Monday, December 10, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: See the dapper gent in the photo above? He is none other than Gilbert Velasquez, graphic designer extraordinaire and hombre de buen aire. He was the one who put the bug in people's ear to put up Brownsville's first Christmas tree in the public square. Of course, the official version is that the Brownsville Historical Museum did it, that city commissioners did it, that the Historical District did it, but it was really Gilbert who pushed for the tree and through his dogged persistence had the city people erect it. If you happen to be downtown one of these nights you can't miss it. Thanks, Gilbert!)


Anonymous said...

It is really very pretty!!

Anonymous said...

Gilbert also hates DP-M.

gilvel said...

Juan, Thank you for your crediting me for the idea on the First Christmas Tree at Market Square. Much of the credit, however, goes to our City Commissioner Ben Neece who tuned in to me and had the right city departments follow it through to make it a reality. This 34 ft tree looks awesome and the best time I had was enjoying the turnout for the lighting ceremony during the Cyclobia downtown event. Thank you City of Brownsville for making this happen, it looks like our community loves it. --Gilbert Velasquez

Ben said...

Brownsville is indeed lucky to have Gilbert among the citizens of this City. He seeks no recognition or accolades for everything he does to promote downtown Brownsville. I for one am grateful for all his efforts. Thank You Gilbert.

Anonymous said...

good idea
hopefully it lasts and is repected and appreciated by the residents!

Anonymous said...

Who paid for it and how much??? How many shelter could have been built, how many pot holes covered how many pipes bought and installed to eliminate the flooding???


Anonymous said...

If he's got so much pull advocate for accountability and transparency prioritize spending. This is just another buddy buddy scam.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with 2:53 and I hope it becomes an annual tradition like the Xmas Parade. I applaud Mr. Velasquez and urge him not to worry about the boo-birds and critics, they can hardly wait to bash any article Montoya writes. So I say to both Velasquez and Montoya, keep up the good work and Merry Xmas to all.

Anonymous said...

A donkey is used to push or pull a wagon? Idiots down here say push. That's how the city operates.

If a door has a sigh that read push do you pull? The majority of elected officials here will pull.

Anonymous said...

What would you buy if you're cold nike shoes a t-shirt?

Anonymous said...

"How many shelter could have been built?"

Christ, people will find any reason to complain about something, even a fucking Christmas tree during fucking Christmastime.

Fucking miserable Grinches.

Anonymous said...

If you only had money for food for your family and you and your family hadn't eaten for several days would you go out and buy a christmas tree?
The city needs fixin and these idiots go out and built a bike and hike trail, a dance studio for harligen citizens, cameras and who knows what else and spent millions. There are other priorities - flooding, infrastructure, bus shelters, pot holes galore sync the traffic lights, etc etc.
Election is around the corner they ALL need to be voted out and investigated

Anonymous said...

The Tree is beautiful! And thanks, Velasquez, and Neece, but we need to get rid of people that scare visitors to Downtown away. I'm a Downtown local, and saw two girls getting off their car exited to see the tree, only to then be scared away by some bum. I talked to the girls, and told'em no worries he's gone, but rushed to their car and left. And this is in front of the new Market Square Police Station.
My point... some new Downtown visitors are not enjoying the Christmas tree, and are being scared away from Downtown.

Anonymous said...

Where's the bike patrol there's no donut shops downtown.

Anonymous said...

