Tuesday, February 12, 2019


By Pat Ahumada

Charlie Atkinson, I just saw how you were forced to respond to my post and sign your name to address me directly, because you always post anonymously. 
Image result for charlie atkinsonImage result for pat ahumada
Let’s get this straight: you always bragged of being the  mayor because you controlled the commission and the city manager. This emboldened you to be a bully, create chaos on the commission, repeatedly asked me to resign, and tried to undermine me.

You gave (former city manager) Charlie Cabler the golden parachute, which was a year’s severance pay when the city charter only allows 30 days pay. You protected Cabler, who in turn allowed you to do as you pleased, including hiring people, micro managing the sports park, and creating the culture of corruption with which we are dealing with today.

Don’t you recall, how you both frantically made lots of calls to Washington to block my complaint
against the misappropriations of HUD funds, which resulted in the city being fined $2 million and the
loss of grants for a year due to bad management.? 

Don’t forget how Cabler protected you with the sports park audit by removing the auditor who was finding irregularities and replacing him with one that would give you a pass on those irregularities. You also bullied PUB to balance the city’s budget by extorting millions above what the city charter allowed, because Cabler could not balance the budget. 

Bad management! I am the only one on the commission who made it clear that Cabler needed to do his job by cutting expenses or proposing a tax increase to balance the budget, which I would have voted against. My reason for stating that was to expose how bad of a manger he was, but you bailed him out, which led to higher utility rates. 

In your post refers to my pet advocacy, but again Cabler did next to nothing to help us in this cause. In fact, you were so jealous of us hosting golf tournaments for the pets, that you conspired with Cabler to create the City Manager’s golf tournaments and extorted money from city vendors to fund your pet projects through Cabler. This was finally exposed when Cabler’s secret slush fund became public when he was forced out of city management. 

The alliance to undermine me as mayor worked well for Cabler and you, but I promise you, Karma will come to the both of you in time.

My consolation is the path to perdition is full of people like you. 

Hopefully, people will see how dangerous Cabler would be as mayor, because he has a lot influence over the Brownsville police department, which was also used to frame me and he was a part of it. In spite of all this, you did not get me to resign, I stood up to you and still managed to get a lot done.

As you will recall, when I got elected in May 2007, both you and Rick sat in my living room to discuss the best way to proceed as a team on the city commission, but you refused to accept me as the mayor who should be the quarterback on the team. 

According to you, you had seniority on the commission, which made you the quarterback on the team, which was ludicrous. I pointed out the fact that by default the mayor is looked upon as the head of the city and is the quarter back, but that it requires a team effort to be successful. And, you proceeded to become the de facto mayor who created a lot of chaos on the commission.

In case your forgot, I live five houses from you and am the one who found your infant son in diapers in the middle of a curved street by himself many years ago, who could have easily been killed by a
speeding car coming from the blind side of the curve. You repaid me by being a bully to undermine me every chance you got, instead of working for the benefit of our city and you bragged about it.

Your allegation that I reported you to CBP is a lie. If I had, I would tell you.

And you refer to the check indictment, which you know Cabler and Pete (Gonzalez) were responsible for. They conveniently shredded the check log that shows who took/stole the check and it was not me, because I had never set foot in the finance department. Cabler was not doing his job, as you claim by pushing that I be prosecuted, but it was you, your cohorts and the politics to remove me since I would not resign.

Government records are supposed to be preserved, especially in a criminal case, not shredded, which served their purpose to make it look like that I took the check, which was proven not to be true.

You made reference to the sweepstakes raid, which Chief Orlando Rodriguez knows was politics
targeting me only, as Carmen’s and Charlies sweepstakes operated for 15 years legally and were not
aided. Chief Orlando Rodriguez under oath would have to admit that I submitted in writing a request
asking if I needed to close my store voluntarily two weeks before the raid and he told me not to close
until he investigated if sweepstakes was no longer going to be allowed in Brownsville.

You state lies about me wanting to increase PUB rates. The minutes refute your claims as my record is clear; I constantly fought for lower rates and successfully introduced lowering late penalty fees from 10 to 6 percent which helps mostly the poor.

Mark my words. 

You are probably doing the same at BISD as you did at the city to get your personal agenda to get transferred to a High School to later become the BISD Athletic Director. After all, you got hired during a hiring freeze based on the good old boy system with connections, not based on qualifications.

You will also push to get all the medicals done with a certain doctor, who in turn will provide you funding for your shenanigans.

