No on in the city administration or commission will state it publicly, but heretofore reliable sources assert that city representatives are now in negotiations with Coppell, Deputy City Manager Noel Bernal who was picked by the commission to replace former city manager Charlie Cabler.

These sources say that commissioners and legal counsel were impressed with Bernal's forceful presentation and his knowledge of the issues that have been facing Brownsville. The two other candidates were Pharr city manager Juan Guerra and Kingsville city manager Jesus A. Garza.
Bernal was Assistant City Manager, of Taylor, City Administrator, City of Falfurrias, City Administrator, La Villa, and Intern - Asst. to Pharr Economic Development Corporation Manager, Pharr.
He has a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Public Administration, degrees from the University of Texas Pan American in Edinburg. He is a Certified Public Manager, and is currently pursuing Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Black Belt Process Improvement Training Certification.
In his cover letter to his application obtained by the Brownsville Herald, Bernal wrote that: "Brownsville is a historically significant community that is on the cusp of tremendous transformation...With bi-cultural traditions and its recent economic development success, there is momentum and a strong desire for further economic prosperity. This is a special time and I am excited about the opportunity to serve the community as its next City Manager.”
"There is a unified commitment to build on the community’s history while harnessing the potential for being the preeminent community of choice in the Rio Grande Valley,” Bernal wrote. “It is this, and similar efforts, that provide the stability necessary to propel Brownsville forward in a cohesive manner.”
"There is a unified commitment to build on the community’s history while harnessing the potential for being the preeminent community of choice in the Rio Grande Valley,” Bernal wrote. “It is this, and similar efforts, that provide the stability necessary to propel Brownsville forward in a cohesive manner.”
Brownsville good luck with this clown does not have enough Large city management experience for a City the size of Brownsville, just small and little towns, and populations in these towns where he has worked in, Coppel tx 38k, Falfurrias tx 4k, La villa 3k come on Brownsville city commission or do I see a puppet here in the making? OH Yes that's what it looks like. just look at the small towns or places he has worked at, they are going to eat his lunch or maybe that's what the city commission wants-A YES MAN.
Let us hope that he finds out the truth on Cabler and expose him.
Ask the City Secretary, she can’t keep any secrets.
Find out who he is related to or compadres with, no one gets a City on merit in the City on the Border by the Sea.
Si senor, yes sir, right away, how high, right now? Si mi comandante. That's all you need to know in your new job...
juan take a look at how long this Bernal guy has worked in these cities la villa falfurrias, tyler and coppell where he has been employed, the average time span is 1 year and 6 months, so does that mean in 1.6 years the City of Brownsville will be looking for a new city manager once again, ? No dura este guy in any job long. just saying
Asshole for a community of assholes.
Give Bernal a chance. He is the first City Manager that has any credentials for that job. He can start fresh and we hope he can manage city employees and city operations. He will do a better job if we give him support and avoid the "la jaiba" complex that has pulled so many into the darkness of this city.
What sea?
Well Cabeler was the consummate yes man ot mam depending on the day....
@October 4, 2018 at 9:41 AM
"...the average time span is 1 year and 6 months, so does that mean in 1.6 years the City of Brownsville will be looking for a new city manager once again..."
There are 12 months in a year. So no, not in 1.6 years, it'd actually be in 1.5 years. Learn how to maths.
@October 4, 2018 at 9:41 AM
"No dura este guy in any job long. just saying"
Are you fucking serious? With writing like this, I wonder if you even have a job.
He will make a good yes man for Charlie Cabler, as long as he continues to continue to control the slush fund he will still rule.
Ask the White Horse what he think's of this selection !
Yet the other 2 one being a local kid isn't even being considered after being the city manager in kingsville.
The new city manager is only allowed to say yes when he is spoken to, he will only be able to say no if he is called to investigate
Alcalde: Mi honor de introducir el nuevo manejante de la ciudad
Alcalde: to city sec: Como se llama?
City Secretary: wawawawa
Alcalde: Ok nomas puede contestar dos palabras in esta junta.
Alcalde: Y la palabra es "Gracias"
Alcalde: Esta junta esta terminada...
Alcalde: Mi honor de introducir el nuevo manejante de la ciudad
Alcalde: to city sec: Como se llama?
City Secretary: wawawawa
Alcalde: Ok nomas puede contestar dos palabras in esta junta.
Alcalde: Y la palabra es "Gracias"
Alcalde: Esta junta esta terminada...
walking down the hall:
Alcande to city secretary: Como dijistes que se llamava?
City Sec: Wawawawa
Alcalde: O ok...
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