Friday, February 8, 2019


By Juan Montoya
No one is saying how they did it, but the board of the Brownsville Independent School District will consider an item at Tuesday's Special Called board meeting of the board to be held Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. in the main office at 1900 Price Road where in all likelihood they will accept a negotiated resignation from Superintendent Esperanza Zendejas.

And early indications are that the board will discuss an item in executive session to approve a settlement with Zendejas that will not result in  lawsuit or in a payout that will be anywhere near the mount owed her as a result of the three-year contract extension given her by the majority of the previous board.

That board - which included former board members "Coach" Joe Rodriguez, Carlos Elizondo and Cesar Lopez, including current member Laura Perez-Reyes - extended her contract a month before they three lost the election.

Before they left the board the three outgoing BISD trustees and Perez-Reyes extended Zendejas' contract for an additional three years.

Foremost among Zendejas' boosters was Joe Rodriguez, who at the October 2 meeting, less than a month before the November 6 election where he was ousted, convinced the other three  trustees to extend the contract.

By a 4-3 vote, they extended her contract through June 30, 2021 at $305,000 a year. If paid all three years left on the extension, the BISD would have to pay $915,000 or engage in costly lawsuits in state and federal courts.

Dr. Sylvia Atkinson, Phil Cowen and Minerva Peña voted against. All three remain on the board and were joined by newly-elected members Erasmo Castro, Dr. Prisci Roca-Tipton, and Due Brown.

 Zendejas was placed on administrative leave January 11. The district was set to engage in the separation process which would involve gathering evidence, having the findings heard by a TEA examiner, and then on to court if the parties were not satisfied with the results.

But now it appears - although no one will confirm it - that she and her representatives will accept an amount of less than one year's salary. Some sources say Zendejas, who has relatives working for the BISD, was agreeable to end the standoff.

They declined to confirm whether the item to be considered in executive session item dealt with the proposed agreement.

Trustee Castro, who when contacted said he was not authorized to give any details of the proposed agreement between the BISD and the former superintendent, would say nothing except that it will allow the district to put the issue behind it and get a fresh start with a new superintendent who will be chosen through a transparent selection process.

"I really can't say at this point what the agreement will total, but I can assure the district's residents that it will not be millions and that the district won't be tied up in costly legal battles," he said. "It's something we can live with and leave this behind and move the district forward."


Pat Ahumada said...

Finally, Sylvia Atkinson got her way. Just watch, the move to transfer Charlie to a High School to coach will be made easier, then his dream come true is closer to reality and that is to become the head coach for BISD. Forget that he does not have the credentials, but the compadre system is at work.

Dr. Zendejas did a lot of good and it is tough when you have a board that is self serving pushing personal agendas. I wish her and her family the best. God opens and closes doors, hopefully she will be better off.

Anonymous said...

Now BISD need to return that big "MOLE" over at Sam's Stadium since the company reneged on the contract.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Z. lives in Los Fresnos not Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Z. Lives in Los Fresnos.

Anonymous said...

Who cares where she lives she lived there when she was hired.

Anonymous said...

Juan Montoya, the servant of the racist Anglo Democrat plantation owners.

Anonymous said...

With Zendejas gone finally, the district needs to rid itself of the last two bozos Joe Rod had in his pockets. Tom Chavez and Carlos Uresti have to go. They have both gone 0-10 seasons three years in a row. The athletes there need to be given coaches that they can respect and who want to win. When contracts and kickbacks are more important than winning then the kids lose out. Norma Canales and Mary Solis have to give their students every opportunity to excel and it starts with getting rid of these self serving individuals once of for all.

chuy said...

juan isnt BISD trying to extend it borders to take over some of los fresnos area too?

Anonymous said...

Charlie Atkinson couldn't coach himself out of a paper bag. He is more tackling-dummy material. And not liked by real coaches.

Anonymous said...

If this atrocity does happen, it will come back to haunt us because no other superintendent has done for BISD like Dr. Z. I just wish I knew what la vieja Atkinson has over people that she can manage to get into everybody's business and scare the hell out of them. Es bruja como la mama, o que?

We will all regret having lost Dr. Z. She has nothing to lose and will be better off taking care of her family without having to watch her back. No hay mal que por bien no viene, Dr. Z. Muchicimas gracias por todo lo que usted hizo por nuestro ninos y que Dios la bendiga siemre a lodo de su esposo, hijos and nietos. Usted fue extraordinaria para nosotros y siempre sera nuestra amiga. Que se quide Silvia a las otras elections porque va pare afera a patadas. No se deja usted; que le pagen lo merecido de su contrato.

carlos said...

