Well, it's time to eat a little urraca.
Our heretofore reliable mole deep within the bowels of the Mr. Amigo Association got the wrong son in law.
We had been told that the Mr. Amigo 2018 selection would be Fernando Romero, one of the sons-in-law of Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim. Romero is married to Soumaya Slim, one of the tycoon’s daughters.
It turns out that it was the other son-in-law who was chosen as Mr. Amigo.
This one is Arturo Elias Ayub, who is married to Johanna Slim, another of the Slim' s daughters.
Mr. Amigo Association never tires of lifting relative unknowns from Mexico to take their place among the pantheon of illustrious men and women of politics and the arts from that country.
Who, you may well ask, is Ayub?
Did he find a cure for cancer? Is he more famous than Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the new Mexican president?
The short answer is: The son-in-law of Mexico's richest man, the billionaire Carlos Slim, the Mexican businessman said to have been worth $65 billion in 2017 and estimated to make almost $9 million a day ($8,947,848.52), or about $310.68 per second.

The idea that the residents of the poorest community in the United States will wine and dine one of the sons-in-law of the world's richest man and host his entourage and pay for his entertainment is thing short of brilliant, if not callous and insensitive.
(Even Ralph Cowen, Brownsville Navigation District commissioner (and Official Ambassador of Goodwill) seems to hedge his bets on the selection and argues that Ayub is a Mexican Mark Cuban and an inspirational speaker. Yeah, Ralph, but Cuban wasn't given a job by his father-in-law. He was his own man. But Cowen said he was invited for a free trip so he went along.)
In 2016, the MAA named Fernando Landeros, the founder of Teleton who had established free clinics and pharmacies to treat disabled children in Mexico and the United States. Interestingly, that year the MAA's was president Ricardo Garza, a pharmacist whose clinics in Los Fresnos and Port Isabel went belly up. Apparently, Landeros' success didn't rub off on Garza.
(And, the MAA's critics point out, most of the actors and actresses the association choices seem to be associated with Televisa, for some reason.)
Or, as the late Mr. Amigo Raul Velasco (also of Televisa) would say: Aun hay mas!
The long answer is: currently Director of Strategic Alliances of Telefonos de Mexico and CEO of the Telmex Foundation and Director of UNO Noticias.
Tito Mata, who is now doing the heavy lifting for the MAA, said Ayub's selection was a new change in direction for the organization. The efforts of the city should be to attract investors and companies to the city so that our kids won't have to seek employment elsewhere, the mantra goes.
Well, Ayub ain't no Cantiflas (actor), or Miguel Aleman (president), but he's a billionaire's yerno, so we guess that makes him eminently qualified for a free week of peda, apparently. No MAAmen!
It's "cuervo" Juan. Urraca is a grackle.
This is disgusting man.
This is not what it's supposed to be about. Mr. Amigo Association SUCKS COCK-ROACHES.
Why can't we get the fucking billionaire to come and give a speech to UTRGV business students instead? We bring him to wave for 2 or 3 miles.
Bring Carlos Slim, Elias Ayub, Azcarraga, all those billionaires..
But bring them to speak to students, entrepreneurs, etc. Not to fucking Charro Days..
No mames. -
@5:15 pm
ignorance is bliss.
I would love to listen to Elias Ayub talk about business, he's Carlos Slim right hand man. He went toe to toe with Azcarraga in el Tri's tv rights negotiations. For all of you that don't know Elias Ayub is also in Mexico's Shark Tank.
El Nuevo Director
Montoya has NO grasp of English or Spanish! Urraca my ass.
Another corrupt organization so what else is new???
People pay big bucks to be in the charro ass-so-si-ation, why? Its all party and party and party but not here in all parts of mijico. Pinche mamones...
Who’s the president of Mr. Amigo association? Doesn’t he call the shots?
Nobody gives a fuck about charrodays, mr amigo, or Sombrerro. All outdated and a waiste of time. Same shit every year gets old.
It's a big SOS (same old shit) stuck in a pot hole next to a useless bike trail...
Solid choice and Brownsville should showcase our City with a Mr. Amigo celebration. It's a wise decision to promote the City and keep ties with Mexico positive. Keep up the good work.
Some tips for identifying crows:
Slimmer beak than raven, with a short tail that is squared off at the end (unlike ravens’ long, pointed tails)
Broader, shorter, and less pointed wings than ravens
American crows make a clear-sounding caw that is higher pitched than the deeper croak of a raven
American crows are almost as large as a chicken
Tips for identifying common ravens:cuervos
Large size
Heavy bill
Shaggy throat when viewed at close range
Long, slightly pointed wings in flight
Long wedge-shaped tail
Tips for identifying common grackles:crepitaciones:
As large as a robin
Slender bodies
Long tails relative to their body size that often appear keel-shaped in flight
Iridescent blue feathers in a rainbow of colors (especially on the head)
Striking golden eyes
magpies are urracas Magpies are birds of the Corvidae family. The black and white Eurasian magpie is widely considered one of the most intelligent animals in the world and one of only a few non-mammal species able to recognize itself in a mirror test.
So both of you are dead wrong
Both of you should run for public office you got the qualifications urracos
To 2:06 and 8:58, since you jerks seem to know everything about Charro Days, what do you suggest?
Move it to matamoscas estupid
11:46 am like I said, no one gives a fuck about charro Days. I suggest that the parade returns to Matamoros and stays there. The COB spends to much on this stupid event. Go to Mcallen and learn how to plan and pull off a property event.
Showcase what el mesquilla alcalde, showcase los baches, senderos para bicicletas que nadien usa, clubes nocturnos, camino de deslizamiento, los de sin hogar, marcador electronico, caseta del autobús (invisible).
"Chambones Days" sponsored by who else COB and Chambones Association
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