Friday, November 16, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: Let's see if we got this right. The Cameron County Democratic Party not long ago admonished its members to either cut bait or fish. That is, if you are a Democratic party elected official or a party member, you should vote for and support Democratic party candidates.

But in a county that gave rise to the crossover Democratic vote to elect the likes of Tony Garza, and later, Carlos Cascos, to Cameron County Judge, the party lines get a bit blurred. What we had not seen was a countywide Democrat like Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz list himself in the Cameron County Republican Party online Bulletin Board. 
In fact, it was Saenz who swore in Cascos into office the last time he got elected county judge before he left to become Texas Secretary of State.

However, joining the online Republican bulletin board seems a bit brazen being that Saenz has already announced that he will be seeking reelection to that position and will be a Democratic party candidate in the upcoming primaries of that party. 

Things are a bit different here, podnah. Locally, personal friendships – party officials' admonitions notwithstanding – Democrats mix with Republicans and vice-versa. We have not seen a Republican crossover vote for Democrats, however, and it is unlikely that we ever will.

In South Texas, someone once said, a moderate republican like Cascos (a former Democrat) can chum it up with Sanez, member of a yellow-dog Democratic family that includes former district clerk Aurora de la Garza, a die-hard Democrat as they come. Oh, well, let the voters sort it out.


Anonymous said...

Most conservatives in the RGV, especially Hispanics, who have businesses or appointed positions are not likely to announce that they support Republican candidates for fear that the Democrats will take action to hurt or destroy their careers. The Democratic Party is like the old "Padron" keeping tabs on the people to see that they vote for Democrats.....or else they will lose their jobs/life.

Anonymous said...

luis el mojon, bigote de caca

Anonymous said...

“Hashish of the West,” a drug that was creating powerful hallucinatory dreams of territorial expansion, of judges who decide that “right is wrong,” of heaven as “a snug plantation” with “angel ethnic overseers.”

Slavery and forced labor stood at the center of the most dynamic and far-reaching production complex in human history. Too often, we prefer to erase the realities of slavery and force labor, expropriation, and colonialism from the history of capitalism, craving a nobler, cleaner capitalism.

“opulence is as really owing to the toil and suffering of the ethnics, as if their hands had excavated their docks and fabricated their steam-engines.”

Slavery and force labor enabled the stunning advances of industry, and the accompanying profit.

A shrewd calculation of the dangers, in both a moral and physical sense, which hang over a state of society whose foundations are laid in injustice and violence.”

Planters and ranchers understood that their cotton and cattle kingdom rested not only on plentiful land and labor, but also upon their political ability to preserve the institution of slavery and force labor and to project it into the new cotton and ranch lands of the American South. Continued territorial expansion of slavery and force labor was vital to secure both its economic, and even more so its political viability.

This is what trump means when he says "make america great again" and he's a republican NOT A DEMOCRAT.

Anonymous said...

Luis will have to answer to God one day for all he’s done on earth.

Anonymous said...

Juan, the interview on 99.9 was great, 100,000 people heard it, the "White Horse is" With You"! The White Horse is with you,Juan!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Democrats don't always vote Democrat in Cameron County. I was on the re-count committee several years ago in the Cascos vs. Wood race. It was aparent that the Dems voted their color when it came to a gringo vs a mexican, and the Republicans voted straight ticket.

On the same voting ballot two gringos, Bill White, Democrat, won 2 to 1 over republican Rick Perry in Cameron County, but the Cascos/Wood race was neck in neck (Wood was ahead by 13 votes) till the second day of the recount when a newly found ballot box was opened and only had 77 Ballots in it. All were marked straight Republican.

Anonymous said...

Self-serving politicians change party for their own selfish reasons.

Anonymous said...

Mr, Cascos, your defeat was due to your pictures with DA Saenz. He is also on his way off. Dime con quien te juntas, y te dire quien eres!

Frustrated Harlingenite said...

Oh yea you can! That POS filemon "rode the vela coat tails" candle. He was a GOP before he became a demo knowing that the dumb demo voters would put him in office.

Anonymous said...

12:39 is so full of shit. Nice try moron, nobody is buying it.
