Friday, November 9, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: Remember when former Cameron County Pct. 4 commissioner Dan Sanchez used to park in spaces reserved for law enforcement and constables at the Harrison St. county building?

Image result for dan sanchez, rrunrrunWell, Dan stopped doing it after we posted photos of his private vehicle on the restricted spaces.

Well, children, it appears that there is another public servant who thinks that the rules we mere mortals live by don't apply to special people like them.

A visitor to the tax office on Levee Street says he circled the block once or twice trying to find a parking space near the door and had to park about a block away.

Imagine his chagrin at walking to the building and seeing a Cameron County District Attorney SUV parked in a prohibited striped area.

"Don't the rules apply to everyone," he wrote as a caption to the photo he sent above. "Isn't everyone supposed to follow the rules, especially someone who is supposed to enforce the laws?"


Anonymous said...

Who the fuck is saying that? Name the sonofabitch, Montoya! God damn him!!!

Anonymous said...

The DA digs in the public shit and now it is time for Luis Saenz to show some leadership and rip his staff for breaking the rules. Not surprised that it is the DA office, but too many seek special privilege just because of their position. Time to think about the public. T

Anonymous said...

Hold your staff accountable Luis. Seriously, your staff make huge blunders on a daily basis. There shitty attitude and piss poor performance in the courtroom reflectscon your ability to run your office efficiently! Rules should apply to everyone and especially to to your employees Mr. DA

Anonymous said...

That is mongoloid Jimmy Limon. He thinks he is above the law.

Anonymous said...

A toothpick stuck in the valve steam will cause a flat tire in about a minute which requires someone to change a tire. Of course if you are caught doing this you will be given a life sentence by the DA when convicted!

Anonymous said...

They don't know the meaning of accountable...
