Friday, February 15, 2019


Image result for plasma donors, rrunrrun
Image result for plasma donors, rrunrrun
“Give me your blood-filled, your poor,

Your huddled masses passing through the bridge,

The hungry of Mata lined up at our door.

Send these, the desperate, money-broke to me,

I lift my IV across the HEB!”


Anonymous said...

I heard they're making house visits.

Anonymous said...

How much is blood selling for nowadays ?

Anonymous said...


This is great for downtown! It’s bringing money to the area! #Progress

Anonymous said...

i use to donate in high school to be able to buy vices

Anonymous said...

Trump could under his emergency powers, take legal limits of blood from everyone caught crossing the border illegally, to help pay for the border wall. Not only will it help with the blood shortage, but Trump will get his money for the border wall, but keep his promise that Mexicans will pay for it.

Anonymous said...

What will it be called, "The Trump border wall blood bank" .

Anonymous said...

They pay you $30 for your blood, they charge the patient $230 for your blood. This is like the farm workers, they pay you pennies for doing the actual work, producing the actual product. The rich guys sit in chairs all day, collecting checks, saying 'build a wall'. But it's a joke. If the wall was really built, they'd lose all their blood donating clients. Just like the farms would lose all their farm workers. We all know the score.

Anonymous said...

Trump could build his wall with the blood of Mexican people but all in vien as the Mexican people will cut so many holes in the fence they will be foyrever repairing it.
