecue.

We did the math and it comes to 2,400 plates at $5 a pop, give or take a leg quarter.

I have a bridge to sell, too, Coach, you fibber.

What is interesting is that that many plates would require monster amounts of chicken, condiments, Styrofoam plates, plastic cutlery, etc. You also need an army of cooks slaving away most of the preparing the plates.

And there's the rub. No one saw when this mass cook-off happened nor will they know because "Coach," in an oversight, forgot to write down the date and location of the event. If there had been that many people picking up plates, the cops would have to control the traffic, handle the crowds, etc. Curiously, no one saw this.

His expenditure report also shows his creative side. Not only does he not list the costs for the "fixins" for the Great Feast, but he states that aside from the $2,308 he paid the Herald for ads, another $350 went to Lowe's, $408 to Antonio Cantu for contract labor, and the remaining $8,950 went to one Fred Villarreal for signs, push cards, and yard signs.

Facing Rodriguez, the incumbent are Randy Gonzales, Dr. Prisci Roca Tipton and Jorge Valdez.

We would have believed that he might have made money for the campaign other ways. He could have asked Paragon Constructors, the artificial turf guys, for in-kind contributions of small squares of the material to sell as souvenirs. After all, they have raked in more than $7 million from the district with his full blessing and endorsement.

With all the parents and athletes, he could have made a mint.

Or, he could have posed for pictures – at $5 a pop – in front of the $1.4 million scoreboard during game days. Oops! We don't have to give him any more brilliant ideas.

In the next report he might say he made $20,000 from those ideas. Then he'd really gain momentum.
Image result for coach joe rodriguez, momentum, rrunrrun


Anonymous said...

Lying sack of shit! its how they justify donations from vendors.

Anonymous said...

Voting for Coach Joe Rodriguez !!

All the other candidates just complain , complain , and complain . Coach Joe speaks proudly that students of BISD are doing better academically and you better believe he loves that Brownsville football is back !!

Coach Joe's opponents LOVE bringing up that 1.4 million scoreboard, but HATE when the ol'ball coach explains that it will pay for itself with in 4 years .

Coach Joe is BROWNSVILLE PROUD and has my vote !

Anonymous said...

What an idiot. Where is the expenditure where he bought the chicken or whom donated the chicken? Where is the expense for the stuff needed to do a bbq that big? The 24 people who showed up to his bbq didnt buy 100 plates each did they?

Anonymous said...

Well, Poor Joe. There would not have been a story if Juan had gotten a free plate. LOL

Anonymous said...

So file on him with the Texas ethics commission you can do it on line.

Anonymous said...

If it quacks like a duck....

Marco Longoria said...

Siempre ha sido RATA.

Anonymous said...

Oct 10th at 5:33 your type of voter that foster corruption like most of the voters in this dam dominant democract county. We have so many uneducated voters just voting for the wrong candidates and it continues every election.

Anonymous said...

so it pays for itself in 4 yrs?
350k per year?
ok lets see 6 high schools5 home games each
thats 30 games a year
thats 10,000 plus per game in scoreboard advertising? yeah right!!!
thats more expensive than radio or tv!!!
ta loco el viejo

Anonymous said...

para el pendejo at 10:45

do like the romans if not get the hell out

Anonymous said...

There is Corruption even for a Barbecue, nothing is straight forward anymore.

Anonymous said...

I love how the scales have fallen from the eyes of all these Brownsvillians; I just love how everybody is starting to call out Joe Rod for all the graft and corruption he fosters.

Wake up, people. He's been doing this for years. You all make it sound like this is something new. He's been making money off Brownsville and the school district forever. He rode Desi Najera like Secretariat all the way to the state playoffs in the late 60's and he's been eating free lunches off that ever since. The old coot didn't even know anything about football. He was a baseball coach who had an all-state quarterback calling all the plays in the huddle himself. His career since then has been a sham and a fraud.

