Monday, January 21, 2019



Anonymous said...

Stop pumping money into the unused bike trails set priorities.


Anonymous said...

From Matamoros?

Anonymous said...

cartel money !!

Anonymous said...

Looks Matamoros.

Anonymous said...

Matamoros taking over Brownsville Politics! Are you kidding me.Watch out people, please know who your voting for.Take the time to check on this candidate and all candidates before you vote.Some of these people are shady as hell.It's bad enough we have some people already in office that are doing the same thing, lining their pockets,looking out for their own interests. Be aware!! Do your homework.

Anonymous said...

Hate mongers, racist republicans and hillbillies, those tactics no longer work here. My philosophy has always been "if its white and moves don't trust it". Has always worked.

Anonymous said...

Looks too much like Abel Limas.

Anonymous said...

Limas felt like God when he sat as a judge. Will he do the same as a city commissioner?

Anonymous said...

No Matamros anymore !!!!

Anonymous said...

very good point @"do your homework"

Anonymous said...

I have no idea who he is.

Anonymous said...

No more lawyers and no more MOROS PEOPLE in politics .

Anonymous said...

Another "Junior" NO MORE!!! What is behind this all of sudden "want to do good politician"? What struggles has he overcome, is he from the barrio, is he a St. Joe alumni, who is backing him? Too many questions too few answers. Nope....el que sigue.

Anonymous said...

Guerrero can you get me a couple of loads

Anonymous said...

Some people need to stop stiring the pot and dividing our community.
Stop being like that hate monger blogger always trying to create animosity
amongst us. Then sitting back and enjoying it. Likes to dish it out pero no
se acuanta. Every time he's been asked to leave candidates family members
alone, he cries like a baby on FB. Then his 3 loyal supporters comfort him
and coddle him.
I guess freedom of speech only applies to his chingaderas.
Lately he's attacking a council lady. Muy chingon con las mujeres.
Oh and don't forget the McAllen coconut blogger who hates us all
but can't get his nose out of our business. You know the one that is
a cut above because he drunks Starbucks and wine.
Two poison hearts beat as one. ( Safados )
The green monster is real boys and girls.

Anonymous said...

A stirred pot tastes better safado

Anonymous said...

@ January 23, 2019 at 9:52 AM

Talks about racism then proceeds to use the word "hillbillies," and says if it's "white" don't trust it.

Yeah, because none of that is racist at all.

Anonymous said...

Don’t trust anyone with a fake smile.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:52 a.m. The pot calling the kettle black? You respond with racism with what you call racism.

Anonymous said...

Its payback and they can't stand it? What memory. There was a time (here) when mejicanos could not enter the court house just because you were hispanic! Here in brown town there were several establishments that a mejicano could not enter (imagine that-here in brown-town).
Now they get offended!

GIVE ME A BREAK "The pot calling the kettle black". Unless its a coco that answered, now that's a different story

Anonymous said...

@ 9:25 and 4:17 for your info its call payback or as you whites call it reverse-discrimination we down here call it "Awanta la barra!".

Anonymous said...

con que saquen a De Leon!

Anonymous said...

@January 26, 2019 at 9:06 PM

Que saquen a todos como BISD

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My great grand mother wants to know when a Mejicano
is going
to be allowed to do the Grito for Charro Days. She's 88 and
says she wants to hear an authentic grito. Brownsville is about
98 percent Hispanic and not one can do it ?
Sorry but some things need to be asked.
Is the person elected each year?
Does anyone know who to ask about this?
Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

The gringo grito "yippie yippie yippie". I agree we dont't need a stinkin' gringo to be allowed to do the charro days grito and definitely NOT AN ATTORNEY...

Anonymous said...

I got it - record a mojado yelling while being chased by la migra. Uuuy uuuy uuuy aaaaaaah ya me chingaron.

Anonymous said...

Where's his sarape or robazo???
