Sunday, January 27, 2019



Anonymous said...

If it falls on somebody yes.

Anonymous said...

That, I'm not a robot, is acting up again, make it simple so the teachers can join. I like to read their convoluted postings makes my day, poor students...
Ha ha lol

Anonymous said...

Depends which district, some City Commissioner, Commissioners at Large and the Mayor don't care about it's citizens.

Anonymous said...

Certainly not the city! They don't see it in the middle of the street, much less in an alley full of filth they let accumulate, yet we pay for pickup of brush every money. A pot hole does not tell them that there may be under that pot hole, until a car falls into a sink hole or ruins his rims. Yet,
he wants to be re-elected. Sin vuerguenza!

Anonymous said...

Your bullshit on Rick Longoria eats away at more of your low credibility. Get a job already!

Anonymous said...

Not in Brownsville. If someone heard it, they would have a responsibility to report it or to take action to clear the alley. The tree falling was an act of God and locals believe it is up to Him?Her to get it out of the way.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Garbage collectors would, don't think anybody else would, though.

Anonymous said...

Andan cagando palo

Anonymous said...

City leaders don't care as long as they get their bike lanes and trails well maintained although hardly anybody uses them. And of course, continue to spend tax dollars on ill attended cylovias, I wish city leaders would get their act together and start maintaining the streets and better drainage.

Anonymous said...

There were a lot of unemployed fed employees maybe one of them could have called it in.
There were unemployed and on an unapproved UNPAID vacation unlike the teachers with 3 months with paid vacation. Maybe the teachers should have come up front with help but they didn't.

Anonymous said...

Is that a bike convention on I'm Not A Robot?

Anonymous said...

why does cabler's ad have only six stars shouldn't it have 31?

Anonymous said...

your question lacks information, therefore, I can't answer your question.

What time, what day, which alley, did it fall in the middle of a storm, in the middle of rush hour, during lunch hour, at 3:30am???? etc. etc.

Eventually, someone will notice, but no one necessarily has to hear it fall.

Anonymous said...

if i was commish id go over with my chainsaw and pickup truck deliver 99 cent burgers remive the debris and post in on faicebuk

el piporro said...

juan you need to report it, city crews will come by no seas soflamero

Anonymous said...

yes those poor feds and their GED's
couldnt save any money making $40 an hour

Anonymous said...

SOFLAMERO haven't heard that word in ages.

Anonymous said...

When will the property owners take responsibility? It's about time for the responsibility to fall on the property owners. Come on people you buy a piece of property then you need to be a responsibility. I own a home and if a tree falls from my side of the alley then it's my responsibly to cut it up and clean up the mess. Stop laying it on the City or anyone else to clean up your mess.

Anonymous said...

Don't be a soflamero like Juan. That's why we (ha) pay taxes, what would the trees and branch department do if we pick up trees and branches?

Anonymous said...

Bill the city maybe they will pay for your labor. Na, forget it, the i've been here 50 years is gone. so sorrrri...
