Monday, February 4, 2019


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By Juan Montoya

The cold snap that froze the Midwest and Northeast last week reminded me of one of the coldest days I experienced while working in Minnesota.

It was about 9 a.m. when I ventured out the door in the winter of 2002. It was a bright, clear day with the bluest sky and the sun shining. But it was cold. Freezing cold.

I walked bundled up with a scarf, mittens, and several layers of clothing, including thermal johns and top.

As I walked along the sidewalk, I noticed something that looked like glitter in front of me that sparkled as it fell before me. I looked around to see if the wind was blowing some of the accumulated snow on trees or roofs and there was none to be seen. The trees were bare and the nearest building was off a ways from the sidewalk.

I continued walking but the glitter kept falling in front of me.

Then I realized it. The "glitter" I was seeing sparkle before me was the vapor coming from my breath. As soon as it hit the frigid air, it froze in small particles that glittered in the bright sun as they fell before me.


Anonymous said...

What crops did you pick in the winter, Montoya?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

chupaletas what else
