Monday, October 15, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: Less than a month after City of Brownsville code enforcement inspectors made Cameron County Judge candidate Carlos Cascos take down a banner sign for violating the city's size regulations, they have red tagged a sign belonging to State Board Of Education District 2 incumbent Ruben Cortez and his brother Mark Antony, a candidate for the board of the Brownsville Independent School District.

Both Ruben and Mark Anthony Cortez are sons of JP 2-1 Linda Salazar, who at one time was a member of the BISD board.

Ruben Cortez is facing challenger Tad Hasse, an IT Specialist for the city of Brownsville. Mark Anthony Cortez is one of five candidates to replace Cesar Lopez on Position 1, They are (in order on the ballot) Caty Presas-Garcia, Jose Valdez, Drue Ellen Brown, and Tim Ramirez.

The large trailer-perched sign was parked off Paredes Line Road. Just this morning the inspectors placed the red tag. We have learned that the trailer did no belong to the Cortez brothers, but that it was loaned to them by Brownsville Navigation District commissioner Tito Lopez, who owns a transport company.

However, sources close to Lopez said that the port commissioner was unaware that the trailer was to be used by the Cortez brothers.

Candidates are well aware that the city has sign-size restrictions, and offenders are regularly cited for not following the rules.

In fact, the city's sign ordinance is quite specific.

The ordinance chapter states that the signs must not be illuminated. They must be “no larger than 36 square feet” and “shorter than eight feet in length.”

Signs must also “be placed at the consent of the owner on private property. Private property also means that if you have an easement up front for utilities, etc., you can’t place signs on that easement.

Signs also cannot be displayed in the public’s-right-of-way. Placement of signs in these areas along with signs containing moving elements will result in the sign being removed.The Cortez sign, as was Cascos' before him, were obviously a little larger than the 36-square foot limit.)


Anonymous said...

Who cares? We need jobs!!!

chuy said...

Puros tquaches y Ratas

Anonymous said...

When is someone going to start removing all those sign in the city's right-of way, at Price and Frontage, Ruben Torres and frontage and elsewhere. Those signs are a hazard and could result in a deadly accident. Everyone knows that the city passes ordinances left and right but do not enforce them, like
those panhandlers in the middle of the road looking for a place to be driven over by a car. The need to revise those ordinances, like the one about it being illegal to ride your camel down Elizabeth Street. Whatever happened to the committee that was formed some time ago that was going to revise the by-laws? Did something come out of it?

Anonymous said...

Mama said that she would make it OK, And what mama says, stays.

Anonymous said...

This is an example of the arrogance of Linda Salazar and her family. They are leeches on the county and seem to think they can do anything. Let's hope they all lose...but, this may have been a publicity stunt just to get recognition from the sign violation. They are all as crooked as cork screws...and dumber.

Anonymous said...

Mama likes to see my photo.

Anonymous said...

The WHITE HORSE doesn't agree with this political arrangement by the Cortez Brother's..They need to follow the law.
