Saturday, February 23, 2019


By Caty Presas-Garcia

My Fellow Citizens,

As a resident of District 2, I have been concerned at the continuing lack of leadership demonstrated by our current commissioner going on eight years.

It's not as if our district doesn't have the assets it needs to move our communities forward. It has infrastructure -  the airport, rail, port and a major commercial corridor e (International/Padre Blvd) - that runs directly through our district and the components and resources to insure economic development to allow our residents to escape poverty and uplift the city from that vicious cycle.

And what have we gotten instead? An airport whose costs has increased from $23 to $50 million because of personal caprice, priorities that place our economic development behind expensive projects for small cliques of special interests, and a commissioner who seems more interested to be on social media flaunting her wealth and complaining of her colleagues.

With Caty Presas-Garcia what see is what you get. I am a Porter High School graduate and attended Texas Southmost College and eventually attained my Realtor license. I married to Coach Adrian Garcia (now a retired BISD Educator) and I am the proud mother of three Hanna High School graduates.

My work experience includes 10 years working in the Brownsville Police Department, three years at Public Works, and at the BISD Maintenance and Facilities, the Athletic Department, Hanna, Oliveira , BAC, and Aquatic Center.

I have also been privileged that you - the voters - elected me to the board of the BISD from 2008-2016 and my fellow board members chose me to represent them on the National Council of Urban Board Committee from 2014-2015. I also served on BISD's Budget, Insurance, Technology, Facilities, and Curriculum Committee for 5 years.

As a board member, I represented the district on the Brownsville Metropolitan Planning Organization Committee (MPO) from 2009-2014. I know our infrastructure needs in detail.

Ask people who know me and they will tell you I assure have always defended the rights of all our citizens and have always fought  corruption and abuse. Our goal should be for us to put on a united front with a clear vision on the goals that our city's needs with a strategic plan.

 We can accomplish more. I believe in working together with other leaders and take advantage of all opportunities that will allow us to grow.

The days when our  city has wasted our residents' resources on outrageous expenses and abuse of our tax dollars that haven’t brought jobs to our district or city are over. I have no personal agendas and I will always carry out the policies and goals of the city. 

I will advocate for all civil service and city employees and city employees and be responsible steward of tax payers money and maximize the cities financial resources to the best of my ability with a team who cares.I believe in transparency and will demand our city commission and administration abide by all requirements of state law. 

My public service record speaks for itself. You know what I bring to the table. Now let me tell you what I will not do.

I will not: definitely not:

*embarrass my city or the voters in my district by getting arrested for assaulting a senior citizen.

* I will not interfere with the operations of the police or any other city department on behalf of my friends.

* And I will not flaunt my wealth posting on social media that I am buying expensive jewelry and luxury cars while our city is ranked the poorest in the country.

Rosie the Riveter and the men and women in World War II stepped up to the plate when their country needed them. Look around you. Our city and District 2 need us now. We can make our beautiful city great again. Join me this election and cast your vote for a true voice that believes in making Brownsville the great city we were and can be again. Get involved and cast your vote for a true voice who has assertive leadership.

Early voting begins April 22 through April 30 and the election is May 4.

Will you join me to do the job? Unidos Podemos. United we can." 


Anonymous said...

This candidate has no command of the English language. Sad.

Anonymous said...

Keep it classy, not trashy!

chon said...

Caty sounds great but huh, what are your plans, direction for this district, new streets, new drainage, paint the side walks, put in new side walks, more street lighting, parks etc, give us the meat and potaoes, not talk talk talk, give u a concrete plan of why you want my vote and my familys vote, we already know tetas la blondes plan-NOTHING same old same old. Show us and tell the truth. Dont f--- around, get to the point

Anonymous said...

To anonymous @ 1137 February 23rd

your full of shit, and must be supporting the criminal opponents. I guess your part of the problem and not the solution.

Anonymous said...

Lol! She has no business in the city
Voting for Pat

Anonymous said...

More appropriate attire would be to dress like "Las Marias" not some gringo from up norht does not connect!!!

Anonymous said...

“Criminal opponents”l?
So you rather support the one who beats up the elederly? Look up her mugshot- thats the REAL jessica

Anonymous said...

Madrio al anciano! Le puso la pompa andar al pobre viejo. And she lied about it.

Anonymous said...

@ February 23, 2019 at 9:12 PM

You're the one who doesn't seem to have command of the English language. If you're going to talk trash to someone, you should definitely learn the difference between "your" and "you're."
