Monday, October 22, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: It's often been said that Brownsville is a small town with a lot of people. Wherever you go, someone will probably know you. And if you speak ill of someone in mixed company, you might be talking with their cousin.

Well, that's probably what happened here. That's District 27 State Rep. Rene Oliveria at Cobbleheads sipping on something that looks like a mixed drink (or is it a soft drink?). The glass of water (or is it white wine?) is in front of him on the table. We thought Rene was under court order not to enter places where alcohol is served, or to imbibe alcoholic beverages until his trial for DWI.

We don't want to pick on the guy, but many other people under court order have to heed the restrictions as conditions of their bond arrangements before their court date. This is not the first time we have received photos of him at local drinking establishments. In fact, we received more than a half dozen pictures of this particular outing to Cobbleheads. Beware, Mr. Rep. People are watching. Is Luis Saenz?)


Anonymous said...

Rene Oliviera is a slug, but for some reason he is protected by the powers that be in this area. He should have been arrested years ago. Now that he has fallen from grace and lost his office in the Texas Legislature....he should be treated like the rest of us....arrest the asshole and hold him accountable for his failure to comply with the court.

Anonymous said...

I am untouchable said the scumbag Rene Oliveria, I will keep going to Cobbleheads as it is a restaurant and I am eating a meal. let no balls Luis Saenz differentiate a restaurant from a bar. Cobbleheads is a restaurant. He has not got the balls to challenge me and try to revoke my bond, I am the totally Untouchable scumbag Rene Oliveria, who has balls (small ones) but balls, that is more than I can say about the DA.

Anonymous said...

Revoke his bond immediately, lock the Bum up like a local person.

Anonymous said...

This bone head should be in the jail, then he wish he had stuck with his bond condition.

Anonymous said...

Mr. District attorney what does this man have on you, you must either resign or act against this person straight away.
Here is a person who is under a bond condition blatantly defying your condition of a court order, Sir, it is time you stepped down, so we can appoint some one who will uphold the law.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from a scumbag Rene Oliveria the pimp, thief who is above the law. What will be done nothing as who is going to do anything about it.
There is the law of the land, then there is Rene Oliverias law, he must have a thick black book to be able to laugh at the court like this.

Anonymous said...

We the people would just be happy if Oliveira simply fessed up to his major screw up and sought help for his drinking problem. Denial is not a river in Egypt as they say. Rene, forget trying to squirrel out of this with fancy attorney moves and take your licks like a human being. You (and everybody else on the road that night) were lucky this time (and the several other times) that you didn't kill someone. 90 meetings in 90 days. And not at Cobbleheads!

Anonymous said...

I was just looking for someone to Muff dive and take me home check my tab I didn't pay for a drink all night, I was was hoping my ex girlfriend was there.

Anonymous said...

Juan who do I call to report this man, it is no good me phoning the police, or the court, but I am disgusted at the way this person does what he likes.

Anonymous said...

Definitely saw him at Adolios a few weeks ago drinking wine. Isn't he supposed to avoid ALL places that serve alcohol?

Anonymous said...

This is supposed to be a man of the law, here he is breaking it without a care in the world. If this was a Mexican laborer he would be locked up by now.

Anonymous said...

Let's buy him a six pack. Cheers

Anonymous said...

I got busted just for being in a bar after a DUI. Spent 30 days in jail - big fine. Oliveira was my lawyer - he saw me as a deep pocket and told me this was my best deal and I paid him a lot of money. This is a true story like only in Brownsville. I'll never visit in that town again. CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS!

Anonymous said...

What gives this punk Oliveira the right to drink in a bar when he drove into a woman's car when he was drunk???????? What kind of world is Brownsville? I came here to start a business and find out that this town is run by a mafia. No wonder they told me not to put my money here.

Anonymous said...

What an stupid person, he should be locked up straight away.

Anonymous said...

