Friday, February 8, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: with former City of Brownsville Mayor Pat Ahumada bowing out of the District 2 race, it leaves only two other candidates - both women - in the race so far before the filing deadline ends Feb. 15. They are incumbent Jessica Tetreau and former Brownsville Independent School District trustee Catalina Presas-Garcia. We post his announcement as a public service.)


I was not running for city commission district-2 for myself, but for those who wanted to restore
transparency, accountability, accessibility and advocacy to make Brownsville the agenda. 

I have seen the ugly part of politics, but even then my family and I were willing to give of ourselves to make Brownsville a better place. I include my family, because they too have to put up with the ugly part of politics. Fund raising was no problem, as we collected close to $8,000 and more was offered. 

Getting signatures was not a problem, as people want change. For me, the district-2 race was winnable, but the discouraging part was how some people were afraid to get openly involved for fear of being bashed by a blogger who is obsessed with me.

I was running to make Brownsville better, but if people are afraid to stand up for change, then why
should I put my family through a bashing campaign? 

I have spent a good part of my life (30 years) in doing what was right and opposing special interest, which was costly to me. Since I am not running, I can speak freely and remind people that I was the only one on the commission who opposed the Imagine Brownsville scam. I also appraised Lincoln Park and opposed the giveaway scam. 

I went to Washington to file a complaint regarding the misappropriation of HUD monies with Father Jerry Franks and Don Curry, which Cabler and Atkinson tried to block. We stood up for what was right and HUD proved us in the right with sanctions for the misappropriated funds by management. 

I stood up against high utility rates and fees that penalized the poor and opposed extorting millions from PUB to balance the budget Cabler could not balance. I was accessible 24/7. Yes, I paid the price when Cabler, Atkinson and Carlos Garcia sought to frame me, because I was in their way politically. 

You can disagree with me and listen to an obsessed blogger who claims I am the worst mayor, but is the city better off now than it was 8 years ago? Unless you can justify the shady deals and the corruption, I do not see how our city is better off.

As stated by the obsessed blogger, I have alienated some people, but he fails to tell you that I did so by not being part of their good old boy politics. This blogger also professes to be fighting for us, LOL! Yes, I refused to sell myself or sell out Brownsville, while Atkinson and Cabler gave jobs to their friends and could do as they pleased, as they were immune even from the police. 

Now, look at the mess they left behind, which did not happen overnight. It has been more than 8 years of mismanagement, the lack of transparency, accountability and special interest controlling our city that defines how things are today.

This discourages citizens to stand up, but they can by voting against special interest.

Even though, I am not running for commissioner and it was disappointing to some, because I still have a lot to contribute towards building a better Brownsville. I feel people have to care and be willing to stand up for good government, but I do not see this, as it should be today. I had hoped to help address high property evaluations, flooding, street paving, and lighting issues. Restore transparency and ethics to the commission. 

Public safety must be a priority, taking politics out of BCIC-GBIC for economic development is needed. Restoring the CVB and making our airport # 1, investing to restore the Glady’s Porter Zoo to
its grandeur was my goal. I wanted to introduce a plan to make Brownsville “no kill” and unite our city with other cities to restore the plastic bag ordinance (even Matamoros adopted the plastic ban).

Continuing with the effort to revitalize downtown, building the weir and a river walk along Hope Park is exciting and doable, but it requires work by our elected leaders. Addressing permitting obstacles and putting teeth into ordinances that need enforcement is a must. We should not settle for mediocrity, hopefully we can elect people who care about our city and who will not sell out to special interest.


Anonymous said...

It's Cathy time. Let change the mess up city commissioners.

Anonymous said...

........ y el cheque a'pa?

Anonymous said...

We still L♡VE YOU PAT!

Anonymous said...

What a shame... anyone but Tetreau
Hopefully cathy starts working

Anonymous said...

too bad, wish you would have been a candidate.

Anonymous said...

This is truly a win for Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

City is horrible. But way better choice the Kalifa.

Anonymous said...

Pet projects have to stop!

Anonymous said...

