Monday, February 4, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: If you can make out through the glare, you will be able to read that the Cameron County Tax Assessor-Collector's Office in the old Wells Fargo Bank building is closed today. In Texas, the official holiday is February 18, but the county folks decided to preempt the state, apparently. In fact, all other county offices are also closed. Only the staff at the Cameron County Elections Office is doiong some busy work and had to come in today. We're sure that some folks will be miffed when they show up and find the building on Levee Street closed. City of Brownsville, state and federal offices are open.)


Anonymous said...

It's bullshit. It's so they can sleep off the cruda from their Super Bowl parties. San Benito CISD pulled the same bullshit as their "weather make-up day."

Anonymous said...

juan checking out the new deputy city manager helen ramirez from Hutto texas, linkd in shows she and current city manager noel bernal are friends, oooh la la, wonder whats going on there, or what type of connection is there, things that make you go mmmm.

Anonymous said...

yeah right, the real reason is that in the past over 60% of the county employees call in sick on the Monday following Super Bowl Sunday. So instead of attempting to open with the remaining 40% of county employees our County Commissioners shut down the county with the assumption that they are celebrating President's Day.

Anonymous said...

What a waste of tax payers money , so the county drunks , alcholics decided to close the county offices due to the Super Bowl who are thy kidding it’s not Presidents’ Day! Bola de mamones

Anonymous said...

Yes, Our County Democrats leading by example by not respecting the actual Holiday. They can change their beliefs for Holidays, Illegal Immigration,the Border Wall, Security, Privacy, Abortion, Sexual Harassment, the Exploitation of workers and uneducated people as they need be to meet their agenda. What can you expect when the Whole Democratic Party Nationwide believes they can do whatever they want, whenever they want and to whomever they want. What a Disgrace. God Bless the USA.

Anonymous said...

Helen? Is she gringa???

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a racist republican's typical rants(@February 4, 2019 at 11:04 PM). He's describing his racist and idol president to a T. I think you're confuse "good buddy"- pinche hillbilly.
Or a idiot wannbe

Anonymous said...

Reply to Anonymous February 4, 2019 at 2:03 PM: Just because someone is friends on Linkedin does not mean that they know or have worked with each other. It's called networking, we all do it. Don't judge people. Give her and Mr. Bernal a chance to make change without judgment from others.

Anonymous said...

Where there's smoke there's HEAT.

Anonymous said...

Ya valio!!! I'm sure there's 100's of qualified candidates here in this town. Favoritism continues to flourish what else is he allowed to do or will do. Bring his buddies that own businesses and give them priority over businesses that are here. THIS IS A BUNCH OF BULLSHIT!!!

Anonymous said...

When will this stupid elected politicians protect the citizens from this type of behavior. Hire local people not out of towners. Were proper procedures followed Juan this needs to be investigated THIS SHIT MUST STOP

Anonymous said...

Did she replaced that "I've been here 50 years"? Could never pass the cpa test but remained. What a waste...

chuy said...

juan correction it wasnt 50 years for pete g, i read in the paper it was only 40, lol.

Anonymous said...

Actually it was closer to 50 years not 40, but who cares he's gone anyway.

Good for the city. Only believe what the herald don't write.