There is much resistance in doing what is right, because the easy path is to play ball as you often told
me, but your kind of ball has created a culture of corruption. You may get away with a lot in the short term, but in the end, you will get what is coming to you.

I believe good prevails and hopefully Brownsville citizens will start standing up to people like you.
I did and I paid the price, but I have my honor and integrity, while you are morally bankrupt and not to be trusted. Public service is giving of oneself. It is not about you, which you will never understand.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Ahumada, the obvious question that begs to be asked is, why did you drop out of the race? I'm not doubting your integrity or anything else. As a matter of fact, I've met you on more than one occasion, and you were courteous and professional in answering my questions.

I don't know Mr. Atkinson, and I don't particularly care about what it is he does now. If what you say about Mr. Cabler is true, you should probably consider running for mayor. It would be a shame if he would be elected mayor.

I really do hope you reconsider running for office.

Anonymous said...

Atkinson is a over the hill BUM, he tried to manage the completion of the sports park, and we ended up with a sloping field. Atkinson could not organize a stag night in Stiletoes, Pat does not waste any time on this waste of space idiot.

Anonymous said...

BOOM. How does BISD allow Charlie to write such nonsense in the blogs. How embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

Pat focked Charlie with that one. Siddown, Atkinson!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Pat, for reaffirming what Ive always thought about Cabler and Atkinson.

Anonymous said...

And this is exactly why I wish Pat Ahumada would have stayed in the race for city commissioner. There is 2021.

Anonymous said...

Damn!! What a smackdown! Way to go pat
This is why we need people like you
People with balls

Anonymous said...

You are a pendejo Patricio. First you say you were the only one that recommended Cabler balance the budget by cutting fat or raising taxes... then you say you would have voted against it!!! You are a crazed dog, that is why you will never be elected again. You recommend Cabler raise taxes and cut fat, and then say you would have voted against it?! Charlie has an idea to balance the budget without cutting jobs or raising taxes by increasing PUB’s transfer to the city.... you had nothing! No ideas! You are a lunatic, vato loco! You also headed the closing of the maquinistas because you said They were run by Cartels.... only to shit them down and open one up yourself! Integrity? You? Really! You were drunk every time you got arrested for DWI.... don’t deny it. You were drinker than shit and thank God you didn’t kill anyone while driving drunk.... just because you paid to get off your charges of DWI THAT YOU WERNT DEUNK... you were! And as for the check.. you are a PENDEJO.. plain and simple! Who doesn’t look at the check they are depositing? Especially one for that amount?! You blame everyone else for the deposit but yourself. I don’t think you did it purposely... but you are a PENDEJO for not checking what you were depositing... that is on you and you know it! You are always the victim with no blame. Go away already.

Anonymous said...

Pat is hott, Charlie is not.

Anonymous said...

Pat you had a good run, now you can see who the crooks are and can't do anything about it until we get rid of Luis Saenz. He is more bent than Booby WC and the butcher's hook.

Anonymous said...

Both of these losers have something in common. DWI charges.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pat, maybe you and Charlie should go behind the woodshed and settle it mano a mano. Better idea, get into a boxing ring and sell tickets to see you and Charlie go at it for a charity event at Brownsville sports park. People pay to see shit like that.It probably would be a short fight since both of you are so out of shape.But it seems like this is the only way to get both of you off the blogs.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well stated, Pat. Right on point

Anonymous said...

Both are pendejos and Charlie can't do shit without a woman getting him a job pathetic.mommy!! Teta

Anonymous said...

Pat here is a case dear to your heart.

No Justice in Brownsville or Cameron County!

Today, KVEO Channel 23 reported that the Mission Police arrested and charged Michael Anthony Davis on Monday with 3rd degree felony Animal Cruelty after he shot and killed his neighbor’s dog on Saturday. It has been more than two weeks that KVEO Channel 23 also reported that a Brownsville man had shot his neighbor’s small Dachshund dog in the San Pedro area. The dog also died. However, there has been no report of any arrest or charges being filed against the Brownsville man to this day. Why is there no justice in Brownsville or Cameron County?

Anonymous said...

