Saturday, December 8, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: As time goes on in Cameron County, we have all become a bit cynical about events hosted by politicians. It seems like we have been inured to the abuses of this bunch to the point where even if the event seems innocent or noble enough, someone always suspects that there is an ulterior motive working in the background.

That is the case with the "posada in the park" event scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at Three Angels Community Park in Brownsville by the Cameron County District Attoney's Office of Luis V. Saenz. You know the park, it's where John Allan Rubio killed and dismembered his three kids 15 years ago and is now on Death Row for it. DA Saenz apparently wants to celebrate the birth of the Lord in a place associated with death, a critic pointed out. 
They also wrote in to say that Saenz has already announced he is running for reelection, so the event has some political overtones and will no doubt pull on the heart strings of all who sympathize with the victims of that horrendous crime.

The writer who sent us these invitation and card points out that the DA's Office used the county's email directory to assure that all county employees got the word. That said, we can only give Saenz the benefit of the doubt that it is a real empathy for the little victims that drives this, and not his upcoming political campaign for reelection. As we said at the start, we've all become a bit jaded and cynical at this juncture.)


Anonymous said...

No mames.

Anonymous said...

Who cares, guey!

Anonymous said...

Every thing Luis Saenz does is political. He reflects the Gilbert Hinojosa brand of politics....corrupt and self-serving. Let's hope a credible and honest person will run against him. Saenz is trying to get a head start, hoping to scare off prospective candidates. Time for Luis to leave the office again.

Anonymous said...

Surprise he doesn't have a theme like re-elect ME and continue the
SOS (same old shit).

Chuy said...

I am here for the people, got Tony the Tiger Yzaguirre and gang arrested for dirty deeds, done many great deeds, let rene oliverira go, brownsville mayor martinez and his gandg to do their wild thigns to rip off the people, man i am doign great, no body can beat me. shampoozie, take that to the bank, oh Merry christmas- and remember as gilberto hinojosa says all the time, vote early and vote often. adios.

Anonymous said... early and vote often! Rememberva vote for Saenz is a vote for CORRUPTION!

Anonymous said...

Saenz needs to go. You are a combination of Gilbert Hinojosa and Conrado Cantu.

No mames.

Anonymous said...

Saenz needs to be ousted, he needs to go. He is no longer welcome in this county.

Anonymous said...

The state rep OUT - BISD board non-got re-elect OUT - NEXT - COB and CC no one will be re-elected - coming next Port of Brownsville...

Anonymous said...

Fix the roads, fix the flooding, built bus shelters, control PUB utility increases and refund monies to citizens earmarked for that stupid generator failed project, stop useless projects, improve the hiring specially at the library and mandatory retirement for employees employed 45 years (no grandfather clause) and over, maybe some of you will get re-elected...
