Candidate for City Commission At-Large "A"
As you may well know by now, there have been a lot of ill-intended questions pushed by supporters of anti-Carlos Guerrero opponents in the race for commissioner At-Large "A" insinuating I have no Platform and Work Plan to solve the many issues afflicting our city.
This is where I live and where I am raising my family and where I employ local people in my company. And like many of you, I have family living on both side of the Rio Grande.
I am not worried about the slanderous and libelous statements about my person in social media outlets because I am confident that I can prove them false in any court of law the moment I decide to do so.
Now I would like to talk about our city's issues and my personal vision for solutions with my supporters and all other citizens who have the best interests of our community at heart and share my concerns about the proper functioning of our City.
My plan includes a list of priorities - major and small - to address the problems that need to be fixed and which I will implement as soon as I’m elected in May. I firmly believe you are well acquainted with these concerns and I will focus on listening to your needs and making them my main priority.
Our small businessmen need someone to fight for lower utility rates for those who risk their own money to open a business. Our hard working people - the very element that makes our small local business succeed - need our encouragement and for us to provide them incentives to give them the chance to succeed. And that will also allow us to go out and bring new industries to our city. High utility costs and unfavorable tax rates will scare them away.
I will push very hard to bring our infrastructure to compliance with the appropriate level required to attract new industries that create better paying jobs for our young generation entering our local workforce. We can no longer ignore the negative impact our drainage and horrible pothole-pocked streets at all cardinal points of the city have on our city's appearance. I find this unacceptable. I will push and fight for more funds to help us accomplish this while concurrently seeking revenue sources and cost-cutting measures and reinforcing our commitment to critical areas such as our public safety.
My plan includes a list of priorities - major and small - to address the problems that need to be fixed and which I will implement as soon as I’m elected in May. I firmly believe you are well acquainted with these concerns and I will focus on listening to your needs and making them my main priority.
Our small businessmen need someone to fight for lower utility rates for those who risk their own money to open a business. Our hard working people - the very element that makes our small local business succeed - need our encouragement and for us to provide them incentives to give them the chance to succeed. And that will also allow us to go out and bring new industries to our city. High utility costs and unfavorable tax rates will scare them away.
I will push very hard to bring our infrastructure to compliance with the appropriate level required to attract new industries that create better paying jobs for our young generation entering our local workforce. We can no longer ignore the negative impact our drainage and horrible pothole-pocked streets at all cardinal points of the city have on our city's appearance. I find this unacceptable. I will push and fight for more funds to help us accomplish this while concurrently seeking revenue sources and cost-cutting measures and reinforcing our commitment to critical areas such as our public safety.
One of my highest priorities is to simplify our city's customer service and streamline our Building and New Business permitting departments by accelerating and simplifying the permits process.
We need to make sure that when our investors come in and ask for information in regards to business or building permits that they are given the proper attention and guided through the process in order to have a smooth and reasonably-priced process. We will show them that we are a business friendly city and are more than happy to help them succeed in their business. Their success is our success.
I will push for our administration to have frequent, if not daily meetings, with all departments, review performance reports and complains and hold each department accountable for issues brought up in their performance.
We need to make sure that when our investors come in and ask for information in regards to business or building permits that they are given the proper attention and guided through the process in order to have a smooth and reasonably-priced process. We will show them that we are a business friendly city and are more than happy to help them succeed in their business. Their success is our success.
I will push for our administration to have frequent, if not daily meetings, with all departments, review performance reports and complains and hold each department accountable for issues brought up in their performance.
Carlos - You are off to a fresh start. Change the policies of PUB and or
start the process of having the state law changed to allow electric competition and you are 99 % success !
Start with out of state electric advisors made up of 2 CPA's 2 attorneys,
2 electric engineers, 2 out of state lobby experts who cannot be bought
out by Texas lobby politicians and you are 99 % success !
Ask for a PUB electric Muller Report to change Brownsville ( the lack of the changes ) and you are 99 % success ! HOPE YOU GET THE HINT TO MAKE BROWNSVILLE GREAT FOR THE 1ST TIME SINCE 1945. GOOD LUCK CARLOS !
And republicans will say...." collusion" meanwhile Mueller did what he set out to do....prove and indict many people closely associated with the orange clown who did collude with Russia during the campaign.....but that doesn't matter to the trumpanzees. And if you guys think this was all going on under the orange clown's nose without him knowing about it then you're just stupid.
Daily meetings? LOL This is the land of Manana, carlos!
Right on Carlos. Reduce PUB’s rates. At least to a lower rate than McAllen.
Best solution is to just sell BPUB. Use that money to pay off debt for Sports park,
empty industrial parks, and the next white elephant, a new airport we can’t afford.