There are likely hundreds of valid complaints however we are a few dozen lawyers and investigators short of making a proper case.
Most administrators are content to allow the DA's office to be short staffed so the amount of corruption can be selectively prosecuted.
Charlie and Pat are both examples how good people are forgiven by way of lawyers defending them for a fee.
Both are family men.
Both have serious issues.
We're all sinners.
Now about the blog at 1:34 PM
Killing of innocent pets is another matter.
As long as we have lawyers running the show they're not wanting to increase DA's staff.
Their business is keeping people out of jail.
So weak of no cases from the DA makes their job easier and lucrative.
Eventually the FBI was be coming in for a few.
However even the FBI is controlled by congressman.
It's bad publicity to expose corruption.
Some good will come out in the end and this area will prosper despite and all sins will be forgiven in the name of economic success.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ahumada, obviously Anonymous 9:47 AM, who is Atkinson does not understand how budgets are balanced. Atkinson calls you a Pendejo, but he does not know how to read. What you stated was correct, if the city manager cannot balance the budget he has three choices, which are obvious and that is to increase revenues and cut expenses or dip into the reserves. Your suggestion that the city manager needed to explore his options was balancing the budget 101 principal, which he did not do. Then from what I read Atkinson is calling you a Pendejo and is proud that the city Manger Cabler could not balance the budget and he is proud to have extorted millions from PUB above and beyond what the city charter allows. This is very telling, because it says that Atkinson could care less how extorting money from PUB impacts the PUB budget and the rate payers, it also says that he does not care what the city charter mandates. Pretty sad that we had a Pendejos like Atkinson and Cabler who don't understand budgets.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 4:21 you are now a mother Pendejo next to Ahumada. Get your head out of his ass and breath idiot. Extorting money from PUB is and oxymoron .. moron. PUB is the one extorting money from ratepayers... ask your idiot idol Ahumada. Ahumada is the first to strum the harp on Tenaska.... that is extortion pendejo! Stop sucking Ahumada’s ass and get educated, fool.

9:47 is plastered. said...

You were DRINKER than shit.

Anonymous said...

ATkinson, you are a drunk and a bully who is full of himself. You and your sister, who was successful in removing Dr. Zendejas with pure conjecture and perception created by her through the attempts to remove her will back fire. If the district had cause to fire Dr. Z, your sister would have fired her, but since she doesn't, dirty politics will have to do to negotiate a settlement with a superintendent that has done a lot for BISD. Already, she is lining herself up to get you to a high school by transferring the Faulk principal back to Rivera. Your sister and you will be stacking the district with people you want to get hired to have more control and the dumbass board will go along with it, but their time will come. Is Dr. Hussein going to be the sports doctor for BISD? For a lot of us Drew and Erasmo are failures, while Erasmo does not surprise me, but Drew is a major disappointment.

Anonymous said...

This page is a reflection of the drama of corruption in this city. To elect Cabler would only insure that the drama of corruption will continue or will become more destructive to the city. Charlie Atkinson is a loser; and an incompetent loser at that. Charlie is sort of like Rose Zavaleta Gowen....focused on only one issue. For Charlie it was the Sports Park; and for Rose, it was hike and bike trails that benefit a very few Brownsville citizens. Atkinson and Gowen contributed little to this cities real problem.......jobs, new businesses and infrastructure issues (especially pot holes). I see that Rose's house has been for sale for a while.....does she even live in Brownsville?????

Anonymous said...

Charlie Atkinson is a very big LOOSER !

Anonymous said...

I wrote a response. I hope Montoya will post it. I do t know why he hasn’t. Oh well.

Charlie Atkinson

Anonymous said...

What intrigues me is why so many people are wasting their time commenting on a couple of drunks whose egos are exponentially greater than their talent. Ahumada is a thief and Atkinson is a bully. These two are symptoms of a community and attendant blogospheres that discourage good people from running for office and empower scum bags like this to rise to power in the vacuum left behind.

Anonymous said...

I say let’s do a write-in candidate by writing Pat Ahumada.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

charlie atkinson es puros rata

Anonymous said...

I heard Sylvia Atkinson wanted no time after getting Zendejas out of the way, she has managed to get Tom Chavez out too. Here we go again, complaint and potential law suit. Charley, it pays to have your sister on the board.

Anonymous said...

I heard that Frances Atkinson will become the next football coach at Rivera so she can hire her Momma's boy as her assistant. Otis is to become an external auditor, Mary Tolman will replace Teri Alacron, and Sandra will
wait until Sylvia replaces Tim Cuff.

Anonymous said...

This is really a "CAT FIGHT" if I have ever seen one. One time I thought I saw them over by the bike and hike chasing each other, maybe it was just an illusion who knows
