Friday, January 25, 2019


By Juan Montoya

Coming on the heels of standing-room only turnout at Texas Southmost College trustee Trey Mendez's Meet-and-Greet  at Cobbleheads, the repudiation of his stand on the merger of the three valley Metropolitan Planning Organizations, and his apparent chumminess with the diminutive pizza restaurateur, there is a mounting consensus that incumbent City of Brownsville Mayor Tony Martinez will not run for reelection.

Others point at what hey say is the apparent close relationship between Mendez and Martinez to the point that his pizzeria recently featured a 1848 pie that features brisket from the mayor's restaurant (1848) across the street from his Lola's Bistro on Palm Blvd.

Anecdotal? Perhaps. But it is the stuff of local chisme.

It's a version that Mendez disputes vigorously and says his Manzo pizza - a big seller - is because he and his business support Abraham, his pitmaster, who introduced it.

"I'm not cloe to Mayor Martinez at all," he said. "In fact, I don't think he really likes me."

Add the results of an election poll that allegedly shows him running far
behind Mendez and former city manager Charlie Cabler in the May mayoral race and the rumors of his withdrawal have gained traction.

But it is the baggage from two terms that Martinez is carrying that has convinced many local political observers that Martinez may withdraw and allow the college trustee to face off against  Cabler.

Just recently, both the Cameron County and Brownsville commissioners voted for resolutions supporting a proposed merger of the three Rio Grande Valley organizations that handle transportation planning in their respective areas.

They say that the move will make the region eligible for far more state transportation funding and impact economic growth for generations. The resolutions favor of joining the Brownsville, Harlingen-San Benito and Hidalgo County metropolitan planning organizations. 

It is a move that flies squarely in the face of Martinez's adamant stand against the merger as recently as the last MPO meeting, which as mayor of the largest city he chairs.

Martinez has long held out against merging the Brownsville, Harlingen, San Benito with that of Hidalgo County claiming it would put Brownsville at the mercy of the larger county upriver. Even though estimates provided by Texas Dept. of Transportation District Engineer Pete Alvarez showing that the city would receive at the very least an additional $12 million if the merger occurred, Martinez has been adamant about losing local control.

"It is the policy of this board not to pursue the merger," he wrote Alvarez in October 2017. "We continue to discuss this ad nauseum...It will obliterate the local control fro Brownsville. We are being asked to give up the autonomy we have to control the destiny of our community."

But Alvarez countered that under a governance scheme that in the bylaws being formulated by TxDoT, is includes the concept of a supermajority where the bigger cities in the three existing MPOs would get weighed votes, with Brownsville possibly getting 6 votes and a small community like Los Indios one.

The model envisions the merged MPOs having a board of 42 members, with Hidalgo accounting for 66 percent of the vote. However, in order for any project to be approved, the item would have to get 75 percent of the vote (supermajority), giving Cameron County leverage to decide the outcome of any agenda item with 9 or 10 percent of the vote.

"If 9 or 10 percent of Cameron County votes against any item, it will be quashed," Alvarez told Wood.

At the time, Alvarez said that so far, all nine Texas State Representatives in both counties have signed a resolution in favor of the merger as has a unanimous Cameron County Commissioners Court. Cameron County elected state officials including then-State Rep. Rene Oliveira, Rep. Eddie Lucio III, and Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. also voiced their support for the merger idea as long as a model making a supermajority is included in the bylaws.

"This is something that’s been in the process for many, many, many years,” County Judge Eddie Trevino Jr. said after the resolution’s at the point now where the proposed merger is a win-win for everybody involved.”

Trevino told the local daily that the merger would give the Rio Grande Valley the fifth-largest MPO in Texas. That would make the region eligible for a pot of money containing 83 percent of Texas Department of Transportation funding, he explained, compared to the 17 percent of money it competes for now.

“We would be at a completely different buffet table that we’ve been at before,” he said.

Has Martinez seen the writing on the wall and secretly bailed out to leave the field clear for the other two? We'll chew on our 1848 until we find out.


Anonymous said...

Election poll??...We don't need no stinkin'polls.
Who did the pollster talk to?..You, McHale and Wrightman-Cervantes?
LMAO... what a joke.

Anonymous said...

Trey is good for Trey, nothing else. Coruption is rife in the City and to many people have black books.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mendez is a complete suck-up to the powers that be. He likes his toast buttered on both sides: one side for the politicos who have run this town since way back when and the other side for the people who live paycheck to paycheck, yet are the majority and they DO VOTE. When is this town going to wake up and keep people like him from running our lives??

Anonymous said...

And not a single fucking female brave enough to run!

Anonymous said...

Trey is Adela Garza’s puppet...and a mamas boy...

Anonymous said...

There won’t be another government shutdown in three weeks. Trump’s poll numbers couldn’t take it and the result will be the same. A national emergency wouldn’t pass a smell test in the courts. And Repubs don’t want to take another hit.

Trump caved. Trump lost. It’s over. Long live Nancy Pelosi!

Anonymous said...

If Tony Martinez hasn't gotten the word yet, he surely isn't reading the blogs or talking to the voters who have potholes in their streets and flooded streets when it rains. Tony is DONE! If he runs, he will be embarrassed. If he withdraws from the campaign, he will be forgotten quickly. Trey Mendez is forward thinking and seems to get things done. Cabler is a step backwards for this city and it would be corruption and litigation like we have never seen and surely can't afford. Trey Mendez For Mayor!!!!

Anonymous said...

Tony bananas has got to go!

Anonymous said...

Tony bananas has got to go!

Anonymous said...

All the way to the finish line with #TEAMTREY baby! There is no other option.