We should learn from Mexico about gov’t owned electric companies.
Their CFE is a corrupt disaster.
Who would trust a politician to run a power company?
Privatize PUB.
You're only ONE UNO vote you need a majority to make any changes and that's where the cut comes in. Scratch my back etc. What are you prepared to give up? Juanita and carlita are cut from the same cloth as mr. jeans. Big problem here. What abt the bike trails? Nobody wants them, if you want her vote the bike trails stay. This is for starters. PUB is major major problem, and than there's the port we need to stop paying taxes to that runaway train.
Carlos, it's not your time, and yes your associated with the Matamoros mafia types. You can have somebody help you write all these beautiful truths about what your going to do and how your going to do it, BUT we just don't buy it. It's to easy to sell yourself here in Brownsville and you my friend come from where temptation is part of politics and you will be tempted and you will fail to keep your integrity intact. We already have enough of those politicians don't need to add one more. Stay with your personal business and help Brownsville in other ways.
Just can't trust you with Brownsville's future!!
y manana never comes...
Yes, Carlos, but remember the Imp is not potent. He has no arrows in his quiver, only wet noodles! ha ha ha ha ha ha
PUB PUB PUB PUB the Electric rates need to go down or low because there is no TANASKA Plant coming to brownsville folks, we have been waiting for over 5 years time to cut this deal off. give citizens a refund or credit on their bills for the next 5 year pinche mayor Tony Bologne martinez el rey de los cool arrows.
6:19 PM
Assumers like 6:19 PM is what have Brownsville in its actual conditions of dysfunction, you afraid of new Blood with new ideas, assuming failure, assuming corruption is an easy way to sell yourself as an intelligent person, your assumptions are based in that, just assumptions, the guy has proven successful in his personal business, what make you think, he can't successfully help the Commission SUCCESSFULLY run a growing City like Brownsville, it is easy to identify commenters full of hate for Successful Mexican Americans, fortunately RACISM and Race Superiority is concentrated in just a small Elitist power hungry Group that slowly and discreetly have been working hard to take Mexican Americas down from City of Brownsville leadership, Sir we are too many, now educated, professional and successful Mexican Americans, this Elections, just made you come up from your under ground fight , now it is of public knowledge your intentions of bring us back 80 years and see us as uneducated, ignorant greasy Mexicans cheap labor animals as you Grandparents did.
Carlos distance yourself from the BEDC and GIBC as they are corupt to the core. Expose the Coruption of Jason Hilts, and stay away from the bad eggs.
Assuming you win, what is your approach to unite the rest of the commissioners and the mayor or even a majority vote to start your agenda for change? Tell us.
Mr. Guerrero, I am not a transplant from anywhere. I am a Brownsville native. I was born and raised in Brownsville, Texas. While your little manifesto is interesting, it really doesn't answer a whole lot of questions. I am not going to insult you and call you a member of "Los Juniors." I am simply going to ask you to address a couple of concerns I have that your article appears to answer, but doesn't really answer.
You state you were "born and raised here." Where, exactly, is here? South Texas? Matamoros? Brownsville? I ask because the perception is you are a member of the Matamoros elite, and when you address where you were born and raised, you simply say "here." That really doesn't clear up a whole lot.
Second, you mention the concern that you do not have a platform, or a plan, to solve the "many issues" that are affecting our city. From your writing, I can only see one issue that you are addressing - business and commerce.
You say high utility rates are one of the reasons why businesses stay away from Brownsville. You then go on to say you want to fight for lower rates...for people who risk their money to open a business. You own a business. I do not. This plank of your platform seems to benefit you. Carlos Guerrero and business owners, one, ordinary Brownsville citizens, zero.
You then go on to mention one of Brownsville's biggest problems - infrastructure. However, you still mention it in the interest of attracting new industries to Brownsville. You then go on to mention you will fight for more funds to help us accomplish this then you go on to mention cost-cutting measures. What are these cost-cutting measures going to be? Will you cut city jobs, city employee pay, or their hours? I wonder if that's why you need all those new businesses to come in and create new jobs, since you're looking to cut costs. This one is a push, since infrastructure improvements would help ordinary citizens, although I guess you could always just fix the roads that lead to these new industrial parks. All that said, maybe GURO Enterprise can get the road paving contracts.
You go on to mention making it easier for businesses to secure building permits, streamlining the process. Your article concludes with wanting Brownsville to be a business-friendly city.
Again, your platform really just reads "business, business, business, and more business." You can hardly blame people for thinking your run for office will be a self-serving enterprise.
