Monday, March 4, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: Well, looks like Charro Days barely dodged the norther with balmy weather for the three days. Then, one day after the festivities, bam!, a blue norther comes in. The parade was full of families and children because after all, it's about the kids. The Iwo Jima human sculpture by the USMC contingent drew applause from parade-goers and a group of protesters against the Border Wall and ICE was also on hand to voice their disapproval of national immigration policies.  


Anonymous said...

No blogger has written about the DA's nephew getting his 3rd dwi! Where is the outrage over this type of repeated gross mishandling of this young mans case!

Anonymous said...

He wanted to see if Janus Trump was going to be home this at the parade, when he was not there he went back to Mexico with the check for Janus Trump.

Anonymous said...

We all know what will happen to him, NOTHING, the same as the scumbag Rene Oliveria, corruption is rife here in Brownsville. The same as the sex scandal in Florida with Epstien, when the singer had sex with his neice he got 25 years in Jail, Epstien got 13 months in jail for having sex with 100 girls as young as 12 years later old, and he used them for his friends. One law for the rich, and one for the poor.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the bikes? Who has them?

Anonymous said...

3 strikes buddy! This is your 3rd DWI and your Uncle Luis looks like an Ass giving you chance after chance to make an idiot out of him. Mr. Saenz at least you shoukd be thankful that none of these 3 offenses took someone's life.

Anonymous said...

La Pulga has the bikes.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Joe Lopez was a Mexican, Epstien is a billionaire, his shit does not stink, like the scumbag Rene Oliveria and Luis Saenz

Anonymous said...

mazz or menos
