Saturday, February 16, 2019




Cabler, Charles - Qualified Candidate

Mendez III, Juan "Trey" - Qualified Candidate

Martinez, Antonio "Tony" - Qualified Candidate

City Commissioner At-Large A 
Cowen Jr., John F. - Qualified Candidate

Guerrero, Carlos A. - Qualified Candidate

Hinojosa, Ismael H. - Qualified Candidate

Puente Bradshaw, Jessica

City Commissioner District 1 
(Candidates must live within the District) 

Galonsky, Nurith P. - Qualified Candidate

Garza, William A. - Qualified Candidate

Longoria Jr., Ricardo - Qualified Candidate

Rodriguez, Michael - Qualified Candidate

City Commissioner District 2 
(Candidates must live within the District)

Ahumada, Jr., Patricio M. "Pat"

Tetreau, Jessica A. - Qualified Candidate

Presas-Garcia, Catalina "Caty" - Qualified Candidate

Mills, Ronald D.


Anonymous said...

So, shit, is Pat Ahumada running or not?

Anonymous said...

You are telling me that that Snollygoster Puente-Bradshaw is running for a position on Brownsville City Commission when everyone knows she lives in Austin?

Ben said...

Can you be your own campaign Treasurer ? Just asking for a friend .

Anonymous said...

Not a very promising selection

Anonymous said...

6.06 same hand, just different pocket, why not.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha. Puente Bradshaw keeps coming to Brownsville to get elected.. remember when she wanted Tony Yzaguirres position? That woman is sick in the head and so are her followers.

Anonymous said...

@ February 16, 2019 at 6:06 PM - Ben

Yes, you can.

Anonymous said...

Pat the rat is back, he has decided to run again.

Anonymous said...

Y el cheque que?

Anonymous said...

If our current mayor managed to get re-elected while wasting ten times more than the infamous $20,000 check why is it that is the only
thing mentioned about Ahumada? What about at least 10 things that can be said and proven about Martinez? Is he the local Donald of the democrats? Nobody wants to "poke the bear?"
Presas and tetreau were best friends, no more?
Isn't anyone else willing to go against local oligarchs? We have an oriental community, a middle east community, forget mexicans and anglos, go to the plate and independents WILL support you. We are tired of the same all the time.

Anonymous said...

This comment doesn't particularly fit here, but since it has to do with the election, and Bobby Wightman's apparent endorsement of the nouveau riche who are trying to reshape the downtown landscape, I figured I'd shoehorn it in here. I commented this on one of Wightman's blog entries, but since activity over there is heavily censored, I figured I'd give it a shot here.

Another comment that won't be published by the censors over at the supposed "Brownsville Voice," but what the hell, I'll type it out anyway. I'll probably just submit it to one of the other blogs and see if they publish it.

No, Brownsville does not need another "high dollar establishment making downtown the place to be." It never ceases to amaze me how hypocritical you are with your "no sacred cows" bullshit. You shook your fist at Mike "Carpetbagger" Hernandez and his OP10.33 political machine, claiming he is nothing more than elite trying to gain control of Brownsville, all the while it appears you are clearly in the corner (and pocket?) of Juan Mendez III.

Brownsville does not need an upscale pizza and wine place for all the Matamoros elite and fresas to hang out at, and Brownsville certainly doesn't need an upscale whisky bar, either. Brownsville has a downtown that has a lot of history, and is a very beautiful place, but it certainly doesn't need to be transformed into some elite, highfalutin "upscale" place.

I wonder if Ben Neece would have been so adamant in placing all those security cameras downtown if he didn't have his bar in the area where the cameras were installed.

Downtown used to be beautiful. As a kid, I can remember going to the C&L Pharmacy to have lunch with my grandfather, sitting at a table with complete strangers at G&A's for breakfast across the old Texas Cafe at Market Square because the place was just too small to wait for a table to open up. I remember eating at Rutledge, combing through militaria at Whitman's, watching movies at the Majestic, and countless other memories. Now, the highfalutin want to turn it into some upscale, highbrow place for the nouveau riche of Brownsville.

This is what happens when the lawyers and the rich people do. They want to look like regular people while eating their fifty dollar pizza and hundred dollar bottles of wine.

Downtown needs legitimate revitalization. Downtown Brownsville can be its own city within a city. All the buildings with more than one floor can be repurposed as lofts, condominiums, or apartments. If people live there, they're going to need somewhere to shop. If they shop there, they're going to need somewhere to eat. The right kind of investors can breathe life back into downtown. The wrong kind of investors are going to turn it into some sort of playground for the Brownsville and Matamoros elite.

This election is a vanity exercise for someone like Juan Mendez III and the rest of his high class, rich friends. What good is an upscale pizza and wine place, and what good is an upscale whisky place, if you don't have a decent paying job in Brownsville that won't afford you to go to those places in your new high society downtown?
