Wednesday, October 17, 2018


By Juan Montoya
Tuesday's meeting of the City of Brownsville Commission signaled a new majority taking over the direction of the city.

The new force of four commissioners consisting of Jessica Tetreau, Rick Longoria, Cesar De Leon and Joel Mungia has effectively wrested the control of the city's direction from iron-fisted Mayor Tony Martinez, Rose Gowen, and new ally Ben Neece.

Yesterday, the majority – along with Gowen – overrode the objections (and votes) of the minority to remove three members off three city boards.

Tetreau, Longoria, De Leon and Mungia have shown that they can hold the line.

And it all seems to hark back to the appointment of Nurith Galonsky to the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation (GBIC) after Tetreau's vote was ignored by Martinez and Galonsky was voted in to the GBIC which handles about $5 million in sales-tax revenues to bring new industry to the city.

At the time, it appeared that Esteban Guerra – since elected to the Brownsville Navigation District commission – was going to go on the GBIC.

But Martinez ignored Tetreau and nullified her vote saying he had not heard her. When she tried to get the city secretary to change the minutes, Neece filed a complaint with the city police for tampering with a government document.

The first inkling that the momentum was shifting away from Martinez's control was the approval of the contract for the new city manager Noel Bernal. The other was the confirmation of new city attorney Rene De Coss.

In both these instances, it was made clear that these were not the choices of the Martinez minority on the commission. In fact, some commission members charged that these appointments were purposely being delayed until the next round of elections in May when a new commission might have been elected and Martinez could employ his guile on the new members.

This was cemented by the majority's approval of the new ordinance that restricts individuals to serve on only one board.

Last night, the majority voted to removal Galonsky from the GBIC since she is already on the Brownsville Public Utility Board. PUB removals are guided by the city charter and not by city ordinance so she stays on there.

Another called for the removal of Trey Mendez from the Main Street Advisory Board since he already on the Historic Preservation and Design Review Board. However, Mendez – a downtown businessman – said he would prefer to serve on the  Main Street Advisory Board and leave the Historic Preservation and Design Review Board and the commission went along with his choice.

The other was the removal of Dillon Vanderford, from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee since he already serves on the Board of Adjustment.

There is little that the Martinez minority could do since the new majority had the votes just as Martinez did when he ran the commission with an iron fist.

Watershed? Sea change?

Any way you look at it, a los del mayor se les hizo de aguas. 


Anonymous said...

I will believe it when I see it, first thing is Charge Charlie Cabler, and then I will start to believe.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great! Tony Martinez is the worst mayor in recent memory. He became mayor for the wrong help out his friend Juelita Garcia (she probably fooled him as she did the rest of the community) bring UT System to Brownsville. He lost miserably and yet continued on his original path. Yet he has no leadership skills and his management style meant "gather friends that I can influence"...and that has now come to an end. We must have some hope, because Tony's tenure has caused the city to swirl down the toilet...leaving behind hike and bike trails for Rose Zavaleta Gowen and her three friends.

Anonymous said...

I'm so pissed that someone actually stopped and stole my Eddie Treviño sign from my house . I wasn't able to get the license plate , but they had a CARLOS CASCOS sign on their car . It's shameful that someone would stoop that low to steal a political yard sign .
Say NO to Carlo$ Ca$co$

Anonymous said...

The mayor already did his damage to the taxpayer's of brownsville he's laughing all the way to the banks.

Anonymous said...

who's interest is the new majority working for?

Anonymous said...

scary majority
a racist
a bimbo
a yessir
a treky
and a chisqueada

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that Mungia finally showed he has some balls. He's been a disappointment so far. No seas panocha.

Mayor Martinez has to go.

Anonymous said...

Another fucktard who can't keep on topic about someone stealing their Eddie Treviño sign. Ay, Dios.

Anonymous said...

Remember La Casa Del Fraude I mean nylon, bunch of thieves.

Anonymous said...

Commissioner Mungia is doing a great job, making the right decisions. Way to go

Anonymous said...

Mungia is now a Charlie Cabbler puppet, he lacks the ability to make his own decisions. He is just another YES MAN.
