Thursday, January 24, 2019


Starship Hopper 2

(Ed.'s Note:  It wasn't one of those famous Martian dust storms that are often depicted in sci-fi movies blowing over the Martian colonists populated by astronauts. It wasn't even a one of those tropical storm that often  our coasts, much less a hurricane.

It was a typical coastal blow at Boca Chica beach that blew down Elon Musk's SpaceX’s Starship Hopper prototype awaiting test flights resulting with the upper section of the rocket sustaining damage after it blew over.

(We could not confirm the report that the only casualty was commissioner Jessica Tetreau's bruised ego driving away in her used Tesla.)

The local daily reported that Musk tweeted Wednesday morning that 50-mph winds broke the craft’s mooring blocks and allowed the rocket’s fairing to topple over. He tweeted that repairs will take “a few weeks.”

Those two weeks could stretch out as Musk's projects often do. Remember that he promised to start launching 12 satellites a year in 2013 and hire 300 people with salaries starting at $75,000. So far - going on  nine years later - nada.

We wouldn't hold our breaths with this latest wrinkle either.)


Anonymous said...

No shit?

Anonymous said...

The scumbag Rene Oliveria said that he would go to Mars in Eltons rocket, you will surprised what some Flexseal and some Bullshit can do.

Anonymous said...

Is Musk trying to bullshit this community by saying this piece of junk is going to actually be launched into space? Has Musk being playing Tony Martinez all this time? This wind damage is sort of descriptive of the tenure of Tony Martinez as mayor of Browntown. Tony is a failure too!

Anonymous said...

Get some duct tape. Fixes everything.

Anonymous said...

Cardboard and reynolds wrap ain't going anywhere. This was fake from the start to keep the natives satisfied.

Anonymous said...

If a 50 mph wind knocked the shit off the rocket, can you imagine what would happen in space? In that case, I suggest that the city of Brownsville citizens start collecting money under the expressway for "A Trip for the Moon"
and pay for Tony Martinez, Charles Cabler, Dr. Gowen, Dr.Sylvia Atkinson,
and Minerva Pena to be the first to take the trip. Let them start their own dictorship in Mars or wherever very far away from here!

Anonymous said...

It's just a prototype, big dofus jmon

Anonymous said...

Brownsville is fast becoming the butt of every joke on every late nite show paying any attention to this Last Chance Texaco town. The politicos have been their money under the table, just like they were with Titan Tire, etc. The people have paid out of their pockets in taxation. The rocket ship that looked liked something my brother built in our backyard in 1959 toppled on an typical day in Btown with slightly above wind gusts. Anybody smell a rat? And I'm not talking about the ones they send up in space.

Anonymous said...

Bah! Se les acabo el pedo. Toy rocket! If that thing were real don't you think they would've taken greater precautions, like support beams to avoid incidents like this mishap. Fake! Fake! Fake!

Anonymous said...

First it was if a dog pees brownsville floats now its if a dog farts it topples a rocket. Is the animal shelter not doing its job? It would be an injustice to say "we got fooled again". Or not?

Anonymous said...

While I do think Brownsville will never see a rocket launched from this site, you people do realize this was just a mock-up, right? Read the article and you'll see it was just a model to see how the engines on the real thing are going to fit.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that done during the engineering phase or something like that? Seems like any one of the local mechanic shops could have done a better job.
With that in mind I would NEVER go see a rocket launch. Hijo de Sue!!!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville is the testing center of Musks Rockets, he said if it can stand up to the wind and the Bullshit of the Jackass Jason Hilts, then it will go to the Moon.

Anonymous said...

Can pot smoking elton vote here?
