Tuesday, October 23, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: No less than two people who wen to vote at the City of Brownsville Public Library sent us photos showing Brownsville Independent School District incumbent Joe Rodriguez greeting people as they entered the rear of the library and into the hallway where early voting was being conducted.

One of us told us that "Coach" Joe (rather feeble now and swinging his walker) said he had already voted and said he "would appreciate "anything you could do." 

Now, Rodriguez was not wearing any campaign signs or T-shirts, but that would seem to us to be campaigning within the restricted area. We understand that the voting poll judge was advised that Rodriguez was greeting voters as they entered the area and was told in no uncertain terms he could not do that. As it is, he owns the property adjoining the library and has the fence plastered with his signs.

Is Rodriguez – facing challenges from Prisci Roca-Tipton, Randy Gonzales, and Jorge Valdez – hearing the footsteps of defeat and has decided to pull out all the stops, including illegal campaigning at the polls?


Anonymous said...

In the first pick looks like he was peeing pinche Viejo stop begging go home.

Anonymous said...

I voted yesterday after an hour in line. I voted for Mrs. Roca-Tipton. Mr. Rodriguez should realize it is TIME to EXIT WITH DIGNITY.



Rivera Coach said...

I heard Joe had to take a VIAGRA and Coors lite just to get UP to go vote.

Anonymous said...

The WHITE HORSE does not endorse Coach Rod, enough is enough.

Anonymous said...

The White Horse is watching you Joe Rod, it doesn't look good for you. You and Tom Chavez are done. Go home.

Anonymous said...

(I heard Joe had to take a VIAGRA and Coors lite just to get UP to go vote.)

LOL! Can't believe he ain't dead yet.
El Chuko.

Anonymous said...

he has no morals, ethics and no integrity!

Anonymous said...

Heck, he's been dead for some time but they forgot to tell him!

Anonymous said...

Joe needs to sit in his rocker on the porch, clutch a Bible in one hand and a rosary in the other and wait. Hell, he may have already died and no one told him.

Anonymous said...

Un pendejo at October 24, 2018 at 12:52 PM

Anonymous said...

dejen al coach
he needs to keep working to justify his trips with his mistress

Anonymous said...

If Coach Joe is a widower, how can he have a mistress. If he has una movida,
more power to him. He does not have to justify himself to anybody about his personal life, so leave him alone. If you don't like him or envy him, just don't vote for him and shut up! He has more guts than you, I bet!
