Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Image result for joe rodriguez, coach, rrunrrun
By Juan Montoya
Brownsville Independent School District trustee has been a very busy man tending to his business.

For years he has been registered as a vendor for BSN Sports with the BISD  and raking in the Big Bucks.

But what many people didn't know was that at the same time that Rodriguez was reportedly browbeating BISD coaches and administrators to choose his brand over the other sport-equipment vendors, he and a cadre of vendors were also soliciting business from other Valley school districts telling them that they had "exclusive" contracts with the BISD and others and inviting them to do business.

In emails dated June 2016 obtained by El Rrun-Rrun, various staffers from different school district purchasing departments inquired of the BISD department whether it was true that BSN Sports – a company under the Varsity Brands umbrella that included Herff Jones ring maker and Varsity Spirit – had been granted a lock on their sports and graduation business.

During their appeal to the districts, they told them that the other districts were already signed up and had "exclusive" contracts to provide these services under on brand, Varsity Brands.

The targeted districts, in turn, asked the BISD whether bid proposals were done, what type of contract was involved, and whether board approval was obtained.

In subsequent E-mails, BISD purchasing staffers referred the inquiries to the districts's procurement process that requires bids proposals or membership in the TASBE BuyBoard. However, there is no "exclusivity" granted any vendor, they were told.

And they mentioned a previous problem when the BISD granted Coca Cola "exclusive" rights to the district's staff and student body that would prevent such an arrangement. In one of the E-mails, a purchasing staffer at PSJA said the cadre of Varsity Brands vendors said they would "provide various incentives to the districts."

Nonetheless, even if Rodriguez and the Varsity Brands group may not have succeeded in getting their foot in the "exclusivity" door at other districts during his tenure on the board, he has been very successful in selling BSN and Herrf Jones products under the Varsity Brands to the BISD. The graphic below indicates just how successful he has been.Image result for joe rodriguez, coach, rrunrrun

In fact, during a recent controversy involving the ordering of 30 $895 championship rings for the Porter soccer team, Rodriguez was outspoken in defending the purchase, even though as a vendor of BSN, a sister company under Varsity Brands, it constituted a clear conflict of interest and he should have abstained from both the discussion and the vote.

He ignored that and he did.

Image result for joe rodriguez, coach, rrunrrunRodriguez is now seeking reelection to the Position 4 spot on the board against challengers Randy Gonzlaez, Dr. Prisci Roca Tipton and Jorge Valdez.

Will the voters of the district allow him to continue going to the well and to "keep the momentum going" as a vendor posing as a defender of children's education and the well-being of the district?


Anonymous said...

Once you have dipped your fingers in the cookie jar, it stays in the cookie jar for ever.

Anonymous said...

After clearly and methodically studying (in regards to BISD candidates) and evaluating and listening to the wishes of the community. The WHITE HORSE will endorse, OTIS, PRICI and DREW. Good Luck Folks, make us proud. The WHITE HORSE will work hard for you.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect we live in Brownsville with the scumbag Rene Oliveria, the Fraudster Gilbert Salinas and the credit card thief Jason Hilts. The Magic man Tony Martinez, and a DA that has no balls, and a FBI and the Texas Rangers who let them continue doing it day in and day out.

Anonymous said...

Coach Joe is yet another leech on the local community and can't exist absent the public tit. Most of the public is ignorant of his fiscal corruption, but Supt. Zendejas has allowed his corruption to go unabated...she is likely getting her own "mordida" from his corruption. Coach Joe needs to be sent home and let him sell his wares from the outside....not on the school board. Why is Coach Joe such an icon....Brownsville has never had a championship team during his career and since 1969, teams have gotten progressively worse under his management.

Anonymous said...

DA that has no balls



Anonymous said...

Y se quemo el HEB.

Anonymous said...

I overheard someone say Joke Rodriguez wears depends underwear because every time they post truths about him he shits all over himself, truly sad.

Anonymous said...

