Wednesday, February 13, 2019


(Ed,'s Note: A Mexican shopper walks a block from the Gateway Bridge and tries to ignore the homeless man sleeping bundled up in an old blanket in the doorway of a boarded up store.  Mayor Tony Martinez and his cronies on the city commission may harbor the illusion that conditions in the city have improved in the eight years he has been in office, but scenes like this belie the assertions.

Instead of taking the bull by the horns and addressing this economic and social eyesore, they choose instead to speak of SpaceX (which has yet to launch anything bigger than a New Years' firecracker our on Boca Chica), development at the Port of Brownsville (not in their jurisdiction), and the hordes oft tourists drawn to the city by Rose Gowen's multi-million hike-and-bike trails.

Martinez is asking for another four years from the voters to Make Brownsville Great Again (sounds familiar?) He will probably as us to "Believe" in his candidacy again, Fooled us twice, shame on you. Fool us a third time, shame on us.)


Anonymous said...

Tony Martinez' running is a red herring. He is in cohoots with Trey Mendez and is trying to split the Cabler votes so that Trey Mendez wins. "Meet the new guy, same as the old guy" Trey is not only using Tony's BBQ on his pizzas, he is going to further the politics of Tony - Tony is the puppeteer, Trey the puppet.

Anonymous said...

Trey is a hollow Trojan horse. You have it ass0-backward.

Anonymous said...

Key point, this picture is a reflection of the 8 years of suffering during the tenure of Tony Martinez. The blowing over of the bullet shaped rocket at the SPACEX site is another reflection of those 8 years with Tony. During the administration of Tony we have seen "hike and bike trails" but very few "hikers and bikers"....benefit to the few in the city. The development of the Market Square and downtown also benefited few...left most of the city out. What has Tony Martinez and his administration done in 8 years....NADA. Still the least prosperous city in the RGV and swirling down the Tony Martinez toilet. NO MORE TONY!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes city need something different. Mr Martinez common he is at that position just for his own benefits.. Nobody Else..
He has Stripes people doing his laundry at Building Permits Department

Anonymous said...

Yes, the city needs to take the bull by the horns and sweep downtown of refuse, human and otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Third World Capital of Texas! Yippie!!!

Anonymous said...

If you don’t want Tony in there again, you certainly don’t want Trey in there. He screwed TSC for 13 million dollars. He is truly a huge liability for Brownsville. Trey is all about Trey. He is in love with himself! That leaves Mr. Cabler as the man.

Anonymous said...

Let's never forget La Casa Del Nylon purchase and many others that were overpriced. Most of these buildings still sit empty, off tax rolls and fast decaying. Want another four years of downtown development? This is called mismanagement in my book. Voting for Mr. Cabler, plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

All I want is to be able to hear Accordion and Bajo sexto music inside a grown mans bar. You know, like " Mi Tejanita" used to have. For Shame. You killed the Golden Goose Tony.

Anonymous said...

A few weeks ago District 1 City Commission Candidate William Garza told Erasmo Castro and Jim Barton on the Whine and Cheez Facebook Podcast that his mailing address was 654 Hortencia Street in District 1. I think he said the home belongs to a relative. He doesn’t rent there. He just uses it during the day. He admitted on video his permanent address, where he sleeps at night, is at his home with his wife on 212 Ebony in District 3. He said he had to take care of her.

On February 8, 2019 he signed a notarized application for a place on the city election ballot. That application is available as a submitted form on the city website. He changed his permanent address from 212 Ebony to 954 Hortencia. Did he leave his wife? Did he move with his wife?

Texas state residency laws make it clear that a state or local candidate must reside in the territory they wish to represent for a minimum of 6 months prior to the filing deadline (February 15). If we are to believe him, he only moved to a permanent address in District 1 within the last few weeks. (A mailing address should not be sufficient for residency.)

On his application he omitted his Voter Registration VUID Number of **********. Using that public information number, it shows he is validly registered to vote at 1319 Dukie Drive within District 1 as of January 9, 2019. Was it recently changed because a relatively new state law says you must be registered to vote within the territory you wish to run in at the time you apply for a place on the ballot?

