Wednesday, February 27, 2019


By Jerry McHale
The Mchale Report. Blog

Tony Estrada, the owner of the Broken Sprocket but an outspoken Southmost product with a decidedly conservative point of view, said it best: "No outsiders will judge us."

City Commissioner Cesar De Leon's racist statements exacerbated by other crude remarks have many Brownsville sinners reacting with righteous anger. The callow politico has precipitated a feeding frenzy of indignation.

Image result for jerry mchaleEven the debauched County Judge Eddie Trevino is acting like he is going to renounce his secular excesses and take the orders of an Oblate missionary. For a town where the majority of the live-and-let-live denizens reside in glass houses, everyone seems to be raining rocks on the Third World Capital of the United States.

There are two perspectives on the De Leon controversy that echo Estrada's sentiments: Some actions are inexcusable and unforgivable. However, though some actions are inexcusable, they are forgivable.

As the Broken Sprocket's proprietor also states: "We will judge our own."

Those who insist that De Leon's words were inexcusable and unforgivable are right. If the once aspiring politician was this indiscreet in Austin or Washington D.C., we would have the first recorded lynching of a Mexican-American by a mob of African-Americans.

I was recently at a gathering of millenniums at Terra's Bar & Grill, all of them professionals, and they unanimously opined that De Leon's mea culpa was hypocritical and self-serving. They all agreed that De Leon should resign for the good of Brownsville.

They scoffed at De Leon's excuse that he was engaged in a private conversation not meant for public consumption.

"Is he saying that his official comments are nothing more than empty rhetoric that hide his true sentiments?" posed a UTRGV professor.

"If I said that my wife was a worthless whore with tits that hung to her waist and an ass that hung to her knees and afterwards I endeavored to placate her with the excuse that my insults were nothing more than locker room talk, do you think I would be occupying the same house, let alone the same bed, with her?"

De Leon's words were inexcusable.

But they are forgivable.

"We will judge our own," thunders Estrada.

De Leon was the victim of a conspiracy by a perpetrator who counted on Icarus flying too close to the sun with his new wings that gave him the swagger that he could soar above the general populace. Never was an ambush so successfully consummated. Lulled into thinking he was bullshitting with buddies over a few beers, De Leon started talking smack while his alleged friend secretly recorded him as part of a scheme that at this date has all the appearances of blackmail.

While most the citizenry remain disgusted with De Leon's outburst, they are equally disgusted by the manner in which the commissioner's insensitive comments were obtained. There is an overwhelming consensus that it was a cowardly act.

How do those sympathetic to De Leon choose to judge him? They regard him as a talented individual who has made a positive difference in the city, but who committed a grievous error as a result of his immaturity. He allowed power to go to his head that ultimately undermined his common sense.

De Leon's supporters look at him as a father and mother might look at their son who has been arrested for a DUI. There is no excuse for driving drunk although most men have taken the wheel inebriated on an occasion without thinking about the possible repercussions: They could kill someone or themselves.

Drunk driving is inexcusable just like calling the two African-Americans assistant district attorneys "fucking niggers" is inexcusable. But in the same manner that drunk driving is forgivable, De Leon's insults are forgivable if the community determines that an honorable man lapsed into a dishonorable moment. Many regard De Leon as a good person who made a bad mistake.

He has been humiliated. He has been humbled. He asserts that he has apologized to the persons he has offended and he has apologized to the public. His political career is most probably over. For the rest of his life people in Brownsville will mutter behind his back as he passes them in a hall. He has experienced the merciless reality of politics where ambition can lead to perdition. He has been scarred for the rest of his life.

Hasn't he been punished enough?

There are those who will rightfully circulate petitions and demand that he resign. They are justified in insisting that De Leon's remarks were inexcusable and unforgivable.

But there are those of us who don't believe that De Leon is a racist and that he is the product of a fine family. We see a young man blessed with a vision for realizing Brownsville's potential. We also see him wiser from a bitter lesson learned in the school of hard-knocks.

We live in racially charged times and we must face the difficult issues that divide us and try to resolve our differences. But we can't allow extremists from either end of the political spectrum to reduce existence to a black-and-white world. Life is lived in the gray.

Though I am an abject sinner who has been fortunate in that I have never been caught but who knows that he is going to pay a worse price than the terrible price that he is already paying because he has an instinctual comprehension of the universal and eternal laws of karma, I am in no position to judge anyone, but if Mary Helen Flores or Erasmo Castro, as much as I respect them, presented me with a petition, I wouldn't sign it even though I might have signed it a week ago.

