Tuesday, October 2, 2018


By Juan Montoya

After weeks of stiff competition, the choice for city manager and city attorney will be left in the hands of four members of the City of Brownsville commission.

The pre-game formalities aside, it will be up to the commission majority to decide – tonight – which two individuals will manage the city and advice the commissioners on municipal law.
Yesterday, the three remaining candidates for the city manager's spot were presented to the public. We say public, of course, but those attending say that the bulk of those there were city administrators and employees who came to meet the new boss, whichever may be chosen.

The finalists introduced to the gathered bureaucrats were Noel Bernal, Juan Guerra and Jesus A. Garza.

Garza, from Pharr, has been city manager since his appointment in 2015.

Guerra, a Brownsville native, was appointed city manager of Kingsville, also in 2015.

Bernal, was named as assistant city manager for the city of Coppell in 2017.

As you can readily tell, all three have one thing in common: they are all very young. That probably started the Brownsville swamp denizens' salivary glands flowing at the prospect of dealing with these chillun'. Whoever is chosen better get ready for a learning experience, to put it mildly.

We wish them well, although they will discover that city administrators are pretty much set in their ways and don't take to advice (or directives) particularly well.

The city attorney candidates were Gary Linan, Lysia Bowling and Rene De Coss.

Let the playoffs begin! Let's go 'Stros!


General Patton said...

Juan it thinks it will be a shoot out between Garza who worked in a large city (san Antonio) and Guerra (Pharr texas), the other guy noe bernal has been a small town city manager like in La Villa, Falfurrias until just recently up in Coppell, I think he needs more experience than the other two.

Anonymous said...

Garza is the one from Brownsville, currently Kingsville's city manager.

Anonymous said...

It won't matter. Brownsville will remain the outhouse of the Valley!

Anonymous said...

To stand a chance he will be a yes man, if a miracle happens and we get someone who has a pair of balls, then he will go after Cabler.

Anonymous said...

Who would want to come work here? After learning of all the corruption, I would be high-tailing out of here as fast as possible.

Anonymous said...

Garza let's hope he doesn't turn out like the former Harlingen city manager Yerena who came from Kingsville. That guy was a yes man for Boswell kept a horse in his back yard screwed the HFD the HPD but he always said yes till he was arrested for domestic dealing with his wife. What's Garza done?

Anonymous said...

It is said that the guy from Coppel is in the pocket of Mike Hernandez. Nuff said...

Anonymous said...

The biggest yes man has the job.

Anonymous said...

Alcalde: Mi honor de introducir el nuevo manejante de la ciudad
Alcalde: to city sec: Como se llama?
City Secretary: wawawawa
Alcalde: Ok nomas puede contestar dos palabras in esta junta.
Alcalde: Y la palabra es "Gracias"
Alcalde: Esta junta esta terminada...

walking down the hall:
Alcande to city secretary: Como dijistes que se llamava?
City Sec: Wawawawa
Alcalde: O ok...
