Monday, February 18, 2019


"So, shit, is Pat Ahumada running or not?," Anonymous on 2/16/19

By Pat Ahumada

This is not easy for me, but I ask for your understanding as to why I tentatively announced to run for
Brownsville City Commission District 2 and then withdrew from consideration.

Family comes first and it is not easy to reach a consensus to continue in a noble effort to serve in today’s political environment.
Image result for pat ahumadaToo much compadrismo/corruption, personal agendas and hostility in public service arena is now the
norm, which discourages good people from seeking office. For me, public service is giving of oneself and it is not suppose to be self serving, which is why many encouraged me to formally announce my
candidacy for District-2 Commissioner. 

My supporters know that I will never sell out our city. I have always put Brownsville first and never benefited as a public servant. I still live in the same house for 38 years, drive a 17 year old truck and am just like any ordinary Brownsvillian’ who wants our city to be number one in the LRGV and to create jobs, ensure our public safety and meet infrastructure needs.
It is not easy to stand up for what is right when some will attack you without offering solutions or try to create a perception that is not true, but together we can stay focus to restore what is most needed
today on the city commission, which is accessibility, transparency, ethics, and accountability. 

You and I can do this by putting the city’s best interest first above oneself. In my opinion special interest controls our city today and there is no voice from District-2, which has cost Brownsville millions of dollars and has created a perception of self service, negativity and a culture of compadismo.
I am human and have made mistakes, but never to hurt our city. I cannot sit idly by to continue on the
same path that stifles job opportunities and growth. The city is worse off since I left eight years ago and if you give me the opportunity, I am willing to commit my time to be your voice and provide a vision to build a better and competitive Brownsville in the LRGV. 

We cannot and should not accept mediocrity which prompts me to file my candidacy petition today to be on the May 4th ballot for District-2.
Be strong, be brave and stand with me to make Brownsville the agenda. I ask you not go along to get
along by giving your vote and support that has led to lowering our expectations and standards for good governance, but to make your vote count for on an ideology for good government. I have always been accessible and have the experience no one else has that is running for District-2. 

My assurance is that I stand for what is right for Brownsville with the assurance that no friend, relative or special interest has ever controlled me and never will, because I care and love Brownsville. I am asking you, to do the same and make your vote count for Pat Ahumada for Brownsville District-2 Commissioner. 

My pledge is to work with our mayor and commission, no matter who you elect. I believe you want transparency, accountability and change for the better, which is why I am running in this May 4th election.
I want to hear what issues are important to you, so please join us 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, February 27th, at La Hacienda Restaurant, 2200 Boca Chica Blvd Suite 124 for our campaign kickoff, which is located at the Country Casuals/Corner Plaza with plenty of parking. 

La Hacienda is in District-2 where all my special events will be held in support of those businesses I will represent as District-2 Commissioner with your vote. Accessibility and experience, counts, thank you.
City Commissioner District 2 
(Candidates must live within the District)

Ahumada, Jr., Patricio M. "Pat"

Tetreau, Jessica A. - Qualified Candidate

Presas-Garcia, Catalina "Caty" - Qualified Candidate

Mills, Ronald D.


Anonymous said...

Pat es un fraude! Say NO to Ahumada!

Anonymous said...

Pay your property taxes, Pat! Vato inutil.

Anonymous said...

Go Pat you can do it, you have enough on Cabler to send him down for a long time. Go and Kick butt.

Anonymous said...

You fucked up again Pat, you did not put what time your kickoff fundraiser is going to be at. Do you expect people to guess what time to arrive... menso?

Anonymous said...

Poor Pat. He should have stayed withdrawn!

Anonymous said...

Go on Pat. You have nothing to lose. If you had your dignity then yes, you would have something to lose.

Anonymous said...

Great news, we finally have a choice

Anonymous said...

family first?

Anonymous said...

(Go Pat you can do it, you have enough on Cabler to send him down for a long time. Go and Kick butt.)

Cabler's our new Mayor, you idiot.

Anonymous said...


BobbyWC said...

I say there is a chance if Jessica and Presas Garcia got at it big time with each of their baggage. If Presas-Garcia cannot raise the money, the win remains with Jessica.

But let's see how thise plays out. If I vote I may vote for Pat if I think itg gets him to the run-offs. But I'm leaning twards Presas-Garcia. A run off with Cati will mean a blood bath against Jessica. Remember political machines change sides quickly.

Jose Angel Gutierrez was livid when the money was pulled for his candidate for TSC and given to Trey Mendez.

Political machines are funny. A leader of a machine can look you in the face and say you have this, and then flip in a second because they see the writing on the wall.

Watching the political machines play this out is going to be a good show.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Y el cheque que?

Anonymous said...

Make Matamoros safe again. Vote Patricio . He can do it. He is that good. IMAGINE WHAT HE CAN ACCOMPLISH IN BROWNSVILLE ?

Anonymous said...

“discourages good people from seeking office”
Funny. When did good people do that?

Anonymous said...

Tetro has not gone to airport meetings in years, check the logs, its all public info.

Anonymous said...

Wow. For people who demonize undocumented immigrants so much, the Trumps and Republicans sure do seem to employ them a lot. It's like all those high-profile Republicans who are publicly "pro-life" and then pay for abortions in secret. We'll just add this to the growing list of giant hypocrisies.

Anonymous said...

Shut up, Blimp. Blogsquatter!

Anonymous said...

He does not need to go to the airport meetings, as everything is decided before hand, the meeting is just for show.

Anonymous said...

(Shut up, Blimp. Blogsquatter!)


Anonymous said...

Y el cheque que?

Anonymous said...

2.11 Booby WC
Fuck off to your own blog where you can print all the shit you want, Pat needs this job to be able to pay his taxes from his milage allowance and travel expenses, as that is Ten times what he makes in salary.

Anonymous said...

Quitter did as quitters do.. he quit.. again. Why would you expect anything different?

Pat Ahumada said...

To the haters who offer nothing but attacks and wish me ill, Karma has a way of catching up. To my supporters, please know that it is not easy going against the haters who will do anything to undermine me, but with your support and vote we will win this race for District Two. District-2 has no voice and my proven track record of initiatives, accomplishments, transparency, accessibility with my sole motivation to make Brownsville better speaks for itself you are invited to my campaign kick off this coming Wednesday at La Hacienda Restaurant, located at 2200 Boca Chica Blvd Ste 124, where Corner Plaza/Country Casuals is located near HEB. My team and family will be there to hear from you what you think I should be doing as your commissioner once elected between 5 and 8 PM. Juan Hernandez will prepare excellent food and the social gathering is open to all who want to see our city move forward.

To my supporters, ignore the haters who will harp and harp venom and they do it anonymously, because they are who they are with no regard to what is important for our city and district-2. My property taxes are paid and I never submitted mileage reports as the haters promote. I even paid most of my travel expenses when I was mayor. It is because I stand for transparency, accountability and for what is right that the haters attack and why some of those tried to frame me.

Please come by and say hello this coming Wednesday and let me hear from you what is important to you. Thank you all.. hope to see you soon..

Anonymous said...

Y el cheque que?

Anonymous said...

(Karma has a way of catching up.)

Seem to know alot about it, huh? You fucking drunk.
Ren Garcia.

Anonymous said...

Y las maquinitas que?

Anonymous said...

I will bring my Cat to see the Rat, that has dropped from Mayor to a commissioner, you can't go any lower, maybe City Manager, or GIBC.