Ima gonna fock you up, White Horse, you asshole!

- The Black Horse

Anonymous said...

Dear Board of Trustees, we need a new superintendent, several new principals and good athletic directors who can teach.

Anonymous said...

He's KY jelly biggest vendor to BISD and still gets commission,



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Again, more stupid bullshit about the White Horse and the other shit-for-brains that has to drag Rene Oliveira into shit that has absolutely nothing to do with what's being posted.

Anonymous said...

Lets keep the momentum get Dr. Z out .

Anonymous said...

Not that I have any problem with the current Principal at Hanna HS, but there has not been a male Head Administrator or Head Principal at Hanna HS for 30 years.

Why not, are there no male Administrators in the District that can handle Hanna.

Put a Man in charge for a while, see what happens, it has been a long time.

Anonymous said...

Joe Rod has got to go and take your best buddy, who helped get all "your" vendors approved, with you (Lorenzo Sanchez). Both of you have milked the BISD dry. Joe Rod isn't the only serpent, he needs another head to help him in the CFO. Zendejas, Joe, and Lorenzo be gone.

Anonymous said...

Browntown is easily the most corrupt city in the great State of Texas. Maybe because it is 95% white ?

Anonymous said...

Why can't people stay on topic?

And @ October 17, 2018 at 11:50 PM, if you don't have a problem with the principal at Hanna, why do you want her replaced with a male? What difference would it make?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have always voted against Joe over the years and this year is no exception. Despite milking BISD for his convenience, his presence on and off the school board over the years has blocked many good administrators and teachers for advancement or promotions. He has contacts in every department at BISD and is kept abreast of everything that is going on. At one time there was a saying at BISD that everything had to go through Joe first. Gracie de Pena was his most faithful ally among many others for many years. They made life miserable for anybody that didn't play by their rules. Fortunately for us, many of his closest supporters have passed away or retired. Nevertheless, he is an old warhorse that knows what it takes to win. My concern is that while many of the viewers of local blogs know that he is a corrupt politician, there are many voters in the community who don't know his reputation only his name. We need to pass the word around while there is still time that Joe is not the right person for the BISD board.

Anonymous said...

All you have is shit for brains, why is the scumbag Rene Oliveria Muff diving you wife or girl friend or both. You seem to have a fixation on defending him, wake up and smell the coffee he is a scumbag lawyer and a thief, who will get his girlfriend to lie to the police for him. Has paid for the damage to the car he hit, I hope he stays on bond for ever, then he has to Muff dive and blow before he can drive, and is banned from Cobbleheads and bars until he goes to jail. Then you can find someone else who is a scumbag thief, to defend.

Silver Stallion said...

The Silver Stallion will eat you both before breakfast.

Anonymous said...

Hey Renee Oliveria lover, you have gone quite, I have hit the nail on the head? Never mind he will be gone soon. I heard that he now has a to take his girlfriend out with him to Restaurants, as he can't drink and drive, I hope it lasts a lifetime. At least it will keep a drunken scumbag of the road.

Anonymous said...

@October 19, 2018 at 10:17 AM

Why are you the only one that can get off of topic.

Seems like The Pot calling The Kettle black.


The current Prnciple at Hanna is fine, she likes the students, supports the teachers, APs and staff when they right, and has a vision of what a good school can be.

But Hanna is a "MEAT GRINDER". The last few Principles have not lasted very long; so if a change is going to made, which it will.

Just saying: Try a male principle at Hanna, it's almost like sexual discrimination that there are so few male principles in BISD.

Anonymous said...

WOW try a male principle? Now I've heard everything. Leave it to the teachers (educators Ha).

Anonymous said...

Oct 17th 7.22am
How can you defend the scumbag Rene Oliveria when he is breaking the law day in and day out, still drinking at bars every day and night, what a scumbag you have chosen as your savior, a scumbag bum.

Anonymous said...

Beware, the WHITE HORSE is coming (BISD MEMBER"S) Be ware!
