Thursday, October 11, 2018


Congratulations to all of our 2018 America’s Best Urban Schools Award recipients and thank you for the wonderful work you are doing on behalf of excellence and equity in urban education! (Handed out in San Diego, Calif this week.)


Anonymous said...

Three years in a row that BISD is recognized nationally. What a great accomplishment for our students and our teachers who have placed Brownsville on the map year after year. Yet, some people are never pacified with anything and find nothing but negatives to complain about. Look into what makes these awards possible and jump in and volunteer to help out at your child's campus so that next year we can get more schools join the previous winners. Congratulations to the principals who had been team leaders and instructional leaders to make this award possible. And, of Course, my congratulations to our Top Instruction Leader, Dr. Esperanza Zendejas, who's main focus is to make sure that each child receives the best possible education in BISD, and more power to her in keeping her head up full of pride, for her efforts in making this possible the three years that she has been our superintendent. I am waiting for the Broad Award in the next 2 years. Go forward, Dr. Zendejas and close your ears to those who continue to try to make these awards a minor importance during your tenure. Go forward until 2021!

Anonymous said...

Como te quedo el ojo, Sylvia? What else do you want?
Were you ever recognized as an outstanding superintentend
in all the 200 districts you have been at? Verdad que no!!!!
La Senora Zendejas te lleva con mucho!!!

Anonymous said...

please dont say zendejas had something to do with this. it was the teachet's and students' hard work

Anonymous said...

And who goes out in the pubic and gathers support and recognitions for those teachers and students. When did you ever see Carl Montoya out doing the same for the district, or Gonzales, or Pineda, or Sauceda, or todos los otros vatos Buenos para nada. Of course, every one knows that the teachers and the children are in the front line and responsible for this growth, but you can not deny that Dr. Zendejas works her butt off for our students and teachers.
Who ever provided grants for teachers to apply for and use to improve their education or instruction. And everyone knows that when our toes are stepped on and we are mandated to do something, we yell "foul." If your heart is in it you will work to the best of your ability and follow guidelines and if you are not you open that door at the front of your school and walk out to a place that will pay you for sitting on your butt.

Anonymous said...

Espy should stop taking credit for NCUST when Carl was the Superintendent who first championed our schools at the national level.

Anonymous said...

Blogger 8:38, have you ever heard Dr. Zendejas take credit for any award. She is, however, very proud to be the CEO for BISD and she always gives credit to the principals, teachers and students for their efforts. How many times have you offered to help out by volunteering for anything within the school district? Everyone can sit back and criticize, but it takes someone who has actually participated to make comments that are always negative. And, by all means, Dr. Zendejas has every right to be proud of fact that BISD is recognized all over the nation, as well as her leadership. It is those who have been told and listened to rumors that seem to always want to take her down. Are you related or one of Sylvia's puppets?

Anonymous said...

i would say that the individual principals, administrators, teachers and students of the schools have waaaaay more to do with the awards than Zendejas ever did, that first comment is a joke.

Anonymous said...

You posted just to express your negative views of everybody except yourself and your sucking up to your boss. Pity and shame on you. To make things worst you request help and if you read between the lines a pay raise. Out of how many school (2) of 58 school got this award?
Go to and learn what it takes to win this award.

Anonymous said...

Historically the most important determinants for a good education are 1) education of the parents and 2) quality of students around us while we are in school. The parents provide guidance and assistance, while our peers challenge and encourage us to reach higher goals in education. Note: Both the schools recognized are in the same area...almost across the HWY 802 from each other. There is a connection....We would hope that in a district so large, there would be more recognized schools. Unfortunately, there is a brain drain to charter schools and to "special" schools. Dr Zendejas deserves none of the credit...she has little to do with either of these schools. It is the teachers, parents and students of that neighborhood who deserve the credit. They do the work and take the tests. BISD, under the supervision of Zendejas and a corrupt Board of Trustees spend most of their time seeking publicity and buying million dollar scoreboards for an underperforming football program. Congratulations to the teachers, students and parents of the two recognized schools.

Anonymous said...

October 15, 2018 at 10:31 AM

2) quality of students around us while we are in school. Just what do you mean by your comment? I hope you are not a educator if you are you don't belong in the education field. Please get out or quit, or explain your comment about quality of students around us...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a racist rant and you are a teacher.

Anonymous said...

Yturria and Ortiz are not on 802! And yes, you are right. It take the total support of the total community to help each child succeed, but all we do is sit back and criticize. I wonder how many of the comments are written by someone who does not make sure their child attends everyday, and participates in activities that will help their child become successful and break that cycle of handouts. And yes, I also agree with you about the score board, and who cares that the other school districts have one and we don't. Except for Hanna, the scoreboard is not being lit up as much as it cost. Oh, and also Veterans. The person in charge of the district is only one person who is in charge of 58 schools, 4000 teachers and 7000 total employees. She is not
complement on all the good things going on, but she sure is cut down by all those who think they could do it better. Utopia is still not around in any place because of people who are so negative and have to bring everyone else to their level. If you criticize, go up to her and tell her or show her how to do the things right, like you would.

Anonymous said...

Typical educator blaming everybody for your incompetence and lack of foresight. No wonder only TWO schools got this award and not because they are close or near 802. IF YOU TEACHERS DON'T HAVE ANY POSITIVE COMMENTS TO SAY DON'T SAY ANYTHING. Bunch of primodonnas (a very temperamental persons with an inflated view of their own talent or importance).

Anonymous said...

The WHITE HORSE congratulates all teachers and staff, great job. Thank You for the job you do. May God Bless you, continue working for our children. Gracias.

Anonymous said...

Pinche payaso takes on to know one

Anonymous said...

Get real we don't want to be associated with a buffoon, we have enough of those in the class room.

Anonymous said...

The new name for the BISD, The Headless Chicken, as everyone is running around doing the best they can without being mixed up with the corruption.
