Friday, February 1, 2019


By Juan Montoya

Unless someone else dives into the District 2 race before the Feb. 15 filing deadline, voters there will have three well-known candidates vying for that office.

One is a former mayor (Pat Ahumada), another a past candidate for city office and past trustee of the Brownsville Independent School District (Caty Presas-Garcia), and the incumbent (Jessica Tetreau) who has had her share of controversy before and after she took office.

Ahumada lost to incumbent mayor Tony Martinez in the last go-round, and Presas-Garcia also lost in the BISD Position 1 race race, but pulled some 7,000 votes across the district, second of five candidates in that race.

It's axiomatic of Brownsville politics that at some time in the past, all three used to be friends and may have supported each other when each ran their races. Tetreau's signs once adorned Presas-Garcia's lawn and the incumbent, in turn, once supported her sister pol in some of her races.

Ahumada, of course, was once the rising star of Brownsville politics, but his penchant for alienating some of his fellow city commissioners and appointees to the various boards may work against him as he reaches out for support in this race. This is after all, Brownsville, and people tend to hold grudges dating back as far as high school in some cases.

Tetreau - now part of the majority on the commission - just got past a complaint filed with the defunct Budget and Oversight Committee chaired by commissioner Ben Neece by former interim police chief David Dale for allegedly interfering with the police department. The controversy generated by the open dispute by both city officials was much a do about nothing in the end, but laid open the antagonism between the majority and commissioner members.

Dale, like Carlos Elizondo, the former fire chief before, decided to record his conversation with the commissioner and ended up being replaced at the P.D. By now, these public officials should realize that no one likes to be surreptitiously by the help. It' a non-winner.

Tetreau has always shown a feisty - if not downright combative - side to her personality, so a scrap is the most likely result of this contest.

And then there's the dismal voter turnout in a city where voters - and campaign donors - seem fatigued by the yearly contests between the same actors. will apathy be the real winner in this race again?


Anonymous said...

Pat Ahamada needs to stay out of this race, He needs to let these two heavy weights duke it out at the poles.Pat, you would just make this go into a runoff and waste tax payers money.You had your time(season). let it go and bow out gracefully.

Anonymous said...

Caty might trip and fall on the steps of city hall. I do remember that she sued the owners of Strawberry Square when she fell some years ago. No tiene vergusnsa la piruka.

Anonymous said...

Browntown political clown show! Once they get a snort of political power, they are adicted, and comeback for more.

Anonymous said...

Pat stay in... you have support

land o lakes loco said...

bow bow wow its america and if trump can run so can pat putz

Anonymous said...

Jessica will win.

Anonymous said...

dale gas pat pinches emvidiosos

Anonymous said...

I’m going to stick with Tetreau-Kalifa. She paved my street cleaned my canal and sprays for mosquitos monthly. Pat Ahumada and Catalina Presas are always looking to make money off of us the public. Depositing a $26,000 vendor check and Catalina filing million dollar lawsuits against superintendent and dead board members. ALV!!!!!!! Pinche Ratas!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Pat, let by-gones be by-gones yourself and stay out of the race. People are still not convinced about that check that cost you your last election and blame you for making it possible for Tony Martinez to get in there. Del sarten a la lumber! This past guy socked it to us really good. Stay home and relax in your old age. I agree that you should allow Cata v Jessica to go the distance on their own. I personally will go for Cata porque ella no tiene pelos en la luenga.

Anonymous said...

Senor Montoya, esto esta fuera de context, pero por favor nos puede dar mas
informacion sobre el despido temporal de la Sra. Zendejas? Nadie no dice nade sobre la razon que la desidieron tan rudamente y con venganza. Los ninos en las esquelas prejunta por ella porque estaban impuestos a que ella estaba con ellos en todas las actividades suportandolos todo el tiempo. Ella era muy amable con nostros, los padres. Ahorra ni conocemos a la nueva senora
y no la hemos visto en las escuelas ni en la communidad como la Sra. Zendejas.
Y si anda por alla, pos no sabemos quien es. Por favor haga por informarce por que la meza directive hizo el error de despidir a una senora que trabajaba tanto por los ninos? El rrunrrun es que dos de las senoras en la meza no la quieren porque fuero lastimadas por la senora Zendejas por varias cosas y que tomaro venganza sobre ella en estas ultimas elections.
Por favor no hace sabe que es la verdar. Si es por la pantalla que se puso en el estadio, hechenle la culpa al Coach Joe y a los miembros que lo aprrovaron.

Anonymous said...

"Two heavy weights" Ha Ha Ha Ha Go for it Pat!

Diego lee rot said...

i'll vote for anyone for 3 dollars

Anonymous said...

Im with Pat
De las 2 no se hace una

Anonymous said...

En downtown una natural y en el barrio un hotdog . 3 bucks is too mucho

josie wales said...

Folks are you going to pull them pistols or whistle dixie? Vote for Pat, es el bueno. caty y tretaue-tetas have too much drama.

Anonymous said...

Jessica will win

Anonymous said...

or whistle la cucaracha

Anonymous said...

Es el no bueno, si malo y siempre burro..
