Monday, December 10, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: We have always said that the boundaries of the Point Isabel School District which stretch all the way down Highway 48 to the Port of Brownsville's quartermaster building unfairly takes away the tax income from plants in the port to the Brownsville ISD while the city has to put up with the truck traffic, educate the workers' children, and all the other ills associated with an industrial port. However, some of our readers, like the one who sent us this warning below, think that the move to redraw the PI ISD boundaries is a way to get at that school district for not giving the LNG plants tax abatements. Who is right?)

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The BISD Board of Trustees Policy Committee is having a meeting today (Monday) at 4:30 pm to discuss:

Item III J. Review and discuss a resolution to request that Legislators through Senator Lucio and Alex Dominguez make the limits of BISD match the city limits of Brownsville and that the area of Cameron County South of the Port of Brownsville up to the gulf become part of BISD territory (BMR - PC)

The BISD Board of Trustees is having a rescheduled Regular Board Meeting this Tuesday at 5:30 to discuss: item B. Board Agenda Request(s)

1. Discussion, consideration and possible action or approval of a Resolution requesting that the Legislators, through Senator Lucio and Alex Dominguez make the limits of BISD match the city limits of Brownsville, and that the area if Cameron County south of the Port of Brownsville up to the gulf become part of BISD territory as well (Board Member Request - PC)

Does this mean that Los Fresnos should also be worried? Some of their school district tax base goes into Brownsville's city limits.


Anonymous said...

BISD will be forever greedy and can't be expected to negotiate. Los Fresnos and Point Isabel should be concerned. We can only hope that the new BISD Board of Trustees will have a positive impact for all players and will negotiate in such a way that no one loses tax dollars. BISD can't effectively manage in its current configuration and if BISD conformed to the city limits, more effective and better managed school districts in Los Fresnos and Port Isabel will be negatively effected.

Anonymous said...

Trustee PC on the agenda is trying to rip off Los Fresnos CISD. Three Los Fresnos schools are in the Brownsville city limits.

Anonymous said...

The Port is not within the Brownsville city limits.

Anonymous said...

That's exactly what's happening here. Dominguez and Lucio have no clue as to what is good for our future other than towing the same old politician-Jobs.
Having worked in oil & gas and opening plant from ground up to production those jobs are will fade away after start ups are done. They will tear up the natural environment and clean air we have now for what? The two are no visionaries and someone should go in an drag them out of their office for supporting such stupid ideas for our future. How bout diversifying the freaking port, grow some hemp, export renewable energy products and grow a pair of balls. Following suit like corpus and houston ship channel is for mouthbreathing candyasses like dominguez and the lucios. oliveira is gone thank god but now we have mexican austin powers mini me who cant find the door out of his paradigm.

Anonymous said...

Phil may get his wish of having Dora Sauceda as the Super Intendent after all. We have no choice but to buy out Zendejas. It is sad how this new board is controlled and manipulated by one hateful person with an agenda to make money off the tax payers.

I hope you don't pull this comment off Juan. I didn't mention SAP.

Anonymous said...

It took rene several years to flip this one did it in less then two months.

Anonymous said...

Dont bother calling Eddie is closed until Jan 2, 2019. He might be searching for a pair of balls on Amazon. And no one at BISD Main Office can tell you anything about the rezoning. No letter sent to parents....great communication skills on their way North Brownsville. Looks like only the receptionist is available and does not know who or when anyone will be available. Our tax money at its best !
