Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

We are sad to inform our readers of the passing away of a young man who seemed to have a promising future in local politics and in educational circles.

Friends of the family of Carlos Rios have confirmed that he was found dead in his apartment early today after a friend went to check on him. Neighbors report that numerous ambulances and police were called to investigate.

A justice of the peace has ordered an autopsy to determine the cause of death. He was 25 years old.

Rios had run for the board of trustees of the Texas Southmost College in the last election and came within a few votes for the runoff for Place 6 seat held by incumbent Dr. Rey Garcia. J.J. De Leon eventually beat out Garcia in a runoff.

After his loss, Rios was involved in several alcohol-related incidents but posted in social media that his faith and support of family would see him through his personal crisis.

Our condolences to his mother, his family and his friends. It is sad to see a young man with such a promising future taken from among us. May peace be with him, and with us.


Anonymous said...

Promising future? The guy was a mess! Be real, dude!

Anonymous said...

God Bless Carlos Soul & Jesus Christ Welcome Carlos Into The Kingdom Of Heaven.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous 11:55 am - you meant to say he was a mess like the rest of the politicians Brownsville is known to elect. Just look around you. BISD board, City commission, have a DA and sheriff's serving prison time. Be more respectful. He has parents and family. I'm sure you have parents, children, or brothers/sisters. This man could be you or one of your family members. Whatever his problems were, too bad it may have costs him his life before getting help. Condolences to his family.

Anonymous said...

Life in the fast land is often short. I am truly sorry for his friends and family.

Anonymous said...

Poor guy, some one pushed him into politics and then left him hanging, when they found an easier to handle soul.

General Patton said...

May he Rest in Peace

Anonymous said...

To anonymous 11:55 am - I personally knew Carlos. Graduated high school with him and am really shocked to see him go. Just like Carlos, we've all made mistakes, so who are we to judge. To reiterate, it is insensitive to point out someone's short-comings immediately after their death... especially in a city like Brownsville with everyone being related one way or another. I can honestly say that in his short-life, Carlos demonstrated an unmatched desire and passion for politics for someone his age. Truthfully, there is no other individual in our age group at this point whom I can envision becoming a political figure. Carlos was someone that was bound to be an elected official sooner or later. From his life, we can learn the importance of determination when striving to achieve our goals. RIP Carlos.

Anonymous said...

To those who trash talking the just deceased it makes you an opportunistic edgelord. An internet shock jock with no audience. To put it more bluntly -- you're a garbage human.
Its a tragic lost and my Condolences to his family.

Anonymous said...

When Alex Trejo passed father of JP Trejo you couldn't tell the truth about him either. What a funeral he had for a guy who couldn't make it six months at HPD. Honor guard for him, wow.

Anonymous said...

My sincerest condolences to his family and all those who loved him. I did not know him, and never met him. I hope he is at peace.

Anonymous said...

very sad.
wish the circumstances that led to his death can be defeated by those in the same boat.
RIP young man

Cassie Marie said...

Hey anonymous 11:55am maybe you should go find your balls, and have respect. Talking shit as anonymous, what a pathetic individual

Anonymous said...

Carlos R.I.P.

Anonymous said...

My mos sincere condolences to the family

Anonymous said...

I will do a line for him today

Anonymous said...

Regardless of how we felt about him as a politician, it is incredibly sad to see someone with so much spirit gone at such a young age. Prayers for his family.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 11:55 seems to lack empathy (he probably doesn't know what that means) and too willing to be negatively critical of this young man. The political arena in Brownsville is filled with unqualified people (Linda Salazar, for example) who find the public tit easier than working for a living. May this young man be remembered for the positive things in his life.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Carlos was destine for greatness. Nobody is PERFECT, he made mistakes, we all make mistakes. RIP Carlos.

Anonymous said...

Didn't you bash this guy when he was caught DWI? And now you talk wonders about him. YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE

Anonymous said...

there is a book out there titled
"what made maddy run"
its about the pressures young adulta face and how ill prepared they are to face them. mental health is real. itaffects many people across all races and social classes. i am not a DR and i do not know the circumstances sorroundi g this ylung man
may lord comfort his survibors

Anonymous said...

May Carlos RIP. Did not know him but pray for the family and friends. Godspeed! Powers

Anonymous said...


Nieves said...

May he rest in peace lots of individuals
Judging him and on fb not right most people have become some numb to other peoples emotions its scares me...

Anonymous said...

He's in a better place now, soon we will ALL join you, and those idiots with no empathy will stay here in hell. RIP Carlos Prayers for his family.

Anonymous said...

Such a young nice man, may you rest in peace. The community lost a good person.

Anonymous said...

Always sad to see one so young die. However he was not "taken from us". Nobody took him, he killed himself. That is hard, but somebody needs to hold this up as a warning to other young people that behaviour has consequences which are sometimes fatal. The way he was going, he was not destined for greatness, but a stainless steel table in the morgue.

Anonymous said...

To 4:18, look stupid, honor guard for Alex Trejo was for his military service dumb ass. Look before you speak idiot!!!

Anonymous said...

I never got to meet him.
Somehow his struggle and death may help others.
Condolences to his family and friends.
Prayers and requests for County wide suicide prevention programs could help.

Anonymous said...

Suicide hotline 1-800-273-8255
