Sunday, October 7, 2018



Anonymous said...

Is Otis Powers taking his family to Disney World in Florida on BISD money again.

Anonymous said...

Help the teachers and faculty, and staff with better health benefits and pay in 2019 school year.

Thanks, for all the positive things you have done Mr. Powers.

We all know it takes 4 votes to get things approved.
Take care of us that are in the front lines in BISD.

Dr. Z does not deserve the money she is getting from our tax dollars.

Hopefully this new school board can find better superintendent for our school district.
Please STOP all the corruption in BISD.

GGL said...

Like father like son! How about some new blood in Cameron County?

Anonymous said...

Otis Powers is not the answer. He would only add to BISD problems.

- a teacher

Anonymous said...

This guy is an L7

Anonymous said...

Wow no more comments

Anonymous said...

To stop corruption in the BISD you have to start with a new empty house. Get rid of everyone, start with a clear slate.

Anonymous said...

The White Horse has been very carefully evaluating this BISD election and consulting with the electorate. We need new blood, it appears the community want's different personalities on the BISD Board. The White Horse agree's. Good luck, first time candidates.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Montoya, last night we went to dinner at chilli's ,the White Horse was the conversation and this morning we got together at IHOP for breakfast and the center of conversation was the White Horse. He has become very popular, we have never had a White Horse in Brownsville, he is the talk of the town. Whoever he is, people are with the White Horse. Do you know who he is?

Anonymous said...

Ya parale con tu white horse, pinche Sanchez! White horse es la coca que te gusta.

Anonymous said...

We new board members representing us, we have had enough of past members that done nothing positive for our students, done nothing but problems.

Anonymous said...

I am the white horse —-

Otis is the guy
Drue is the one
And Priscilla is the answer

No more turf- rings- tape recordings - buyboard - Barbacoa- and one woman shows

Idea is winning

Anonymous said...

Bring Erasmo to the Board and we'll talk Powers in a couple of years.

Anonymous said...

To post October 9,2018 at 8:19 PM liar,big liar, you are not the White Horse. The White Horse does not endorse Otis, Drue or Priscilla but, he can have a big effect in this election. Only Juan Montoya and possibly Mark Reagan from the B,vill Herald and Liz Teitz from The San Antonio Express-News, knows who he is. You are not the White Horse!

Anonymous said...

More and more schools are becoming year-round places of learning. The BISD board will consider becoming year-round place of learning. Makes sense. There are two and maybe three that are saying that they will consider this proposal.

Anonymous said...

Hello from hell, I am the Burro Prieto from the gutters of Brownsville which are filled with dog shit, vomit, stale beer, urine and blood. Bring me this White Horse so I can decapitate it so it can be redeemed under the eyes of God.

Anonymous said...

Burro Prieto.....Brownsville people are so funny and always so sharp in their political views...that is why people do not vote..... they know how the system works....

Anonymous said...

Wasn’t there a stripper club called the white horse

Year round schools? Been there did that.... that’s when your schools are too small and can’t handle the enrollment

I think IDEA handled that problem for BISD already

Anonymous said...

The better educated communities are changing to year round schools, and by no means they are not small school districts. Figures Idea is in the forefront of educating children NOT BISD...

Anonymous said...

Every time I see the idiotic comments of the person who talks all his shit about the "White Horse" and spews all the hate about Rene Oliveira, I just assume it's Captain Boob, or someone affiliated with Captain Boob. Another psychotic sociopath who never got elected to office.

Anonymous said...

The White Horse does not know Captain Bob,who is he? and who is Rene Oliveira?

Anonymous said...

Captain Bob has the Restaurant Captain Bob's Seafood. His ex wife went to live with Rene Oliveria, who lied to the police, after Oliveria had his accident and said that he was OK, when he drove home drunk. Captain Bob is the White Shrimp not the White Horse.

Anonymous said...

I thought that Captain Bob was reconciled with his wife, and left the scumbag Rene Oliveria to cry in his Merlo.

Silver Stallion said...

The white horse is not the savior in Brownsville, the Silver Stallion is the one to watch. He has taken a leaf out of the pages Thorps book and has started to use his speed dial with the dirt on everyone. Look for the Silver Stallion coming to a blog near you.

Anonymous said...

If Powers even considers to change to year round schooling he has my vote and the votes of my whole family and friends.

Anonymous said...

It's the white donkey dressed in pink with patent leather boots. Wearing a texan hat and a six shooter. Es un rinche amd will arrive soon to investigate
ALL corruption!!!

Anonymous said...

The Pink Donkey is coming to save your town!