After further deliberation, Cesar De Leon deserves a second chance.

Posted 9th October 2017 by Brownsville Literary Review.


Anonymous said...

There is an old saying; "The only things that tell the truth are children, drunks and yoga pants." Cesar de Leon was drunk or drinking when he made his racist I believe that is what is in his heart..a racist. He should have resigned, and even wrote a letter of resignation at that time, but Mayor Tony Martinez was more interested in maintain control of the Commission than racism in this community. Cesar de Leon and the Jefferson Davis rock should have been dealt with long ago. The fact that both are around reflects the fact that Mayor Tony Martinez is not a leader, just another lawyer trying to fix the jury of public opinion. Tony has regularly preferred to delay instead of making a decision. These days racism is unacceptable and racism by public officials, if not dealt with, gives the impression that his constituents and his community accept racism. Failing to accept de Leon's previous letter of resignation and failing to deal with the Jefferson Davis rock by Mayor Martinez and this city is a negative reflection on him and this community. In neither issue is an apology acceptable.

Anonymous said...

McHale is an old geezer who should go off somewhere to die. Ya se le fue el tren, a ese guey!

Anonymous said...

Este St. Joe putito tiene raizes en el orto lado. No es de aqui. Que chingue su madre.

Anonymous said...

People wanted him to resign...cuz they were mad....and OFFENDED.
Now he resigns and NOW they are mad AGAIN....

Don CACAhuate said...

ok so de leon wait till now to resign good grief, time to move on, we know what the dude is and lets hope he can garner thatnice atty gig at pub that pays a nice six figure salary $$$$$$ per year or more, good luck de leon on that appointment beaner.

Anonymous said...

Cesar De Leon cannot be a racist because he's a Democrat.And we all know that there are no racists that are Democrats. Only the Republicans are racists.We all know that. Just ask any Democrats. It must be true because the Democrats are not brain washed and they always look at the facts. And they have no hate. Especially towards our President.

Anonymous said...

The fact that Cesar de Leon is "supposedly," an educated, public official, a lawyer and represents students in some regard, is an out of control individual. Whether he was drunk is NO excuse for his stupidity. He is not above the law, as per the U.S. Constitution, everyone is to be treated equally, but Brownsville is a city that true legal citizens are regarded as third world citizens. Not only is his mouth, that he cannot control it's his arrogance that speaks for itself. His delay in resigning seems to be a planned by other "corrupt" commissioners to get what they demand.

chato said...

este Mchale Navy es puro cool arrow, enjoy the beers dude, y la viejas, dejate de pendejadas guey.

Anonymous said...

McHale is a frustrated old man, with a deep hate for Mexican people, at almost 70 years old, he's still peddling to survive, he hates to see young people, with Mexican roots, as 100% of any one with a Latino sure name living in Brownsville, being successful, his failure in life is the consequence of being an alcoholic, drug addict, who enjoys destroying young people's lives, just for pleasure.

Anonymous said...

Cesar will be forgiven, if he chooses to ask his God. But the sins he's committed here on earth have consequences which I'm sure he's paying for as we speak.

Anonymous said...

Just because you say nigger doesn't make you a racist.....give me a break. Sticks and stones ppl! Grow a fucking backbone. Mexicans are always calling whites bolillos or pinche gringos. I don't give a flying f*$$ what pinche beaners call me anx McHale is an old dirty vulger POS

Anonymous said...

You guys are like two high school girls. Soon you'll be kissing and makeup.

Anonymous said...

No se si ya se le fue el tren pero tiene la cara como que le van a dar tren.

Anonymous said...

forgive but dont forget.

never vote for cesar.

Anonymous said...

Feb 28 at 3:18 pm spells out nigger but not fuck. WTF!
You beaner!

Anonymous said...

Jerry McHale has turned into a Gene Novogrodsky, ranting about and dissing a guy one minute, raving about and kissing their ass the next. Like Gene, Jerry has a huge Daddy complex and only wants approval from any male, preferably one who has a Dr. in front of his name or a guy who can give him a free lunch. Neither is opposed to switching sides for a simple smile and pat on the back. Big time Daddy Issues!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It was meant for the local cracker faces (which is your)@March 1, 2019 at 12:34 PM pinche gringo pendejo.

Anonymous said...

mcfart is a racist Phd.

Anonymous said...

There’s nothing more but to feel sorry for McHale. He’s old and bitter. I fell even sorry for his boys to have a father with a lot of hate in his heart.