However, his nomination for campaign treasurer form submitted two days earlier on January 7, 2019 shows a mailing address of 654 Hortencia. Why didn’t he use the Dukie address for his voter registration address change?

When one looks at Mr. Garza’s voter history, it shows he voted in the November General Election using the District 3 address. No record of a voter change occurred on that day. It wasn’t for a whole two months that a voter address change occur. When one votes, a voter is asked if their address changed. Since he voted using the Ebony address in District 3 in the November election, he admitted that’s his address in November, which is 3 months from the May Election filing deadline. He lived outside District 1.

On his notarized application for a place on the ballot, he claims he has lived in District 1 for one (1) year. He claims a home number that when Googled it shows it belongs to the 212 Ebony address.

The question is why did the city of Brownsville approve his ballot and qualify him to be on the ballot when evidence shows he doesn’t live in District 1? Why does Mr. Garza want to run in District 1 where he really doesn’t live?

Anonymous said...

A few weeks ago District 1 City Commission Candidate William Garza told Erasmo Castro and Jim Barton on the Whine and Cheez Facebook Podcast that his mailing address was 654 Hortencia Street in District 1. I think he said the home belongs to a relative. He doesn’t rent there. He just uses it during the day. He admitted on video his permanent address, where he sleeps at night, is at his home with his wife on 212 Ebony in District 3. He said he had to take care of her.

On February 8, 2019 he signed a notarized application for a place on the city election ballot. That application is available as a submitted form on the city website. He changed his permanent address from 212 Ebony to 954 Hortencia. Did he leave his wife? Did he move with his wife?

Texas state residency laws make it clear that a state or local candidate must reside in the territory they wish to represent for a minimum of 6 months prior to the filing deadline (February 15). If we are to believe him, he only moved to a permanent address in District 1 within the last few weeks. (A mailing address should not be sufficient for residency.)

On his application he omitted his Voter Registration VUID Number of **********. Using that public information number, it shows he is validly registered to vote at 1319 Dukie Drive within District 1 as of January 9, 2019. Was it recently changed because a relatively new state law says you must be registered to vote within the territory you wish to run in at the time you apply for a place on the ballot?

However, his nomination for campaign treasurer form submitted two days earlier on January 7, 2019 shows a mailing address of 654 Hortencia. Why didn’t he use the Dukie address for his voter registration address change?

When one looks at Mr. Garza’s voter history, it shows he voted in the November General Election using the District 3 address. No record of a voter change occurred on that day. It wasn’t for a whole two months that a voter address change occur. When one votes, a voter is asked if their address changed. Since he voted using the Ebony address in District 3 in the November election, he admitted that’s his address in November, which is 3 months from the May Election filing deadline. He lived outside District 1.

On his notarized application for a place on the ballot, he claims he has lived in District 1 for one (1) year. He claims a home number that when Googled it shows it belongs to the 212 Ebony address.

The question is why did the city of Brownsville approve his ballot and qualify him to be on the ballot when evidence shows he doesn’t live in District 1? Why does Mr. Garza want to run in District 1 where he really doesn’t live?

Anonymous said...

Trey is a neophyte who has no political base and will take orders from special interest groups. Its clear he is buds with Martinez. Martinez will just pass the tourch to Trey and pull the strings. The beat goes on!

Anonymous said...

Martinez WILL get another 4 years. He's a sly one, that Tony. He runs, splits Cabler's votes and Mendez wins. Trey Mendez is Tony Matinez's puppet.

Anonymous said...

Charlie Cabler is a thief, and has been for years, he was a puppet then and he was a puppet when he got out claims to be ill health, but was mixed up with the ex fire Chief scams, he needs to join Armando Villalobos for ten years, so don't worry about him being Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Voting forCabler, is like voting for corruption. He didn't have the balls to stand up against the mayor. Please vote for Trey, he khe will make Brownsville a better place to live.

Anonymous said...

But what will Adela do without him at TSC. He has to quit that position!
Has anyone noticed the teachers they are hiring at TSC? Most of them are rejects from BISD who left cause they were being pushed to actually do their job and teach! Trey approves these teachers????

Anonymous said...

Brownsville is a dirty, filthy border town full of racist Mexicans...definitely a cancerous sore on the Texas landscape