Sobriety is one of the hardest challenges I have ever faced. Alcohol can get a grip on your mind and your body so much that you can hit rock bottom, put all your trust in people who don't give half a shit about you, make poor decisions, lose money, lose time, nearly lose it all because of alcohol and STILL listen when it tries to trick you into drinking it again. Not going to rush to judge and assume his drink is anything more than a Coke or a Pepsi. However if his court order says he has to stay away from bars he should follow that. Because it is time to escape this addiction's grip on him that has cost him his career and his dignity, and caused other people injuries. Nothing was worse than waking up in the morning dreading what I might have said or done the night before. How much money I might have thrown away and friends too. How my work suffered and people gave up on me. Alcohol is your worst enemy not your solace.

Anonymous said...

Just another day in the life of a Scumbag, DA no balls Luis Saenz Resign straight away, don't pass go, as you are as crooked as Rene Oliveria. He has made a laughing stock out of you, and the legal system here in Brownsville

Anonymous said...

I hope the blogger that wants the whole world to know that Oliveira is a scumbag black mamba is having a field day. Come on man, go for it.

Anonymous said...

The District Attorney Luis Saenz is the ultimate voice in Rene Oliveira's freedom or incarceration. He needs to show the world that Brownsville is not some backwater town that has a good ol'boy network running the show. Ever wonder why we can't get decent job-producing businesses here? Duh.

Linda Forse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Rene Oliveira never ever wakes up wondering what he did to other people yesterday. He just thinks about who he can take advantage of today. He will never hit "rock bottom" and face his enemy (alcohol) until Luis Saenz finally realizes that Oliveira is a city/state-wide liability and puts him in his place: JAIL/license revocation/probation/AA meetings. Oliveira will never take even the first step in Recovery unless Saenz shows him the "bottom". Then maybe the streets of Brownsville will be safe again. Up to you, Luis Saenz. Until then, me and my kids aren't walking around Rio Viejo anymore.

Anonymous said...

The police are as much to blame as they do not do their job and check drunken drivers like the scumbag Rene Oliveria, lock him up until his trial.

Anonymous said...

A ranger once told me that it would be a feather in his sombrero is he busted "ANY" official. Down here it's the opposite.

Anonymous said...

y yo sigo siendo el REY,

Anonymous said...

They say that he doesn't drive the car he has to blow into, he has the car that stops by its self. He is a accident waiting to happen, who will he kill this time.

Anonymous said...

The "WHITE HORSE" is watching!

Anonymous said...

Rene Oliveria knows what the court said, no drinking in bars, Cobbleheads is a restaurant, he is not allowed to drive his own car unless he blows in the ignition Rene could not start the car at any time of the day, never mind at night, with what he snorts. Just another ploy of his, and the cop's will do nothing until he rear ends again and Rene will drive home again without paying for the damage.

Anonymous said...

How can you expect to uphold the law, when you have a lawyer blatantly and openly breaking the law and just laughs at the law.

Anonymous said...

Look again he was drinking coke it was the ice that was laced with alcohol served by the waiter, no one will ever challenge him.

Anonymous said...

The scumbag Rene Oliveria has agreed that Tesla can call the front brake system the Oliveria sure stop, then he said that the driver will be automatically be tested for drugs or alcohol and the car will not start. The scumbag Rene Oliveria stated he will not drive a Tesla

Anonymous said...

He's using the bike trails...

Anonymous said...

What can you do when a scumbag does what he likes and the District Attorney does nothing about it, that show how corrupt the system is.

Anonymous said...

No wonder the city has allow bars to be built along the bike trails, there are a few already and more coming, I heard. Just for this idiota.

Anonymous said...

The scumbag Rene Oliveria has shown that he has the DA Luis Saenz in his pocket, Saenz did not prosecute his girlfriend for lying to the police, and has given the green light for people to drive from the scene of an accident and not be charged, if you have a Black book on the DA.
Luis Saenz should step down immediately, and not embarrass himself any further than he already has, and prove that he is the same as Rene Oliveria a scumbag.

Anonymous said...

Biking under the influence