No more pet projects do not re-elect anybody NO MORE PET PROJECTS.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Pat the Rat!

Anonymous said...

Montoya, please post this to your website:

To rebuttal what Pat Ahumada wrote I just want to say I never did anything to get you in trouble. You did that on your own. I didn't cash a check, you did! I didn't open up a macanita casino you did!!! You got busted because you do stupid things. You were never for lowering rates at PUB. I do remember you wanting to raise city taxes. Us commissioners stopped that because we pushed for P.U.B. to make concessions and not charge the city of Brownsville millions in electricity. When we fought for that, you screamed bloody murder and said we couldn't do it. Well, we did it and did not have to raise taxes. Why don't you mention that Pat? You don't fight for anyone but for yourself and dogs. Now I appreciate you fighting for dogs but you having any power that can affect our city would be a travesty. I know maybe deep down you are a good person but when you have power you forget ethics and want to do your transas. Brownsville would be full of casinos and look like Mexico if you had your way so we had to stop you. You have issues with Cabler because he had the duty to arrest you when you cashed that check. Don't blame anybody but yourself for your stupidity Pat. No one is perfect to include me, but you seem to make mistake after mistake and wanting a reprieve. As far as being immuned from Police, well all I can say is that I try not to do anything to give them a reason to arrest me like you do Pat. You called CBP supervisors at my work trying to get me fired many times and instead of getting mad I let it go because most people who know of you know you are a person who lack candor and integrity.

Charlie Atkinson

Anonymous said...

Ahumada is too-confused. What the feck he was doing running for District 2 only he knows. Way off, dude! Gain some altitude.

Anonymous said...

Y el cheque que?

Anonymous said...

Charlie Atkinson is a super bully rat of the BISD. What comes around goes around and you Charlie Atkinson will soon or later will fall like the rest of the moochers of the BISD. You got a gravy job in the BISD to do nothing.

General Patton said...

for 2.46 charlie atkinson or whoever it really is, so you agree with the current mayor grich tony bologna martinez raising the PUB Rates for the last 5 five years and screwing the citizens out of extra money to build a no never done new power plant something like the port of brownsville $22 million dollar bridge to no where? you ok with that screwing and i didnt evenput in all the real estate fiascos? Im not saying pat is a saint but gee whiz ayatola give me a break, cool arrow

General Patton said...

ps guey $26k check is nothing compared to the millions the City of Brownsville has been blinked out of by the current mayor tony bologna martinez, and for Cabler- Keebler whatever your name is you too cool arrow all these fiascos happen on your watch, you should have at least tried to put a stop to them. Time tocall a spade, a spade.

Anonymous said...

I’ll take the word of a dude that wasn’t fired from a federal law enforcement position. How the hell did you do that Charlie??? Don’t know what’s worse getting fired from CBP or losing to a write in candidate. Pinche scrape.

Anonymous said...

You’re a coward and I’m glad you’re out. Stop blaming everyone for your mishaps as a candidate, you petulant child!

Anonymous said...

Cowardly is to hide behind anonymous statements like we do. At least Ahumada and Atkinson put their names to their comments. I’m not a big Pat supporter but I admire that he states and communicates what’s happening. The guy seems transparent and pretty honest. The letter didn’t sound like he had mishaps more like a call for people to stand up for what’s best for our city government and stop hiding behind anonymous or I can’t get directly involved type of behavior. I think I might have voted for him. Let’s hope someone else files.

Anonymous said...

Offer him a job at the animal shelter just maybe

Anonymous said...

Which is worse? Getting fired from CBP or losing to a write in candidate? Both are pretty bad. Hahaha! That was the best comment so far!

My name is also Anonymous said...

A comment states it is cowardly to make an anonymous comment uses the identity Anonymous.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Y el cheque que?