Since before his time on the board, when he was AD, he was using BISD funds to purchase items and resell them to schools in Matamoros. When it would come time to order high school uniforms and equipment, people started noticing that uniforms were being ordered that didn't match any of the school's colors, but they happened to be in the school colors of schools in Matamoros. He'd store those uniforms in his Joe Rod storage facility off Central Boulevard.

He would also use BISD funds to purchase food for coach meetings and "cookouts." Half of that food would end up at Casa de Joe Rod. The fajita bandit of Cameron County has got nothing on Coach Joe.

His conflicts of interest with several BISD vendors have been well documented. His relationship with BSN and his insistence that all schools order the expensive Nike equipment through BSN and BSN only should have been enough to raise more red flags than the Soviets ever did. The championship rings and the scoreboard are just two of the latest items in a long, long list of infractions Coach Joe is behind. The Texas Rangers (and I'm not talking about the baseball team) and the FBI have investigated him. The question begs to be asked, why didn't he get in trouble? Because at the end of the day, we all know Joe Rod is the tip of a very, very corrupt iceberg. If you pull on the Joe Rod thread, the entire tapestry will unravel, and we can't have that.

Instead, the Coach Joe Fan Club, which it appears October 10, 2018 at 5:33 PM is a member of, just keeps voting him in and keeps him around. The people are tired of his antics, yet they never bother to go to the voting booth to change things. In a city of hundreds of thousands of people, all it takes is a few thousand to keep voting these corrupt people into office. I'm sure nothing will ever change. I'm sure he'll be elected to office for another term on the school board. That way, he can keep taking a big mordida out of any lucrative contracts the district is handing out and he can keep all his cronies in positions all over the district.

Things don't change at all around here. They just stay the same.

Anonymous said...

The "WHITE HORSE" is watching Joe Rod, he won't win, not this time.

Anonymous said...

Gee I wonder where the Gallegos / Lucio Cabal put their money on the BISD races?? We already know where they placed their bets in the County. Any guesses??

Anonymous said...

Ten years ago there was one Mr, Big in town, he was in command of Charles Cabbler and the judges. Then Armando and the crew went to jail. This retired Mr. Big and let the little fish fight and get greedy. Now it is time for another raid by the Fed's, and clean house again, starting with the DA Luis Saenz, like Armando who thought he was above the law.

Anonymous said...

This will never happen, the corruption is to wide spread, where would you start, in GBIC alone there would be at least twelve, then the BEDC at least ten, SPIA six, then BISD twenty, then you have the DA Luis Saenz and his crew, then the City crowd. You would need to try them six at a time, without the ones who sing. You could rent the Event Center and get a good discount.

Anonymous said...

I love south Texas politics.
I remember the book entitled A TEXAN LOOKS AT LYNDON.
If memory serves me correct the last ballot box to reach the courthouse was in San Diego, Texas.
That box was evidently compromised and even may have included votes from residents of the local rest homes (dementia) and the local pantheon.

chon said...


Anonymous said...

I don't see the name Smith or Jones just Brown Town names. Oh Cabbler, sorry didn't mean to be disrespectful to the majority voters.

Anonymous said...

Stranger, 9:30 blogger that you know more than the FBI's investigation that you say was conducted on Coach Joe. Was it the same FBI that conducted an investigation on the Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh? Hablan y hablan y nada se puede probar! I guess the Trumpism is trickling down here, too.

If you know the exact instance and money channeled to him, why don't you present the proof to the DA? Oops, another Trumpism!

All I can say is that at least Coach Joe has guts to run for such a position and if you listen to what he says, he has more knowledge about the district than anyone else and he is not afraid to open his mouth and stick to his guns. Have you noticed how they try to quiet him down when he brings up something that offends someone on the left side of the table?

Anonymous said...

the man has 2 households cut him a break people

chuy said...

Folks remember its all about THE BENJAMINS AND NOTHING ELSE

Ruben F said...

Juan did they serve Coors and Coors light beer at this bar be que too?