Board look closely at your facility department your project managers need to be resigned or let go, they were part of Joe Rodriguez Corruption.

They lack experience and knowledge just visit school projects that they have manage.

We also don't need a maintenance coordinator he can't even drive him self to supervise school projects that need maintenance.

We need new blood !

Cesar Lopez you are doing a good job just need a new team.

Anonymous said...

You mean cronism estupido thinking like a gringo

Anonymous said...

The border town of McAllen, Texas ― population 145,000 ― in Vicente Gonzalez’s district didn’t have a single homicide last year, the congressman pointed out in an interview Saturday on MSNBC.

“The reality is McAllen is one of the safest cities in America,” Gonzalez said. “In fact, we’re the seventh safest city in America. We had zero murders the year of 2018.”

He added: “I can assure you McAllen is safer than any city the president has ever lived in. It’s much safer than New York City, it’s much safer than Washington, D.C. I could walk around the middle of the night in the city of McAllen without a single threat. ... This campaign rhetoric that has continued for two years really needs to stop. People need to look at FBI stats and reality.”

Anonymous said...

People, you are wondering if loosing Zendejas is a bad thing? Let me spell out a few things. She and her three amigos raised taxes. I still hear my elementary teacher colleagues complain there is no paper, basic supplies or technology in our elementary schools. How can this be when we increased our revenues by millions? The reason she got back into BISD was mainly board member Joe Rod. Once that was accomplished, Joe Rod began his quest to cover ALL athletic fields with artificial turf. After millions of dollars of unnecessary investment, it is speculated that Mr. Rod is somehow connected to the very company who installed the turf! That is a HUGE commission check Mr. Rod. Unethical, YES! Illegal, maybe. Conflict of interest ---for sure!
Here's another one; the district all of a sudden stops using a curriculum named APEX for (tutorial for college entrance exams or TSI)for students and switches to EDGENUITY out of Austin. There was no meetings to discuss this change, no decision to use the new software with a small sample or as a pilot project to see if the value was there, we simply made this change. The cost of the new software was in the millions. Guess who works for Edgenuity? Mr. Joe Rod's daughter who received a huge commission check as well. Folks this was all approved by our super and her three amigos each and every time. Why do you think the CFO left so suddenly? Why do you think the super NOW wants out quickly as well. There was so much corruption and lucrative favors extended I'm sure they realize that the FEDS are smelling something rotten. Enough is enough! God Bless The new Board as they try to help BISD get back on its feet and continue to serve our wonderful students and support the dedicated educators.

Anonymous said...

God bless the new board that seems to be retaking the reins of this messed up district. Zendejas didn't do anything but posting pictures of her, visiting the schools or public functions and getting good jobs for her cronies. This woman created a culture of intimidation by giving too much power to stupid idiots.

Anonymous said...

Continue to serve our wonderful students??? They were already being served by our superintendent. She was on campuses almost everyday and the children knew who she was and ran to great her and tell her stories. They now even ask for her cause she hasn't been around. Zendejas, as a previous blogger wrote, loved her job (except for those bosses of hers) and did it with a lot of heart. She is better off than having to put up with a bunch of pendejos who got elected.

Anonymous said...

Pat I see you can't keep my name out of your mouth. I see you have some hatred towards me and my family and I can live with that. Maybe you should run for school board and make change instead of complaining. People who read your remarks know you know nothing of what you speak. I already coached in High School you bafoon and did well winning district titles in Softball. You speak from the hip just to get people to hate me and it might work on the ignorant people who follow a whack job like you. Go to Faulk and you will get first hand how I have the credentials it takes to make positive change. Facts Facts Facts speak for themselves. Instead of spewing out trash go put in the time and see how I have affected change at Faulk. My student athletes would probably wouldnt let you in because they don't like drama queens. You are a bitter old man Pat and only extreme dog lovers forgive you for all of your mistakes. Real level headed people know you can never never be in a position of authority because you lack the integrity and character to do what is right! Maybe that is why you don't like me because I refused to let you hurt my city that I love. Good day Pat and stop shooting the finger at me every time you see me. Grow up!!

Charlie Atkinson

Anonymous said...