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:45pm
When I left Customs, it wasn't because I got fired. I left because they offered me a good amount of money and my wife was tired of me coming home mad and irritated with the federal government so I settled. I was the Union President and did my job well protecting employee rights. They fired me initially because I was granted the right to run for public office, which I did, but then they fired me because they said I couldn't hold office when I did win. I fought that and won my case and got my job back. Sometimes to promote positive change you have to be the one on the frontline and it comes with consequences. Our government back then was in republican control and did away with our union contract which led to supervisors wrongfully disciplining employees. Anyway, I settled because there is no way to win the war on drugs through the ports of entry. If i can't win then I didn't want to play. I have coached kids since I was 18 years old. I volunteered coach to boot. For me, the most important reason for leaving came down to "TIME". I wanted more time for my kids. I went from making 100K to making 48K and the only difference is not going out to eat as often as I like to. Its not buying on impulse and not buying stuff I want as oppose to what I need. Money doesn't influence my life. I have a humble life and I get to spend all my time with my children. That is the meaning of life to me. Wanting to serve my community is just something my parents instilled in my family. I considered it work being a City Commissioner. I loved problem solving. I wasn't there to see how I could milk the city and get rich like a lot of politicians do. Am I a bully, I think not. I will stand up to a bully and bring them down to earth. I love that. My sister gets a bad wrap sometimes because she serves to better the district and does not care for people who are cheating the system. If its true Zendejas is going to resign its because she realizes she messed up somewhere. I had no problems with her. She helped my daughter when kids were bullying my daughter. I wish her well just like I wish Joe Rod well. He did a lot for our athletic program. We are now in position to be more competitive because our facilities are upgraded. Was there a conflict of interest between the company and BISD I don't know. All I know is that in my talks with Joe Rod we talked about our kids having the best. The Sports Park is a park that provides a quality of life for all kids. Not just rich kids but for all kids. BISD was granted the quarter regional finals in Brownsville because we had a full size regulation size soccer field. For decades our kids had to go to San Antonio and play at their home where they had the advantage. Now those teams come to Brownsville which makes it fair. That techo we built is the talk of the town. People from San Antonio would say that shade structure was a god send. 110 degrees in the sun and 96 in the shade makes a big difference. How many of you have taken your kids to the UTRGV Theater Arts building that was 33 million to build. It was built during the same time the Sports Park was being built which cost about the same. No one I know have taken their kids to that Theater Arts building but I do know hundreds and Hundreds of people who take their kids to the Sports Park. I'm glad BISD has partnered up with the city to have games there. BISD better watch it because IDEA Schools are building a school adjacent to the Sports Park. From what I hear they will buy up all the slots at the Sports Park where BISD wont be able to use it. Mark my words, we better start utilizing it even more. So I hope I answered some of your questions. I know it won't matter to a lot of you haters but some of you will see that I'm a guy who wants what is best for my community, for the kids in this community, and above all, what is fair for all not just the social elite!!!

Charlie Atkinson

Anonymous said...

el cheque bailo, que buena peda, alla por la price.

Anonymous said...

Go Charlie Go!

Anonymous said...

This race got difficult suddenly. Neither of the remaining candidates inspire authenticity and honesty.

Gordon's and tonic said...

Charlie Atkinson.
You drink to much well Gin instead of good Gin.

Anonymous said...

Charlie, Your a great person that cares.People will always be haters
I know you from being at NBLL.You helped our park alot.I did 40yrs Of volunteer work there. Enjoy life and your great Family.

Anonymous said...

Pat nothing has changed since you were Mayor, Cabler still gave jobs to his friends, he still cheated on the commissioners allowance Claims, and it will still go on until someone goes to jail.
Elizondo may be the one to make that happen, but it will have to be to the FBI, as everyone else is involved.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Atkinson, you seem to be a "very money hungry individual", in my opinion, regarding your 1:10 p.m. comment. You mentioned in "my talks with Joe Rodriguez", (commissioner as well as you), before and after that is a "CONFLICT" sir. Since when has a coach had so much input in how to spend taxpayers monies? This implies you were "A SPECIAL Coach", with certain powers. My next question is where is you academic credentials for such a position as yours. Please be kind enough to post such credentials. This is a concerned taxpayer.

Anonymous said...

I say we do a write-in candidate for Pat Ahumada.