Anonymous said...

voting for Charlie Cabler, hope he wins the election and get the city in the right track, that is providing true municipal services. It would be nice for him to retake his old office as our elected Mayor. We are with Charlie 150%!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Martinez like his pizza served in a tray. Maricones

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Black Magic Man Tony Martinez has not cut a deal yet on a guaranteed payment plan for him to leave quietly, that guarantees him to watch the Jackass Jason Hilts and his Whore from getting to Columbia.

Anonymous said...

The only problem I might have with Trey is that he gets his brisket meat from the Mayors Bbq place for his bistro.If its true and correct many that know this to be true.,how would Trey be any different from this douch bag of a mayor Martinez we have now.

Anonymous said...

Trump is the beast that always roared but no sound is heard,it proves he is useless just all talk. Nancy has got him by the BALLS AS ALL HIS FRIENDS ARE GOING TO JAIL.
Trump should not open his mouth until his Brain is in gear. Him and his family should not get paid during a shutdown.

Anonymous said...

Si que no tiene verguenza para lanzarse otra ves Como alcalde. Seria el Colmo de Los colmos si ganara, pero la culpa la tendrian Los votantes.

Anonymous said...

No leaders to run for mayor here that are females why? The want to be judges only why?

Anonymous said...

We will never forget La Casa Del Fraude (Nylon) Purchase. Do we voters need anything more clear when casting our votes? I think not, enough is enough, we don't need any more downtown real estate purchases that only benefit the sellers.

Anonymous said...

Point Isabel recently saw their superintendent of 8 years retire . In their search for a replacement few applied making it easy for people with agendas to make finalist. Word is the BISD Area Superintendent Theresa Alarcon is one of them. This individual is known for her ability to win over prior administration (male) for career advancement. Rumors abound. Something else to consider is her hand in the Pyramid Scheme that was rampant in Brownsville im 1994. She was conducting this business at the elementary school she taught at and in private homes. Omce the media was made aware, they kept trying to get her on camera. She is not a legitimate educational leader in Brownsville, much less in carrying a whole district like Point Isabel. “Dr.” Zolkoski promoted those that were close to him. Brett Springston did the same. Dr. Carl Montoya followed their lead and Alarcon went from elementary principal, to guidance and counseling, to Hanna to AS. She didn’t get selected for AS as it is rumored that she didn’t complete her interview. Lucky for her, it is said, Dr. Montoya had the committee call her back on another day and let her interview again. Why? Ask yourself why that happened when others who were more qualified also interviewed. The vacancy was for 1 Area Superintendent, however, the district now decided to take 2 with her being the second. For some, it will be a blessing that she leave BISD. Good luck to the school districts that take her as their lead.

Anonymous said...

Beto for Mayor

Anonymous said...

Who was the lawyer that drew up the contract for the La Casa de Nylon sale?

Don Pedro said...

So the mayor tony martinez looks like he wont be running, so then he can have his camote trey mendez run instead ? que bonito, y sigue el gran robo. yikes i feel for the taxpayers of brownsville- sounds like puro chorizo San Manuel. Yikes lol

Anonymous said...

MONTOYA.... Puros comentarios negativos de trey mendez y de martinez por lo que se ve es pura jente del RATON de cabler, el pedito de las ambulancias no se ha acabado deja que salga toda la corrupcion que el gordo de cabler permitio porque el estaba en la jugada pues al bote puede ir este guey junto con los comisionados que votaron que no continuara la auditoria, VA HA LLOVER CACA EN BROWNSVILLE

Don Pedro said...

juan corruption is everywhere here in south texas, cameron, hidalgo, willacy and starr counties, its a deadly disease that affects all of us, is a damn shame, only keeps us back. This area sounds like the old tv show Monty Hall's "Lets make a Deal". If you dont pay,you dont play.

Anonymous said...

I will never get over the stupid generalizations of some of the people who comment on this blog. I always shake my head at the, "Oh, well, it's South Texas, of course things are corrupt. There's always been corruption here in South Texas." As if we have a monopoly over American political corruption and graft; as if this is the only place in the entire country where corruption exists.

Just like that asshat Bobby Wrightman Cervantes calling Brownsville a "shit hole" on his blog. If people think things are so corrupt here, and if they think this place is a "shit hole," why don't they just pack their shit up and hit the highway to all points north? Most of these people have never left South Texas and think San Antonio is the edge of the world.

There is corruption everywhere. There is graft everywhere. Corruption has reached every level of government. Just search "Teapot Dome Scandal" to read how corruption and bribery reached all the way to the White House. I doubt Warren Harding's critics said, "Oh, well, Warren Harding is from South Texas, where there is corruption all over."

Corruption affects every corner of this great country of ours. It is up to responsible journalists to expose the corruption then the voters have to vote the corrupt politicians out of office. Not only in South Texas, but everywhere.

Don Pedro said...

Responsible journalist, thats what JUAN M & EL RRUN RRUN are doing- EXPOSING THE TRUTH.

Anonymous said...

WOW I thought Corpus was the edge of the world oh well its not the first time the disappointing blues hits me.

Anonymous said...

With all this illegal spending maybe the state AG can look in this or the local DA.

Anonymous said...

@ Don Pedro

I know he is. I'm not denying the fact that he is a responsible journalist. I'm simply saying corruption isn't exclusive to Deep South Texas and that the stereotype that it is pisses me off.

Anonymous said...

It's design to make elected officials and others to think twice before doing anything illegal. Nothing else and some local and historical writing by Juan. Which is what I like local history Gracias Juan...

Anonymous said...

Corruption only in South Texas no where else, corruption runs rampant only in South Texas - WHY? Because of da pinches mojados das why, and now they are running for elected offices can you image that? I heard that they want to annex camaron. higadgo, estrella y willisi counties to tamauplipas, el idiota trump says its fine with him - good idea very beautiful

Anonymous said...

A mexican named tray?