Hey pendejo Pat el pinche Atkinson has changed that school . They have won district in football four years in a row weii. Faulk has never been better than it is now so go check it out puto. Ya stop blaming people for your pendejadas. No vales dos cacahuates. No mames!!!!

Anonymous said...

Charlie Atkinson can write??$!@&$

Anonymous said...

Charlie, do you or do you not have your kinesiology degree or coaching endorsements. Coaching Little League or girls teams for your daughter does not make you a coach. Try taking all the classes that are on the degree plan of a physical educator and I can bet my bottom dollar that you would not make it pass the physiology and kinesiology classes never mind the chemistry and comparative anatomy classes. It may be possible to do well in junior high where they play flag football, but if you have such a great team at Faulk, why do the skills not transfer to Porter when they go to Porter?
This town needs to open their eyes and see the Atkinsons for what they really are - nothing but all for self. Go coach at Villa Maria!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dr.(?) laughing all the way to the bank.....

Anonymous said...

To Pat and Charlie, it's hard to believe that both of you guys were once our city leaders and now both of you are acting like a couple of punks fighting over a girl. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

Pathetic and desperate. Two words to describe Espy cronies. Get a life people. BISD was a great district before Espy flew in. It will be even better once she leaves. God bless Minerva Pena and her board for showing leadership. After waiting four years, we knew we could count on her to right the wrong of bringing Espy back to Brownsville. Barbacoa, tablets, scoreboards, turf, tax increase. What a disaster! Good riddance!

Anonymous said...

Callate el osico, Charlie. You’re a baboon. And your sister Silvia is a control freak.

Drew and Prici BELONG to Silvia.

Anonymous said...

I still think the firefighters are way ahead of PD and BISD in terms of incompetence, conveying their message though writing and making sense. Reminds me when I used to live in a turd world country (el southmost) similar to matamoros.

Anonymous said...

Trying to drive a wedge between Drue, Dr. Tipton, Minerva, Sylvia, Phillip by insulting them will not work. It worked on Cesar, Carlos, Joe last year. This board is a different board. They work well together and no one is making money from BuyBoard, BSN, or the City.

Anonymous said...

Two questions if we are on pointing fingers. How did the RrunnRrunn know about the item on the agenda before the agenda was posted. I point the finger at the school board member that needs to be identified as the snitch who is doing illegal stuff. Guess who?

Second, I read the agenda items and it is so stupid. How can they break a contract that was sealed, signed and delivered? Where is that stupid board lawyer who advices him. Dr. Z can come back at them for breach of contract.

The items are written as if the board is "willing to work things out" and that it is Dr. Z who is making demands. Of course, they want to clean themselves of the accusations that the public already has for them being involved in trying to get rid of Dr. Z since the Slate was elected and now being pulled by their nose by Sylvia. Let her finish working out the contract until the end of the year instead of paying her for doing nothing and then work on a settlement that is reasonable for her and for BISD. By law you will owe her those two years, so make your choice. Put more demands on her and ask for corrections but let her work out this school year and then settle. How can a group of people not see this as the best possible solution? Because Sylvia does not want it cause she swore revenge on Dr. Z. Another disappointment is someone who I now label as a two-faced back-stabber. It shows that all she ever said in public in relation to Dr. Z was only to brown-nose her to get to where she got. She has lost a lot of friends because she has now stabs several friends in the back. Guess who that is?

Anonymous said...

What about all the Administrators she reassigned? There are several in the food dept.

Anonymous said...

Keep Zendejas, get rid of the board.

Anonymous said...

Espy was brought in by the former School Board Majority, there was no reason to give Espy a 3 year extension, on top of what she already had coming. The former Board Majority could tell more than likely they were not going to be re-elected so the contract extension was done to make getting of her more difficult.

If Espy signed off on the money to pay for the remainder of the Score Board without the Board Approval or at least discussion, then that is "legal"grounds for her to be fired, plain and simple.

She's done and she knows it, that's why she is not putting up much of a fight.

Anonymous said...

Que onda Juan. Sylvia Atkinson didn't pay you to write that she didn't get her way this time. Ahh poor Sylvia didn't get a lawsuit she so desperately wanted. Cry Cry Cry Sylvia.

No more stories for you Juan. Zendejas won.

Anonymous said...

If zendejas is so guilty, then why did Pena, Atkinson and Tipton chicken out and abstained their vote instead of voting NO. Are they scared that she'll sue them. Tipton, you showed your true colors and it looks like you three met to decide on your plan for the vote.