None of these comments are slanderous or libelous. They are concerns from a Brownsville citizen and a voter. It is sad that some people are pathetic and will try to insult you by calling you names, but that's not what I'm doing. You mention holding people accountable. I would very much like you to address your "pro-business" platform. What are you planning to do for people who don't own businesses?
I want you to be Brownsville-friendly before you want Brownsville to be business-friendly. We have plenty of issues that need your attention that do not involve business or commerce.
When I say here I mean right here... now go home and get your shine box.
Looks like whoever wins in the coming elections we lose. Looks to me like every body running are addressing issues that concerns themselves and their cronies NOT THE CITIZENS OF THIS COMMUNITY.
Lol 10:52 AM
I was born in Nuevo Leon Mexico many years ago, learned a little English when I was 50( years old) and make redundancy in (years old) so you won't come up with a dull question like: 50 days or months? any intelligent person would understand than when he writes "here" he means Brownsville.
Let's look at Cowen, nothing to explain what he is going to do but just sit and look stupid like the current at large A commissioner. Trey has not to explain either, just his taco business downtown, what is left on the ballot? Brownsville is going still in the shit hole of stupidity, keep up the good work Mayor Martinez, another do nothing person.
Business, business, business-Why? Ali esta el dinero (mordidas, mordidas y mas). For business they propose the following: Cut the requirements, cut the cost of licenses, lower the fee to connect electricity , limit size of parking and allow bars near schools and churches, lower electric rates to business only, screw the residences they keep the higher rates. Crack down on new and additions to houses, raise the rates and raise taxes to the highest allowed by the state just like everything else.
On this election anybody that wins "WE LOSE".
All those commenters, complaining about candidates focusing in bringing business to Brownsville, and not thinking about them Citizens, please understand, bringing new business and Industry, is bringing new jobs for our City residents , how many of you had seen your just graduated kids leaving Brownsville, to go up North looking for a job opportunities to earn a better way of living, focusing in Business and Industry is focusing on you, your kids, your relatives and anybody needing a job, Carlos is a successful Company Owner, many families depend on the jobs their bread earned have at his Company, the reason he is running for City Commissioner is to along with the rest of City Commissioners, simplify and accelerate the process of permitting the establishing of new business and industries to create more jobs for you the Citizens, ass well to keep City's Customer Services accountable for any complains from you the Citizens.
LIke taco stands, retailers, pulgas, we need high paying jobs, industries that will come here because of an educated populas. The higher education sector needs to get their agendas together and not offer teaching certificates to everybody that enrolls or limit their choices the students have.
These so call politicians are only offering what they think WE need here and what we need here is not being offered by anybody running for an elected office.
To make things clear here means nothing and threats just makes a candidate look unelectable. This is not a third world country.
Funny how all you Guerrero supporters don't have any problems attacking my post, yet there still haven't been any answers to my questions.
A businessman running for office on a platform of helping businessmen doesn't do a whole lot for people who aren't businessmen or businesswomen.
And again, yes, where "here" is matters. Again, you all are so wrapped up in his misdirection, he doesn't answer where he is from. He tells us he attended Brownsville public schools, but he does not tell us where he's from.
When someone tells us they're running on a pro-business platform, wanting to lower utility rates for businesses, wanting to make it easier for businesses to set up shop because the permit process is too difficult, and wanting to fix the infrastructure to attract more businesses, they aren't addressing any of the concerns of the regular citizenry. You can insult me all you want, and you can question my intelligence, but the simple fact is this candidate hasn't said what he's going to do for the ordinary citizen.
You all mention he is a successful business owner and he's employing people here in town. Well, he certainly isn't doing it out of the goodness of his heart. I'm sure whatever company he has is turning a nice profit. He isn't in business because he's a humanitarian. He's in business because he's trying to mnake money.
I make no apologies for thinking a pro-business candidate who owns a business and is running on a platform promoting business is going to be good for his bottom line with not a whole lot left over for the ordinary citizens.
This is why Brownsville never moves forward. This is why bloggers call our fair city a "shithole" and a "third world" city. It is our civic duty to expect and demand answers from those who are running for office.
Then, when someone actually asks questions without calling anybody any names, the peanut gallery takes it personal, thinks it's an attack, then begins to attack the person who just wanted clarification and answers on the candidates' platform. It's a sad and pathetic state of affairs when someone gets attacked for asking a political candidate questions.
When some is so biased when questioning just certain candidate, we readers see it just as an attempt to cause controversy, when you ask where a candidate is from, you are just showing a complete ignorance of the actual political races, all candidates had stated where they are from many many times here, it their political propaganda, in their public appearances, so if you don't know from where a candidate is, then you are just a Gadfly trying to annoy some one,
Convoluted can't win for lose, its yes when its really no and its no when its really yes. Just like the bikes give away. First everybody wanted to take the credit now nobody wants to take the blame.
