Sunday, February 24, 2019


Image result for the great china wall

From Something So Right""
By Paul Simon

"...They got a wall in China
It’s a thousand miles long
To keep out the foreigners
They made it strong

And I got a wall around me
That you can’t even see
It took a little time
To get next to me

When something goes wrong
I’m the first to admit it
I’m the first to admit it
But the last one to know

When something goes right
Oh, it’s likely to lose me
It’s apt to confuse me
Because it’s such an unusual sight..."


Anonymous said...

Lots of concern about the wall now. Where was everone 12 years ago when this all got started? Only a very few were protesting and opposing the wall back then. Hell, even the then Cameron County Judge was wanting to GIVE county property to the Feds for their wall at that time. Can't count on Republicans to do what is right for the people.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how neighbors built walls in many places in Brownsville to keep their neighbors from coming into their neighborhoods. Remember, these neighbors are legal citizens not illegal ones.

Anonymous said...

Clinton supported the "Wall" and Obama supported the "Wall". When they supported the "Wall" Pelosi and Schumer supported funding for the "Wall". Now they are against the "Wall" only because Trump supports it, as did his Democratic predecessors. Democrats are hypocrites and seek to carry this nation toward Socialism. Just look at California and Venezuela. The only thing keeping California afloat is the federal government. If you want to be like Venezuela just keep supporting Democrats. These "Caravans" of people toward the U.S. border continue only because the Democrats offer them refuge and free economic support and George Soros and the United Nations support the "Caravans" while en route to our border.

Anonymous said...

You call out the Democrats and tell them the truth and they become silent. The only response they have is hate and racism. No facts just hate and yell racism.

Anonymous said...

February 25, 2019 at 9:44 PM

hillybilly racist republican...

Anonymous said...

Like I said,"no facts, just hate and yell racism". Anon 7:05PM

Anonymous said...

Folks have gated estates and gated communities to keep the riff-raff out. I guess the logical next step, is a gated country. Makes sense to me!
