Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Family and friends:

It is with great excitement and equal humility that I announce my candidacy for Brownsville City Commissioner at Large “A”.
I am a public servant, not a politician. And I think our city needs a change, needs a return to public service now more than ever.
As your City Commissioner I will focus on improving accessibility by scheduling weekly office hours to meet with you.
I will also hold regular town hall meetings in different parts of our city and engage you on your terms so you can hold me accountable.
I will work with city, school, county, state and federal officials to bring our vision for Brownsville to life.
I will keep a public calendar of all meetings regarding city business and detail who was present.
Finally, I make a very important guarantee; I will not benefit financially, either directly or indirectly, from my service as City Commissioner. I will take neither any unnecessary trips using city money nor will I accept any job related in any way to city business.
The shadow of corruption dies in the light of civic engagement. Together we can make this city the shinning beacon of The Rio Grande Valley, but I’m going to need your help and your vote.
For more information please contact me at


Anonymous said...

White guy gonna win!

Anonymous said...

Sounds better then that attorney for now, will not vote for any attorney and for anybody running for RE-ELECTION...

Anonymous said...

He looks real no suit no photoshop no smirking face stated what he plans to do and sounds realistic. What more do you voters want!!!

Anonymous said...

I take everything back this guy is an attorney.

Former RGV LEO said...

Ismael is a good guy! The only problem that Brownsville has to worry about "IS" that Ismael will "want" to do the right thing! And, we all know that in the land of "thievery," this will not fly in Brownsville.
I wish Ismael good luck anyway!

Don Pedro said...

Another attorney, do we want to go there?

Anonymous said...

No attorneys.

Anonymous said...

"Thievery" came from the justice system from europe and made its way south.
