Monday, February 25, 2019


Image result for cesar de leon

(Click on letter to enlarge.)


Anonymous said...

So how does his position get filled?

Anonymous said...

Now that the racist on the City Commission has finally resigned (for whatever reason), the city is free of another issue that Mayor Tony Martinez didn't have the balls or leadership capability to deal with. Its ironic that after years, Tony has done nothing about either de Leon or the Jefferson Davis rock in Washington Park. Actually, Tony Martinez and his Commission have done little of anything....thus our city continues to swirl down the toilet, while Tony continues to prance around town as if he were royalty. He ain't shit!

Linda Forse said...

You can't spew the "N" word and call yourself an "activist" - I think that's called an oxyMoron

Anonymous said...

malcom x lived by the n-word and he was an activist. what you meant to say ms linda force is that non-blacks cannot spew the word and be an acitvist. wait, john lenn0n said woman was the N-word of the world and he was activistish. wait, in cuba they are called negritos and nobody gets uptight. im so confused

Anonymous said...

Tony Martinez a Republican?

Anonymous said...

I don't its an oxymoron, just a regular moron.

Whataburger said...

in other words screw tte mayor and his majority in naming a new compadre, pos no que muy amigo tuyo mayor martinez? what a joke and what a play.

Anonymous said...

Linda Forse, not Force, is brave enough to put her own name out there when writing her opinions. At least give her the courtesy of spelling her name correctly, cabrones!

Anonymous said...

Locals complain of racism when visiting other parts of the United States. Most racist place I have ever visited? RGV (Brownsville) they hate (suspicious of) white people, call Asians (I wont say it), hate blacks, hate Hispanics not from the valley and hate Mexicans from across the rive.

Anonymous said...

11:43 AM: Read much? (Hint: read his letter, paragraph 4)

12:28 PM: Read much about local news? Watch the City Meetings on BRO TV? No - you just like to spew criticism, even if not based in fact.

4:29 PM: "tte [sic] mayor and his majority" WTH? Seriously? Which majority, pendejo? It's even now. Pay attention much?

Anonymous said...

What's the "N" word and what's an "oxymoron"?

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Pat deposited a check from the city that wasn't his into his personal checking account?

Anonymous said...

Disappointing, He was lucky to finish his term. (Almost)

Anonymous said...

Jaymon, didn't you say back in the day that he was your ahijado?

Anonymous said...

Para February 25, 2019 at 7:39 PM

That's why I love this place makes you feel right at HOME and I'm from Mars - I wonder what they call me?

Anonymous said...

This goes to prove that you have to be corrupt for Brownsville politics, ask Charlie Cabler.

cesarino said...

ay los miro vatos, i am headed over to PUB where the lawn is GREEN as in CASH to get appointed PUB atty and make some much needed mulah, cash, payola, bola de cool arrows ay los wacho locos

Anonymous said...

The fact that he wasn't recalled after the recording was released, and the fact that he, supposedly, is in line to get the PUB counsel job, is a testament to how openly racist this country still is.

The fact that there are people who comment on this blog who call the author a mojado and a "stupid Mexican," is also a testament to those who live here. The sad fact is the same people calling Mexicans and Mexican-Americans mojados, are Hispanic themselves.

I fear this country, and this community, will never progress. We are too busy tearing each other to shreds. We find it way more entertaining to divide than we do to unite. Instead of trying to unite as Hispanics and Mexican-Americans, we are too busy pulling each other down.

Ta cabrĂ³n.

Anonymous said...

Little fresita fag boy, that is all he is.

Anonymous said...

I saw a mojado almost get run over.. the guy got pissed off and called the drive of a car "pinche mojado, fijatee". of course the driver of the car wasn't a mojado..

just goes to show, how even mojados are racist against themselves. LOL..

Anonymous said...

I agree that what cesar wants to do it completely wrong and should not be allowed to happen. But if that’s the route we are going to take we should be equal with everyone. For say Golonsky is on the PUB board and she is running for commissioner. She should not be allowed to run unless she removes her self from the PUB. Cowen Cowen has more family members in board than any one else. So if we are going to be fair with everyone we should not allow a commissioner that have any family members on any board. Ether they remove themselves from this position or he just can be elegible to run. That’s the problems we have been having for meany years a few family’s trying to run our city for there own benifit and that is going to stop. If just feel that by having family members or your self being involved in another board There is a bigger possibility to get influenced to push to one side than another.

Anonymous said...

