Citizens of Brownsville
It has been my honor and of great personal satisfaction to have had the opportunity to amass a tidy personal benefit at the expense of the taxpayers of the Brownsville Independent school district after 19 years as a board trustee.
From there, I amassed great personal influence which later helped to make me a successful vendor with BSN Sports. I was blessed with coaching young men who followed me blindly. It is they who deserve the accolades, not me. Aw, gosh, stop it! Stop it!
From this perch, I have been able to strong-arm coaches and other administrators to shop my expensive sports-equipment and will continue to do so now that the voters have rejected my candidacy for another four years as trustee. Man, I will miss the ability to move coaches around and hire my buddies.

Finally, I congratulate the winners of the recent elections, and pray that, unlike me, that they keep their promises to the citizens for our community is deserving. Old vendors, never die, they just get off the spotlight. You haven't seen the last of "Coach" Joe, by any means. Lookee here at the cash I'm making from my beloved BISD. Do you think I'm crazy and let that bone go?
Not even the devil will go to his funeral
Juan, you forgot to mention all the incompetent principals he appointed, they are worthless educators who only had to seat in his lap to get a school and now the schools are in complete chaos
Shame on you! If you are so high and mighty, why don't you run for the school board instead of sitting there listening to all of us who feed you information that keeps food on your table, especially those that pay you for
not publishing our comments about them. At least Coach Joe never paid you anything for not running article about him. He defended himself without your help like other board members do. Coach Joe gave his life for the kids of Brownsville and I am one that will always be grateful to him for having me stay on the right path and emulating him as a coach within our district. He cared for us kids and still does attending all football game, (yes, he gets in free out of respect for him) and motivates the boys as well as us coaches. He did teach us something, but right now I am going to
ignore it because I am infuriated over this article with you) but he always told us that if we could not say something good about a person, to keep our mouth shut. But I guess this is what your blog is about - starting up trouble. Shame on you, and remember that what comes around goes around.
Thank you, Coach, for all you have contributed to BISD since you were a very young man. Those of us who were "raised" by you owe you total respect.
Enjoy your retirement, have fun, and oh, yes, make it a point to sit on the front roll at all the board meetings to come and make sure that those buddies of Juan Montoya who were "bought" into the board live up to their promises! Valla con, Dios, Coach Joe and a big special thank you from me.
it was a classic who sill sit on my lap, rub my shoulders, for a promotion---of course once you get the promotion you have to do/hire/fire/reassign who I tell you was blatant.
Thank God it's over. Now the investigations and the truth will come won't be pretty, but the community deserves answers to why the taxes were raised the maximum allowed by law, why TRE funds were raised, where foundation funds go...etc.
The incumbents LOST because the community (not just the mistreated teachers)...but the community was tired of shady leadership.
our community and students deserve better....
let the truth come out....who may show the majority was right all along. If so..they deserve to be cleared.
Time will tell.....and the truth will surface.
How cruel to ridicule this man who gave his life for the children of Brownsville. Those kids were taught courage and discipline by him, for many did not have parents who did.
Then greed took over as no matter about all of the good you do in life, you fuck one sheep and you will always be known as "AS A SHEEP SHAGGER".
"Gave his life for the children of Brownsville?"
What, did he take a bullet for a kid and die? All he did was line his pockets with the money he raked in with his massive conflicts of interest.
And thanks to the constituents of BISD, CCDA and the federal authorities for "DOING NOTHING" about it.
But, at least this thieving POS is gone and maybe now the BISD can make money and actually hang on to it and not going into Joe's pocket.
Or, will there be another thief developed and or a mentor of Joe? Maybe Joe mentored the next thief and he or she will keep money in his pocket?
Only time will tell?
Gave his life no mames! that guy used the kids as an excuse to skim money from the tax payers for along time.People who really know him from as far back in 70s no the guy is con artist and shady.
When he crossed the line he is as good as a SHEEP SHAGGER, he lost all his credibility that he took years to build.
Goodbye Joe me gotta go me oh my oh
Me gotta go pole the pirogue down the bayou
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