Some posts here start with a yes and end with a no others start with a no and end with a yes. SO CONVOLUTED!
@ March 26, 2019 at 12:09 PM
He's the subject of the article, who else am I supposed to question? His article says he is trying to clarify things, and he hasn't clarified a whole lot of anything other than being pro-business. And when he is accusing a California transplant for questioning where he's from, then where he's from is at the very heart of the matter.
Just because you're annoyed doesn't mean that was my intention. I have absolutely no control over your dislike of my asking questions of a candidate for office. I have asked plenty of other candidates questions, and I will continue to do so, whether or not it annoys you. You're the one displaying your ignorance because I'm questioning a political candidate, as is my right to do so. I make no apologies for wanting to make an informed decision rather than voting for someone because he "looks like a nice guy," or "is off to a fresh start." In his little manifesto, he hasn't addressed one single concern that doesn't have anything to do with business and commerce. I care about downtown. I care about adding more first responders. I care about infrastructure improvements to benefit those who live here. I care about reducing the public utility rate and getting to the bottom of the Tenaska debacle. I care about the environmental impact and the financial impact of the LNG plants and SpaceX. I care about a hell of a lot more than making it easier for business owners to obtain permits. Brownsville has real problems, and I would like to know what his real solutions are, not buzzwords like "transparency" and "accountability." If he wants my vote, he's going to have to tell me why he deserves it. If all that annoys you, then too bad. If you think I'm being an ignorant gadfly, I couldn't care less.
And @ March 26, 2019 at 12:35 PM...
What the hell are you babbling about? I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
@March 26, 2019 at 2:06 PM
You sound like a female that just gave bith and cooing. Can't figue it our, tough shit porque eres un estupido and as voting for your croney forget about it.
I don't want to see a bunch of taquerias y tortillerias y pulgas y piojos all over this place. Good Riddance
@ March 26, 2019 at 2:06 PM
Lol, seems like you care about a lot of things, but at least they are running for a public office to try to fix some or all the things, you care so much about it, but you, what are you doing? Anonymously gad flying,
annoying just a certain Candidate, you look like a certain Mexican Americans hater, since your first comment many of us noticed your intentions of engaging in a comments war, I just answered your comments a few times just to prove we where't wrong, Bye Bye Felicia, look another way to harm a Candidate you don't like for being a Mexican America Pocho
And this is why things will never change. Someone asks questions, and instead of answers gets attacked. More of the same for Brownsville. The whole lot of them just a bunch of self-serving interesados.
@ March 26, 2019 at 9:31 PM
Complaining about my anonymous comments while commenting anonymously yourself. The very definition of hypocrisy. I'm sure you're a rabid supporter of the candidate, if you aren't the candidate yourself. It has nothing to do with being Mexican or Mexican-American, as I'm also a Mexican-American, but since you've clearly made up your mind and decided to take my questions as an attack, I'm sure I'm simply wasting my time.
Again, instead of having a discussion about something, you have to turn it into a personal attack. So be it. I'm not going to waste any more of my time trying to convince you otherwise. Why would I bother wasting any more of my time with someone who signs off with "Bye Bye Felicia" and can't even spell properly?
People like you are why Brownsville will never advance.
Week People Revenge
Strong People Forgive
Intelligent People IGNORE
WeeK oh you mean weak intelligent you are NOT. Suprise you didn't typed WIC
Listen Listen they should buy a hopital since they want to eliminate the inspection dept and the health dept and other agencie that inspect those new establishments.
I say hospital because we will see more taco poisoning and if they sell spoil bbq meat to bisd the hospital business will be booming.
Do you think you are convincing people to vote for you by insulting the voters???
Ha ha ha ha ha ha week ha ha ha ha ha ha!
If he's smart he'll change his campaign manager if he has one. No te esta ayudando tu contricante se esta viendo mejor parece que te estan usando. Muy muy mal estas quedando aqui tu manejante de tu campana no te esta ayudando
Con lo que se dijo aqui yo ya no voto por usted.
There are 180,000 or so citizens in Brownsville and only 6 commissioners and 1 mayor.. to which about 3 people run for office at each position. The rest of the 160,000 people aren't running for office and all complain.
You're "what are you doing? anonymously glad flying" is a tremendously stupid statement..
"Government of the people, for the people, by the people" actually means something.
You've stated your IQ.
Don't vote for this guy. He is as shady as his campaign SUV that was the asshole ahead of me in the traffic light. The guy is out to make people crash on purpose.
How will you pay for these ideas?
@March 30, 2019 at 1:28 PM
With your's and my tax monies nothing new here just like the bike and hike trails and a lot of other pet projects de estos pendejos...
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