Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

I had already registered with the Veterans Administration Health Care Clinic in Harlingen through the Cameron County Veterans Service Office months ago, but had not made an appointment to go there.

In fact, I had not had not felt the need to use the free health care services since my honorable discharge from the U.S. Marine Corps in the mid-1970s. I felt those who suffered combat-related injuries or disabilities should have priority over others. But now a cataract was growing in one eye and I could not afford the care.

I had tried to call the Harlingen Clinic, but was put on hold. It was almost 1 p.m and I had been on hold going for half an hour when I was passing by the county office on Madison and decided to ask the workers there if this was normal.

When I pulled in the parking lot, there was a slight drizzle and I saw some of the staff cars pulling in from lunch I looked at my watch. It was about 12:50 or so and I walked over to where the staffers' cars had pulled in.

"Do you work with the veterans' office?," I asked one.

"Yes, but I'm in lunch hour," she said.

"Yeah, but I just wanted to ask if I could make an appointment here or whether I have to go to Harlingen to the clinic and make it there...," I started to tell her.

"I'm off the clock," she snapped, and placed the key into the lock of the back door to the office.

"What?," I asked, unbelieving. ""What is your name.?"

"Cano," she said. "Christina Cano."

"But I thought you were supposed to help veterans..," I started, and the door shut in my face.

I walked back to my car in the cold drizzle and hung up the phone. As I pulled out onto Madison and was getting to Seventh Street, my cell phone rang. I did not recognize the number, but answered anyway.

It turned out to be a dispatcher from the Veterans Clinic in Harlingen who apologized profusely for the delay in answering my call.

"Just go to the clinic and tell them what your health problem is and they will make an appointment for you to get care. Again, I apologize for the long wait. It never should have happened," she said.

I wonder. Will I also get an apology for the curt treatment I was afforded by the county veterans service officer staffer?

I'm not holding my breath.


Anonymous said...

Christina Cano needs to be fired immediately. This was a veteran! Off the clock? Off the clock? Off the job!!!!

Anonymous said...

In the speech President Trump had in El Paso just last night he spoke that Veterans should get the care they need and information they need when they ask for it, Now, I know she was out to lunch but she could have extended the courtesy and told you to come into the office and she could help you at 1p(Which you stated she did). But yes she needs to be reported to her boss ASAP, not to fire her but to get retrained in Customer Service.A little compassion goes a long way.

Anonymous said...

I have personally visited the local office off of Madison on 2 occasions. The staff is rather worthless. You have a better chance at being helped in Harlingen.

Both times I was told, "we'll see what we can do", but after 4 years I gave up on waiting on them. I took the time to go to the Harlingen office, where I was better helped and seemed to have better knowledge than the staff on Madison.

Someone needs to conduct an audit see if they actually do anything on Madison but just shut you down.

Anonymous said...

OMG - the Brownsville Veterans office has extremely poor leadership. The leadership (Vet Supervisor) there is worthless and a total self-serving ass. He deals/prefers appointments only and very little service. At any given day you head out to the Harlingen VA Specialist Reps office & you get professional service. Sure its on a first-come, first-served basis, but boy do they work with you, I too am a retired Marine and drive from Bville up to Harlingen for service and less attitude & chip on ones shoulder. Great service.

Unknown said...

i have gone to the cameron county veterans office in brownsville several times and they have always been courteous and helpful i went durning their normal working hours.

Anonymous said...

As a veteran, I been to that office and they have help me. They have provide excellent service and are real good and knowledgeable when I was looking for a job and when I was looking for assistance with my claim application. Just because this particular veteran had a unpleasant encounter doesn't mean they treat everyone the same. The person was on lunch so you have to respect that just like in any job. That is not rocket science. I work my ass off as well..and I do get a hour break..and the last thing is thinking about work. Respect other people's time as well..

Anonymous said...

I went there 2yrs ago the staff was very helpful to me. Mr Castillo REALLY helped me with all the paperwork I needed to get.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club baby! It's only going to get worse for you. The worst rated VA service in the United States.

Anonymous said...

It is a government office why would you expect anything other than "I'm from the government and I am here to help you when I want to and I don't want to"

Anonymous said...

Mr. Castillo is worthless, he's like a doctor, does meet with you, but will look for any quick worthless solution to get you out of there. He usually does not have a solution for you more like, I need time to look into it. Staff will usually won't take the time to see you unless you make an appointment, no matter how quick your question is. The staff are just there to make a quick buck, very unprofessional.

Anonymous said...

Proof positive that you can't take someone else's word when it comes to something like this. You have to experience it yourself and see how you're treated.

Anonymous said...

I am a veteran and don't even know where the Veteran's Service Center is. The VA Clinic in Harlingen provides me great medical care and I have had no problem with their telephone service and I realize that they, like other doctors and businesses, have telephone delays. I also use MyHealthyVet...the VA internet site and it is super. I can communicate directly with my doctor, the pharmacy, mental health clinic; I can make, change or cancel appointments on this site. I can review prescriptions and can refill current meds through this site. The results of blood work and my medical history is available to me. In all my years as a user of the services of the Harlingen VA Clinic, I have received excellent care. Have had no reason to visit the County Veterans Service Office.

Anonymous said...

give me give me give me

Anonymous said...

Solutions are not resolved over night. Most veterans want money now, those veterans who served in Vietnam, like me, didn't get any help for mental or health issues. There was no help period! Waited for 42 years but didn't complain like the rest of the Vietnam veterans. There is not miracle paper work. I got great help and answers from the Cameron county veterans office period.

Anonymous said...

Los mojados mamones don't go through this, they get all the benfits (medicaid) and beyond what ALL veterans get believe me. Just make you sick..,
